
Mariam Mir

Lost in a world that doesn't exist Lives in a world that is hopeless A world that is labyrinth A heart that is dumb, blind, deaf....

Mariam_Mir_7 · Fantasy
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There was a time when Callie lived in a small village with her lovely little family. She was a beautiful and innocent girl. Callie was the only daughter of her parents. Her mother died when she was only seven years old. And her father was a drug smuggler. He got lifetime prison after being arrested in a smuggling case. Her grandmother disturbed by the taunts of neighbors, moved away to a sweet and small hut in the forest. She was happy with her grandmother in this little hut but, she had many dreams. She often went to the jungle to cut wood. While cutting woods, she began to think that she would give her grandmother a happy life in which her grandmother wouldn't have to work hard. As usual, she returned to her hut and prayed before going to bed and she wished for such a world where she with her grandmother will be happy, a world which will be as pure as her heart, where there will be only happiness." After praying, she fell asleep thinking about this.

Next day, as always, Callie went to the forest to cut the woods. As she started gathering the woods suddenly, she saw a snake crawling towards her quickly. Callie became very scared, started running around the forest and as Callie was running she saw a hut immediately and hid in that hut. Eventually, Callie became relaxed. When she began to inspect that hut, she saw a bookshelf at the corner on which hundreds of books were present. But only a book was not present there (whose place was empty). There was a burning stove too inside the hut she went towards the burning stove where she saw a book and open it. "Behind The Door" was written on the first page of the book. Callie thinks that it might be that book that was not present on the shelf. She put that book on the shelf, all of a sudden, a door opens. It feels like the bookshelf was the lock of the door and, the book named "Behind the Door" was the key to that lock. As the door opened, it felt like a new beautiful world appeared in front of Callie, that was as beautiful that her eyes emerged widely, it was the magical world, she didn't know it before. It was a fairy world. In this magical world, fairies having colorful and beautiful wings, flying here and there.

That world is not like an ordinary world. But now she has entered in this world. And there is no way back, thinking this, she move on and as she is walking, she hits with a delicate fairy who had blue feathers her name was Eva. She asks Callie "who are you?". Callie gets nervous but Eva says consolingly "don't worry! Come with me to my house". Then holding her hand Eva flies towards a flower bud which is actually Eva's home. Callie watches everything silently. When they reach towards flower bud, the bud blossoms magically and they enter. In that little beautiful house Eva serves some flavorful drink to her and that red drink was delicious. She asks the same question to Callie again "who are you? Where are you from?" and then Callie tells the whole truth to Eva. Somedays Callie stays with Eva.

A few days later they become very good friends. One day Callie was very sad, she missed her grandmother very much. When Eva asks the reason for her sadness then Callie tells her that after separating to her father when she started living in the forest with her grandmother she always used to pray " She wish there was such a world where her grandmother and she always will be happy". Callie said "but my grandmother is not here, I'm alone, she is far from me". Eva immediately consoles her and said "there is a way by which your grandmother can come here". Callie asks with amazement "but how?". Eva told Callie that there is a big house on the height of our world in which our beloved "Noora" lives, she is our elder and she is the most powerful fairy, everyone in this world respects her. This world is a magical world everyone knows magic here. And Noora is the "mother of magic", She may help you.

Eva takes Callie there, when Noora sees Callie, she shocks and asks Eva "who is she?". Because she looks different, quite different from the people of this world. She doesn't have wings and she even can't do things like the people of that world. Callie and Eva tell Noora everything, but Noora says "I can't help you because you're not a fairy, and to do this I have to make you a fairy and this is impossible." Callie says to Nora, "Please do something because only you can do it". Seeing Callie crying, Noora wants to do something for her. Then no one knows what Noora does with the help of Callie and Eva and her house starts sparkling brightly over the whole fairy world, it is the magical shining light of becoming a fairy from a human, and she looks at herself with such amazement that the light of her eyes is fully reflecting the radiance within her. Now she has become a very beautiful fairy.

Get up, Callie, the sun has risen, we have to go to cut down the woods. Callie opens her eyes and that gleam is still in her eyes, she immediately looks herself in the mirror and then she realizes that she was dreaming, her simple life with her grandmother was waiting for her.

"It was all just a dream

A dream behind the door"

Let me know my mistakes viewers it's my firts super short story in this platform. If you have more ideas then let me know I'll write more stories. Thank you!

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