
Marionette of Fate

Ophelia is recruited to be the lady-in-waiting for the Princess. But unknown to her, the palace is shrouded in dark secrets and conspiracies.

Rezeph · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Beginnings: If Shadows could speak....

She ran as fast as she could to escape the shadows chasing her. Panting heavily, she tried to reach out for the beam of light at the end of the abyss. However, she was forcefully pulled down by a strong, grotesque arm of black and rotten flesh. The next moment, hundreds of shadows leapt onto devour her. Before losing her sight, she saw familiar yet unknown figures. Then gradually she lost herself to the darkness that engulfed her completely....

Ophelia hastily opened her eyes and sat up with a jerk on her bed. The light, transparent curtains of the bed's canopy created a soft rustle and brushed the cheeks of the the young maiden. She clenched her fists tightly near her chest and stabilized her breath. The very thought of that nightmare brought her out in a cold sweat and the weather outside made it even scarier to imagine. Ophelia looked through huge palladian window. It was bucketing down outside accompanied by loud thunders and lightening. She got up from her bed and walked towards the window. The massive outpourings made it almost impossible to see even the courtyard in front of the mansion. ''What an ominous weather to begin the daybreak with!'' she thought. Gazing at the dark cloud-laden sky, she wondered what new showers of fate was she destined to be drenched in.....