
Chapter 1

" WHAT THE FUCK hmm.. "

This is what Sam thought when he opened his eyes and saw a beautiful blonde lady carrying him in her arms. His only choice was to shut up and enjoy the thick breast milk which was very tasty to him .

When he was satisfied , finally the thought crossed his mind about his unusual current situation. He was sure that he had died after the underground terrorist base blew up with him activating the bomb . He could not possibly survive that as he had wrapped the bomb on his body .

He was too confused especially the part that he was a baby now but this fact only convinced him that he had reincarnated with his memories intact somehow .

The soul was adult but the body was only that of a newborn baby so Sam could not hope to listen to some conversation that was going on and went to sleep .

His luck was not good as he stopped counting now how many times he had woken up and slept but did not manage to collect any decent information except the fact that his both mom and dad were alive and well which was a good thing . But they were too shameless as Mom had recently given birth and they had already started having sex leaving Sam disturbed as his poor soul was daily tortured by their moans of pleasure.

" Max , I cannot decide on one name and many days have passed already. So you also think about a nice name for our baby boy ! "

Nice Mom !! Finally some decent event ! Sam thought and could not help but start yelling. Sadly only baby cries escaped his tiny mouth resulting in baby treatment by Mom again .

" Lisa , you know that I'm not good with this sort of stuff but you're right as I too want to decide on a name . Hmm.. Will , Ron , Sam.. "

" What did you say again ? "

" Wha.. cough.. like I said Will , Ron , Sam and"

" Sam yea.. Sam !!! It sounds very good . What do you think darling ? "

" Hmm.. William D Sam !! Haha.. Its good !! Alright my boy , your name will be Sam from now on . "

While both his parents were in a joyous mood kissing cute cheeks of Sam , he himself was confused as he pretty much know only one anime which had names with alphabet D in them . The more he thought the more his baby expression changed as one possibility was ringing in his mind making him feel both excited and scared at the same time...

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