
Chapter 1 Fayra

Long ago Dragons lived all across the world. They live alongside humans coexisting, neither side bothering the other.

But one day... greed began to fill the hearts of humans. They began to take the dragons, young and train them or sell them. Using them only for their own benefits. Wars were started and millions of people and Dragons died.

By the time the wars were done dragons were no longer seen on the face of the earth.

"It has been 300 years since the last dragon was seen and the only thing that changed was time," Fayra said to a group of small children. "So there are no more dragons?" A little girl asked. "I think there are," Fayra answered. "I just believe they think it is safer to hide," she added.

"Your highness," a black haired knight said, approaching Fayra. "We have received a message from the imperial palace" he told her. "Well what is it?" Fayra asked. The knight leaned down into her ear. "It seems you have received an official Proposal, your highness" he whispered. Fayra looked up at him, shocked. "It's Not nice to jest about something like that Sir Johnathan" she told him.

"I'm afraid it is no jest," he replied. Fayra stood up from her seat. "I'm afraid I must go, children I'm sorry" Fayra told them and quickly walked out of the orphanage. Johnathan helped Fayra onto the carriage. "This truly is not some sort of prank?" Fayra asked. "I'm afraid not your highness" he told her as she sat down. "Let us hurry back then" she said as Johnathan closed the carriage door.

Princess Of Alden, Fayra Alden First Princess, and Second in line for the throne. Her whole life she knew the possibility of her one day becoming the queen of Alden was low, but that didn't matter to her. She knew her brother would be a good king just as she knew she would have to marry in order to create better relations for her kingdom.

But even though she knew that... when she had come of age and had not received a single proposal, she knew it was because of how the world saw her. The Cursed Princess.

"Fayra" her brother greeted her as she got off the carriage. "William... I thought you were out checking the border until a month from now" Fayra said hugging her older Brother. His name was William Alden, first prince and heir to the throne of Alden. He looked completely different from Fayra, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. Their eyes were their only similarities as Fayras hair was as black as night. That was the reason the world referred to her as the cursed princess.

"I was but a sudden feeling I didn't like surged from within me so I rushed back and it seems so as I was right since my dearest sister has received a proposal" he told her. "You no not what the proposal even says nor where it's from William" she replied. "Come now, father is awaiting me. since you're here you might as well hear what it has to say as well" she said grabbing his arm and pulling him inside.

When they got to their fathers office she knocked on the door. "Enter" her father said and the door opened. "Is it true?" Fayra Asked as the door closed behind them. "Have I truly received a proposal?" She asked again. "A fairly good one I'd say" her father replied.

"What do they offer?" William asked. "First who are they?" Fayra asked. "Enough!" Their father snapped. "The proposal came from the Kingdom of Bennett, they wish to open trade routes in order to establish better trade with our kingdom" he told them. "That would benefit both sides greatly," Fayra said. "Yes it would," her father said.

"I think it would be best if we do it," Fayra told her father. "WHAT!" William said shocked."Is that truly what you wish?" Her father asked "no way, you would truly sell her" William asked. "Will… we need this trade, Bennett is known for their cheap high quality items, if we begin trade it would help not only the nobles but the common folk as well" she told him.

"She is correct, son and it's better she marries of her own choice then one we force upon her" their father told him "why must she marry at all?" William asked. "Brother It is my duty as princess of Alden to marry in order to Benefit Alden, so please let me help you become known as a great king one day by doing this" she pleaded with him. "So be it" he told him before leaving the office.

"I'll send a reply, you may go" the king said. Fayra bowed her head and left the office. Marriage... was she truly going to be married? Was she ready to be married? Perhaps that didn't matter. "Your highness," Johnathan said, greeting Fayra. "I am to marry the prince of Bennett," Fayra told Johnathan. "The Prince of Bennett?" Johnathan questioned. "Yes" she said "Elijah Bennett" she added.

"Your Majesty a reply has Arrived from the kingdom of Alden" Aiden the Secretary to the king of Bennett said as he entered his office.

"It took long enough," the king said, taking the letter from Aiden. The king Cut open the letter and began to read it. As he did a small smirk appeared on his face. "Good news, your majesty?" Aiden questioned. "Very" said the king. "King Alexander Alden has agreed to our terms of marriage with Elijah, we should prepare for the Arrival of Princess Fayra Alden" the king said.."of course your majesty" Aiden said with a bow. "Did you by chance inform the king of alden of your true intentions?" Aiden asked the king, looking up at him slightly annoyed.

"Of course not," the king said. "Only a fool would sell their daughter's Soul" the king told him. "All we need do is come up with a good excuse once she's gone. It is that simple" said the king.