
Chapter 02

Mark awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding himself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, his eyes were still shut as he soaked in the warmth of his covers before letting his golden brown eyes see the sun's rays.

He then decided to check his phone and saw that there was a message coming from his mom.

'Mark baby, I've asked a favour from Eun-Hee to prepare a breakfast for you and she gladly accepted it. Go and freshen up and thank her for the breakfast. See you soon hun ! Love you!'

- Mom

Mark smiled happily at the text and replied an 'I love you' to his mom then switched off his phone and put it by the night stand, to go and take a shower.


In the shower, the water pours down, it drips by Mark's side, as his mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms him; it takes his mind of things. All the things he honestly don't care about. It's the water. His mind swirls, and it's like He is standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, he know that now.


After Mark cleaned himself up, he went to pick out his clothes. He the decided to wear

Mark did not bother to style his hair since it is the weekend today and he is usually damn lazy on those days so he just combed through his hair to look at least presentable in front of the neighbours. After everything is settled, Mark took his phone and left to his neighbour's house not forgetting his house keys with him.


Since Eun-Hee and So-Eun's house is only a few minutes away, he decided to walk instead.

When Mark arrived in front of the Kim's doorstep, he pressed the intercom button, waiting for Eun-Hee to come out with his breakfast in hand.

Meanwhile, Eun-Hee who was setting up the dining table for breakfast, heard the intercom ringing and immediately rushed to answer it, putting everything. aside.

Eun-Hee opened the door and was greeted by Mark's charming smile.

"Morning Eun-Hee, Mom said that you already prepared breakfast for me." Mark said.

"Ah, please wait for a while." Eun-Hee replied.

She then rushed up to So-Eun's bedroom who was still asleep, to wake her up . Why ? Because Mark is off limits to her. So-Eun said so.

So-Eun, who was snoring so damn loud got awoken by Eun-Hee shaking her a bit too hard.Which make her wake up and glared at her.

"What the fuck do you want slave ?" So-Eun gritted her teeth.

"U-uh M-Mark is here t-to have his breakfast." Eun-Hee stammered.

"What ?!" By mentioning Mark's name, she stood up and quickly went to the bathroom to get herself ready and dolled up for Mark to see and compliment.

"Hurry the fuck up and get my clothes ready ! Don't just stand there like a wooden block dimwit and tidy up my bed for me will you ?" So-Eun shouted inside the bathroom.

Eun-Hee without wasting any time, quickly went to her sister's closet and pick out this outfit of her sister to wear.

After that, she quickly tidy up her bed and asked her sister for permission to leave.

"Unnie, I have done what you asked for may I take my leave now ?" Eun-Hee said.

"Scram." So-Eun flatly answered.

Eun-He just simply nodded her head, not daring to do or say anything. Afraid that her sister would blow up on her.

"Wait. Let Mark in and you know what you should do right ?" So-Eun gazed intensely at Eun-Hee.

"Yes. I need to go and pretend to be sick in front of him." Eun-Hee replied.

"Good now scram." So-Eun tell her off.

Eun-Hee then left the room to open the door to let Mark in then, started to fake a coughing fit in front of him.

It was whooping cough for sure. She was hacking continuously for a while then taking in a sharp gasp of breath.


When Mark went into the house, he expected to be greeted by Eun-Hee but instead So-Eun's figure came into his view.

She stood in front of him with a smile plastered across her face, bowing slightly to Mark.

Maybe it was due to the dim lights yesterday or maybe because of his tired eyes that he was not able to have a clear view of So-Eun's face. But now, when he was able to see her face clearly because of the bright sun rays shinning across her face, his heart flutter and he was flustered since he never knew that So-Eun is so pretty.

To Mark, she was as pure as the first rain drop from heaven. Her hazel eyes illuminated the summers. She had a radiant face with brilliant shine, high arched nose and the tiny curve on her lips had answers for all. The dark hair cascading down her face covered a dimple. She was materialized with lavish beauty.

Mark immediately labelled So-Eun and the 'pretty and gentle' type. Mark immediately bowed and flashed her a smile back.

So-Eun passed Mark a fresh new pair of indoor slippers.

"Please wear these Mark-ssi." So-Eun said in a very gentle tone.

Mark thanked her and wore those slippers.

"Alright, this way please." So-Eun leads Mark into the house. When Mark stepped into So-Eun's house, he was very amazed that everything was squeaky clean and well organised.

Mark followed So-Eun into the dinning table and at the very moment  he was served an enormous platter of food. Radish, Kimchi, Korean Pancakes, Ginseng, Chicken Soup, Seasoned Chicken and Beef and Black Bean Noddles.

A tureen of fruit sits in ice to keep it chilled. The basket of rolls they set before me would keep my him going for a week. There's an elegant glass of orange juice.

So-Eun took a seat first and invited Mark to seat down and eat afterwards. Mark smiled and settled down while his eyes was wandering around searching for Eun-Hee whereabouts. Wondering, where could she be.

Just Then, Eun-Hee's figure emerged from the kitchen while faking a series of dry cough which fortunately attracted Mark's attention.

