
Mark Him Not

CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING Started: May 22, 2020 I was born in this world having the sex organ of a man. So basically, I'm a man. However, I could get pregnant, too, like female species. Why? Oh, it's because I'm an Omega, specifically a recessive one. That is my second gender. I've never felt troubled with my second gender before like other omegas. I've been in such a protective and loving family. My mother always sheltered me with a lot of loving and care. My father was always there to protect and guide me. I also have two incredible older brothers. They're twins, yet they watch and love me in their own way. I also have my reliable beta best friend. He's my partner in crime, and I'm so thankful to him. Like I'd said, I never felt troubled about my second gender, but that was before I've met my 'fated mate'. The person who was sent by God to love me. And... my fated mate was really unexpected. Because even before I found out that he's my mate... he's already part of my life.

DriewNrocinu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 5: Gift

Chapter 5

"He left me..."

I smiled bitterly. So in the end he still left me. He left without saying any words.

"I'm such a fool..." I touched my neck where my bite mark is located. I never thought that shit will cause a lot of disruption in me.

I sighed then get off my bed. It was 6:30 in the morning as the clock stated. I'm still wearing my dirty uniform from yesterday. But, I don't know how the hell did I end up here in my room. Did my alpha bring me here?

I cleared my mind from those thoughts. I should attend my class because my alpha told me so. Normally, I'm the one who's excited and always ready to go to school. I'm a top student and I exceed in every field in school. I am a taekwondo athlete, a swimmer and I'm also part of the student council. I never do anything that'll disappoint my father and mother. However, I don't know what's gotten into me. My body says to go back to bed and don't mind other shits but my mind says otherwise. I'm being crazy, literally.

I removed my clothes and went to the bathroom. Before taking a bath, I stared at myself in the mirror. My alpha's bite mark is visible. Even the bruises I got from yesterday were also visible. I can't risk being seen with it by my mother and father. They knew nothing about it. I sighed.

I took a bath for a few minutes then dry myself. Before I stepped out of the bathroom, I placed a plaster on my neck. Maybe, I'll put some make-up on it later to cover it up. Putting plaster on it every day might worry mother and father.

My dirty uniform was too damaged to wear. Good thing I still have few pairs, so I wear one of them. I thought I lost my bag but it looks like my alpha bought it with us.

Meeting my alpha was the most unexpected thing that happened in my years of living. I was lucky that I happened to call him during that night when I underwent my heat cycle.

"Wait a minute..." the sudden flashbacks made me realize something, I call him that night! I haven't deleted my call history for a long time, for sure his name is still in it!

I look at my damaged backpack if my phone was there, it isn't, so I looked at my bag. I'm sure, I haven't touched it yesterday.

"Come on bitch, come out," I said desperately. That phone is the only key to my alpha's identity.

'I'm sorry, my alpha. I'm breaking your second rule...' I thought.

Unfortunately, instead of finding my phone, I had found a black box. "What's this?" I tried to open it. It's a new cellphone! And it has a paper on it. It's a letter.

Badum. Badum.

I'm nervous. I know this is from my alpha. And so I read the letter.

'I'm sorry for leaving you, I do however the time is too soon, my omega. There's a lot of things I need to accomplish and I assure you that all the things I'm doing are for our future. Wait for me, my omega. Time will come that you and I will be at each other's side.

P.S. Your phone is wrecked, don't look for it. I bought you a new one. Don't try to change it. Wait for my call. See you soon, my omega.'

That's it? No more further explanation?

"My alpha... you're driving me crazy."

I crumpled the paper and threw it on the trashcan. I sighed then took the phone out of the box and put it inside of my bag.

"Time to move on Kyle." I tried to convince myself or more like fooling myself. This is fucking hard.

I breathe in few more times before leaving my room. The laughter and chatter from the dining area reached the stairs. I can hear my mother talking to somebody.

"Who's that?" I asked when I entered the dining room.

"Kyle!" Mother yelled with happiness. "Say hi to your brother!" she added then faced the tablet in front of me. It was my older brother, Felix. He's talking to his mother through video calling.

"Hey, lil bro. How's life?"

