

Who says relocating is fun, such person has got to be kidding me. For some people it could be fun but for me it is not at all, I mean who would want to leave the big city of New York and move to a small village in England because her mum just walked into her room one day and said, 'Bree we are relocating to a small town in England' oh because she is still underage and still need an adult to look after her, I and my mum are very much aware I can take care of myself just fine without an adult supervision.

Hey my name is Aubree, I'm 18 not exactly I'm 17 but will be 18 next four month and I can't wait. I'm the second of two children, my brother Dalton is in the military, I always wished I had another sibling but I wish no more because I'm an aunt, my brother is married with a three years daughter. Pauline is such a cutie, I'm happy because Pauline and her mum Helen also moved with us.

My mum never actually speaks of my father and I didn't bother asking her because anytime I bring the topic up she becomes mute and refuses to say anything after 'your father is a good man if she has used past tense I would have know he is dead but he his not dead according to my mum.

I'm in my room unpacking my luggages from new York, my room is big enough to have a slumber party. The house is not that bad, it a five bedroom duplex with an ensuite toilet and bathroom in each room.

Picking a frame that has the pictures of my bestfriends, I remembered our name in school, the inserprable trio, I guess we can't be the inserprable anymore but I'm glad we are still best of friends, when I told them about me moving the both of them burst in tears, I couldn't help but join in the crying feast, lol don't mind me it wasnt a feast it was just... whatever the important thing is that we cried, they helped in packing my luggages and we held a big slumber party the night before we moved.

Thinking about it made me imagine how my 18th birthday would be like, without my two bunny, they could come that is if they are ready to come without thinking about the distance.

Aftet two hours of chaos arrangements, my room looked a bit clean but I wasn't ready for deep cleaning of my room I'm really famished, I climb down the stairs and move towards the kitchen.

"Bree". I jolt up in shock at sound of my mother's voice.

"Mum, why did you sneak up on me out of nowhere"? I asked her, "nowhere" she said putting her second finger on her chin pretending to be in thought.

"Mum, you sneaked up on me" I said opening the fridge in the kitchen" I added that last part for her to stop her comic look.

"Oh you mean the kitchen I'm in before you entered" she said, I shake my head in wonder and opened the fridge I should have know nothing will be inside since we just moved but the left over of the pizza we had on our way here sat in the fridge staring at me, I picked it out plugged the microwave set the timer to 20 seconds and placed the two piece of pizza into it.

I leaned my buttom on the slab waiting for the timer to go off.

"Mum you should probably write the grocery we need to buy so I could go get them" I said.

"Do you know your way around here, I don't want you getting hurt" she said, I look into my mother's eyes trying to figure out if what I heard is coming from her. I mean there is no harm in her worrying but when we where in new York mummy doesn't really care if I get hurt she knew I could fend for myself all she does back in NYC is for me to tell her about my movement that all, so she telling me that she doesn't want me to get hurt made me laugh.

The beep of the timer made me turn towards the microwave switching off the microwave opened it and placed the pizza onto a disposable plate. I took a bite from my pizza stopping myself from moaning as I savor the taste before speaking.

"Mum you've got to be kidding me, I can take care of myself just fine". I said to her still munching on my pizza.

"You don't understand anything" she said looking at me with pity. What is wrong with this woman she is never like this.

"Mum, you were the same person that told me to try fitting in and I'm trying to do that by trying to find my way around this place" I said eating the last piece of pizza.

"You don't have to worry I and Helen will get) it tomorrow with other things". She said I really don't understand her over caring attitude or should I say over protective attitude.

"Mum! I can definitely go myself, moreover by the time pauline and Helen would be done unpacking they would be famished" I said taking a bottled water from it pack drinking from it.

"Is there a way I can stop you from going"? She asked worry consuming her face, this new attitude is getting me to wonder, is NYC not more risky than this small village, I have to start referring this place as a town.

"No mum there is nothing you are going to say or do that is going to change my mind" I said standing erect with my arms folded together with one left brow raised in a matter of fact attitude.

"If you say so, pass me the pen and the grocery book" she said sighing deeply, I handed the pen and book to her. She scribble somethings down and gave me the book together with her credit card.

"Mum can I take the car, I bet any police officer will hold me for underage driving". I said

"Go ahead and take it" she said, what tha... I wasn't expecting her to give me the go ahead. Anyways if she could let me take the car I fucking love her new behavior. I picked the keys from the table and rushed out of the house before she changes her mind.

Stepping out of the house I breath the fresh breeze of nature, the one thing I love about this house is the forest that surrounds it, looking at the trees makes me want to leap into it. I laughed silently at my ridiculous thought.

I entered into my mum's toyota corolla, I reverse and drove back in the path, I look into the rear mirror and saw my mum standing on the porch. What is getting this woman worked up with my safety, what every is getting her agitated I like it cause I get to drive. I remind myself to video call my bestfriends when I get home.

I stepped in to the first gorcey store I saw, I took a cart and wheel it putting varieties of goods from bag of rice to crate of eggs, gallon of milk, cereals, bucket of ice cream I can't trade that for any thing and other stuff she listed.

As I was picking all the stuff I noticed trails of eyes follow me, what kind of creep thing is that tho I loved the attention but it was get too much, I moved to the cashier to pay for the things I got but was shocked when he asked me not to pay. Ohhhh they must be really welcome in this town, he packed it and asked one of the cleaners to carry it with me to my car, as I pass by I heard people whispering, 'the Beta daughter is back', 'does she still have the mark' and others I couldn't pick well. I really don't understand what they were saying maybe it is the new gist in town, I have to start making friends.

The cleaner put the goods into the booth I gave him a dollar for his assistance he refused at first but when I insisted he accepted it. As I was about to open the driver's side to seat, a blond girl about my age came toward me stretching out her hand and said;

"Hi i'm Dorothy, if you don't mind I want to be your friend since you are new here you will need a tour guide". She said still stretching her hands. hummm I look this girl instantly she is direct and I like her she looks like someone I shouldn't mess with. I shake her hand back.

"I'm Aubree, but just call me Bree for short and it nice meeting you, I was just heading home when you came, why don't I have your number so we could talk about seeing more of each other". I said and we exchanged numbers, I promised I will call her.

I step into the car and drove off I couldn't stop thinking about the girl i just met she seem so confident and powerful, when I saw her I was so close to bowing down to her but I resisted the urge.

I drove into our drive way and saw a car sitting in our garrage, it looks exactly like the car my brother brings when ever he comes home back in NYC but what would Dalton be doing here I thought he wasn't going to come until the next five months, that's the interval of his visit to us then.

I know you might be thinking it might be one of the town member visiting mother, but I have thoroughly inspected this car and it matches with my brother's, I guess you we will confirm who it is when I get inside.

As I get closer to the door I heard my mother's voice saying something about why is your father not here with you or something like that.

I opened the door and came face to face with my brother.

"Dalton" I said in shock..