Mark immediately sets his eyes on Eun-Hee's small figure. Even though, Soft wisps of that ashy brown hair swept past an ear and caressed the skin of her neck, jaw, cheeks and around her rather beautiful, deep eyes. Those cerulean-glass eyes rimmed with thick, long, dark lashes that brushed her cheeks every time she closed her eyes, seemed to bore into him every time he looked into them and nearly lost himself. Mark could not stop staring at Eun-Hee. Her eyes looked mesmerising.

So-Eun noticed that Mark has been starring at Eun-Hee for only god knows how long it was so she clears her throat to snap Mark out it trance.

"Eun-Hee, aren't you sick ? Why do you keep walking around ? I told you to go to your room and rest right ?" So-Eun started to sweet talk like a caring sister to Eun-Hee when it was all an act actually. To give Mark a good impression of her.

Eun-Hee looked at her sister and So-Eun just glared at her. Signalling to her that Mark belongs to her and only her.

Eun-Hee realised that this was all an act and decides to to forge out a sore voice to pretend that she has a sore throat.

"S-sorry unnie, I am going to rest now. Please enjoy your meal." Eun-Hee muttered.

When Eun-Hee started to walk away, without thinking, Mark stood up and grabbed her wrist, which stopped Eun-Hee in her tracks and she turned around to face Mark.

That very moment, Eun-Hee sees Mark looking at her with concern written all over his face and their eyes met. Mark gazed deeply into her eyes which made Eun-Hee melts into his gaze not wanting to break her stare away from Mark.

At that moment, Eun-Hee's face grew as red as a tomato and Mark thought that she was really having a fever. He  immediately felt Eun-Hee forehead with is hand which made So-Eun really angry and jealous. So, before Mark could ask her if she is alright, So-Eun harshly pulled Eun-Hee away from his grip.

So-Eun's actions startled both Mark and Eun-Hee. Still, Mark was not able to tear his gaze away from her. He just kept staring at Eun-Hee with a worried expression plastered on his face.

So-Eun saw Mark's expression and decided to play nice.

"Oh don't worry Mark-ssi, I will bring Eun-Hee up to her room to rest. She will be fine." So-Eun put on her sweetest smile she could afford in front of Mark and she took Eun-Hee upstairs to her room.


So-Eun took Eun-Hee to her room roughly slammed the door shut which terrified Eun-Hee. She was about to say something when So-Eun slapped her face hard.

The slap was as loud as a clap and stung her face. It had been an open-handed smack and it had left a red welt behind. Just below her eye was a small cut where So-Eun's ring had caught her. She staggered backwards, clutching her face, eyes watering.

A pair of tears slid down her cheeks.

"Did you forget what I've told you ?! I warned you to stay away for Mark !" So-Eun screamed at Eun-Hee.

Eun-Hee just nodded her head looking down.

"So why did you not pull away from him and walk away ?!"  So-Eun asked her with venom in her voice.

To be honest, Eun-Hee too, did not knew why she could not let go. Mark's eyes were so mesmerising and it made her lost in her thoughts just by gazing into his eyes. Eun-Hee felt safe. Really safe when she is with Mark.

So-Eun could not contain her anger so she pushed Eun-Hee with brutal force which made Eun-Hee fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Stay here until Mark leaves. Don't you even dare come out you fucking whore. Do you understand ? Or do you need a beating to let it get inside your small head ?" So-Eun said.

Eun-Hee quickly shook her head in understanding.


It has been 15 minutes and So-Eun still has not showed up. He was growing impatient and worried about Eun-Hee. All sorts of thoughts were going on in his mind.

The sound of the door closing startled Mark from his thoughts and he looked up to see So-Eun smiling at him.

Mark stood up and asked, " How is she ? Is she okay ?" He asked with worry in his voice.

So-Eun was getting irritated that Mark did not focus on her but kept asking about Eun-Hee instead. She calmed down and contain her anger from showing.

"She is fine. She just needs some rest. She just went to sleep after I gave her the medicine to ease off her fever. Shall we eat then ?" So-Eun replied as gentle as possible.

Mark just smiled as he was relieved and nodded his head.

Mark decided to taste all the various dishes bit by bit. To his surprise, it was freaking delicious. Mark was like a happy child eating happily with his charming smile that never left his handsome face. He was curious who cooked and prepared all these dishes so he asked So-Eun.

"Wow all of these are very delicious. Who cooked all this ?" Mark asked in excited and eagerness. Wanting to know.

So-Eun was very pissed off because Mark was complimenting the dishes that were all made by Eun-Hee herself and not hers. But, she calmed herself down as acted as cool as possible. Her smile still intact across her face.

"Me. This was all made by me." So-Eun proudly said.

"Oh. What about Eun-Hee ? My mom told me that she was the one that made all the breakfast for me." Mark immediately asked wondering if his mom was right.

"Uh... Well, E-Eun-Hee was sick so I took her place instead because she asked me to." So-Eun replied, trying her very best not to stammer and make a explanation that could make sense to Mark.

"Wow. Impressive. You could become a good wife for me.. Haha..." Mark jokingly said.

With that, So-Eun blushed and smiled at him. Thanking Mark for his compliment.

Deep down in her thoughts she says

Of course I am going to be your wife....