"Yo, Felix." I greeted him. "It's fine but your face ruined it. Hideaway bas--- Ouch! Mother!" I yelled when Mother pinched me.

"Stop it, Kyle Eulesis Garcia. You're being disrespectful to your brother," Mother said with glaring eyes. Damn, mother called me using my full, she's really angry.

"Hahahaha! Uh-oh! You made mother angry, li'l bro!" The bastard said.

"You too, Felix Ashton! Don't tease your brother too much!"

"What? Why me? I haven't done anything here!". He said. I stuck out my tongue to annoy him more. "You li'l brat!"

"Stop it, both of you." Mother said, then handed me the tablet. "Talk to your brother for a while. I'm going to prepare breakfast. Bye, Felix. Call you later." Mother waved at the screen.

"Bye, mother." He also waved at mother. When my mother goes to the kitchen, I took the tablet and went to the garden.

"So, what's your plan for your birthday?" Felix asked.

I shrugged. "Stay at here home. Maybe eat some pizza with mother and father. Are you coming home?"

He shook his head. "Sorry li'l bro, I can't make it."

"Figured. You've been saying that for whole 5 years I've been asking you." I said. "How about Calix?"

He laughed. "You know your brother. The world may end but he will never leave his job."

"Well, I figured that already. He loves his job as a doctor more than other things."

"You mad at him?" He asked. I can see that he's worried.

"Nope," I answered. " I'm used to it. When you guys moved out 8 years ago, I know that everything will change."

"I visited before, right?"

"That's was 3 years ago, dummy. While the last time I saw Calix was 5 years ago. I bet I'll be having a hard time recognizing you guys, especially Calix. I don't even know what he looks like now. Every time my mother's calling him, I'm not around. I haven't talked to him for years!" I said.

Both of my brothers were not living with us. They're in the main city. Felix works as a literature professor, while Calix works as a doctor. The twins left our house when they turned 18. I don't know what did they tell to mother to let them move out of the house. My parents were pretty strict and protective of us, that's why it's a mystery how they got their permission.

'Unfair! I begged a hundred times before mother and father let me stay at John's house for a night!' I thought.

"Aww, my li'l bro miss us!" He said dramatically. "I want to hug and kiss you right now!"


"LOL! Hahahhaha! Anyways, if you miss Calix, just look at my face! But I have gray hair while he has black hair. So just try to imagine him in me. Just imagine me but less handsome than I am with black hair. There! That's Calix!"

"Calix is way cooler and handsome than you, Felix," I said bluntly.

"How dare you?! I'm cooler!"


"And who told you?" He's not backing down.

"I heard from the neighbors before. They said that they preferred Calix because he's quite unlike you."

"Ouch," he said while touching his heart. "Ouch. Ouch. You're hurting me, lil bro."

I laughed. "Cut it off fool."

"Hmmph!" What a child.

"Ok. Ok. I take it back, okay? You're way cooler and handsome."

"Really?! That's what I'm thinking also!" Then he laughed. Retard. "By the way, Kyle, why do you have plaster on your neck."

I panicked. "Oh, this? Uhmm..." Come on, Kyle, think for an alibi. "A cat! Yes! A cat scratches me yesterday. The stray cat scratch me when I tried to touch him."

He frowned. "A cat? Scratch at your neck?"

"Y-yes..." oh shit, take that alibi, Felix.

"Judging from the size of that plaster that must be a big scratch."

"Ah, yes. Hehehe" fuck, I'm nervous.

"You should take care of yourself." Shit, did he take it? "Calix and I are not there with you. Stop touching unnecessary things. That might harm you." He said with worried eyes.

"Yes, yes. I know." I said. I was about to say something when I hear some noise in his background. "What was that?"

" Oh, that was Calix." He said then slightly tilted the screen then I saw a figure of a man wearing white long sleeves and black pants. "Calix, look! It's Kyle!"

The guy looked at the camera then smiled. "Wait, I'm going to change." He said something but it was unclear to hear. Calix waved his hand on the camera then walked away. Felix faced the camera again.

"What does he said?" I asked.

"He'll change his clothes. He just got home from the hospital. His night shift just finished. Want me to look after him? Do you want to talk to him?

"No need. Let Calix rest. Just tell him to sleep." I know a doctor's job is hard and exhausting. I don't want to trouble my brother. It's enough to know that he's okay. "I'll be going, I think mother's almost finished preparing the food."

"Okay, I'm also going outside. I need to buy medicine. "

"Why? You sick?"

He shook his head. "Not really, I just have a sore throat and mild cold." Oh, that's the reason for his slightly hoarse voice.

"Cold? It's a dry season. How come?" This dummy's making me worried.

"I stayed late outside last night."

"And why?"

He winked. "Secret." He laughed. "I'm going!"

"Wait, Felix!"

"Bye, Kyle!" He cut the call.

"This bastard!" I yelled, agitated. I tried to call him again but he didn't answer. Looks like he meant that bye. Having no choice, I just went to the kitchen. Mother just finished serving the food. "This smells nice." I said. I felt someone tapped my shoulder. It was my father.

"Of course, your mother made this. Come on, Kyle. Go to your seat. "

We ate the food happily. In the middle of eating, my father spoke. "Son, it's your birthday next week, do you have any plans?" He asked.

I shook my head. "None, father. I just want to eat pizza with you guys and a little movie marathon would be lovely also. " I smiled.

I saw my mother squeezed my father's hand. "Kyle, remember to stay in your room the night before your birthday, okay?"

Oh, yeah. They didn't know that I already got my heat. "Yes, mother." I just said then smiled. "Mother, do you remember how I got home yesterday?"

"No, honey. You're father and I were at the company last night, remember?"

I smiled awkwardly. "Oh, yes. Sorry, I forgot. " so no one noticed that someone brought me here.

He's about to resume eating when I asked him another question. "Anyway, mother, do you know why did John's family move?" I asked when I suddenly remembered.

I can see how shocked mother is with my sudden question. "They did? I didn't know! How about you, Honey? Have you heard about it?"

My father shook his head. "Haven't heard any. Didn't John called you?" I shook my head. "How strange. John usually tells you every time he's going somewhere."

"I know," I said. My parents might notice the sadness from me, so they tapped my shoulder. "It's fine." I stood up. "I'm done. Thanks for the food."

"Do you want me to drive you to your academy?" I shook my head.

"No need. I can manage. Just finish your food. Bye, mother. Bye, father." I said then left the dining room.

Days passed. Everything seems boring and incomplete for me. Usually, my routine was to join John in his room to play video games or to stroll somewhere. But John isn't here.

I missed my best friend. I might not show it but John is the one who completes me especially when my brothers left. And now, even John left, I have no one to be with.

"Kyle, take this. It's a suppressant for you." Mother said. Today was the day before my 18th birthday. My parents thought I'll be having my heat so they advised me to stay in my room.

"Yes, thanks, mom," I said. He stared at him for a while then he hugged me.

"My baby's not baby anymore." I heard him sob. I hugged him back.

"I'm still your baby. I'll be forever your baby, mother."

He detached from our hug and faced me. "But tomorrow, you might find your fated mate. Then, after few more years, you'll get married. I'm not yet ready to be a grandma." I saw tears fell from his eyes, and so I wiped them.

"Don't think that way. It will take time before that happen, okay?" I said and smiled at mother. "I'm going inside. See you tomorrow, mother."

"See you tomorrow, Kyle." I closed my room's door.

I sighed and went to my bed. I don't have anything to do. Maybe I'll just sleep early tonight and wait until I can come out tomorrow.

I shivered when the cold breeze touched my skin. I opened my eyes. The moonlight gave enough light to slightly illuminate my room. My veranda door is open. The night air made my curtains dance.

'Did I forgot to lock it?'

I got up from my bed and went to the veranda door. I was about to close it when I noticed a shiny thing on my veranda's rails. It was shinning under the moonlight. I went to pick it up.

It was a key!

"How did it got here?" Is this house haunted? Is some ghost playing at me? I was staring into it when I heard my phone beep. Someone texted me. I locked my veranda's door before looking at my phone.

I trembled in shock when I'd finally read the message. It was from an unregistered number but I'm aware of who the texter is.

Unknown Number:

'Happy birthday, my omega. Keep my partial gift. Your real gift and I are waiting for you.'
