
Mare Adventures.

I tought I was destined to live out my second life as nothing but a pile of code and graphics with no free will, when the twelfth year arrived I was surprised when instead of being deleted I was met with a New World, it would have been nicer if my guild and sister had come along with me. Mare Bello Fiore Self Insert. Eventual Multiverse.

FluttershyFan13 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


'I fucked up'

That was the best way to describe the last, give or take, ten hours.

Looking around I appreciated the changing scenery around me as the Giant Eagle continued on it's course.

A small hum brings my attention to the girl currently resting against me as with her eyes closed, and as I look at the face of the seventh princess of Re-Estize I think back to how I ended up in this situation.

The party had been going fine, eat food, walk around, speak to random people, eat more food, dodge men with "ugly bastard" written on their foreheads, consider giving Ramposa a bad case of NTR because damn his wife was fine, eat dessert.

Of course one thing that soured the party was the fact that no matter how much I drank I couldn't get even a light buzz, but me being the genius that I am decided the best way to get drunk was to deactivate anything that gave me poison resistance, this included using a debuff that temporarily removed my racial resistances as well.

After that things get kinda blurry after a certain point, something I do remember is that at some point I had left the party and was wandering around the castle searching for a particular maid and sporting a very painful boner, while my creator didn't really go overboard the ten incher currently highlighted by my tight pants looked quite big on my small body.

In my past life -what little I could remember at this point- I wasn't what you would call a skilled lover, unlike some guys who could make a woman cum a dozen times just from fingering, whenever I made a woman orgasm was because I fucked her long enough for her to do so, I didn't make love to women, I fucked women, whatever fetishes my creator had didn't make this any better.

This plus my twelve year dry spell and state of intoxication meant that the first female I found was going to get bent over the nearest surface, if she was lucky there was a room nearby and it was a bed, and if not, well, she better hoped it was a hallway with little traffic.

Whoever I bumped into was of the lucky kind as she was walking out of a room, the last thing I remember is throwing her into the bed and locking the door behind me.

Cue me waking up next morning with the biggest headache ever and a naked girl cuddling against me.

The warmth that came from such contact was strangely enjoyable and I soon found myself drifting off to sleep, sadly the world would wait for no one and a moment later an enraged Ramposa in full armor kicked down the door, his guards standing behind him.

The man was very lucky that at the time I was sporting a massive headache and that made my fight or flight instinct go with "jump off the balcony" rather than "fuck him and everything in his general direction."

In a second I had equipped my clothes and was running towards the balcony, a thought summoned the Giant Eagle as I leapt off the railing and onto its back but just as it was preparing to fly off a scream of "WAIT" made me turn around just in time for the naked form of the princess to crash into me, almost throwing us off our ride as it suddenly accelerated, Ramposas confused cry of "V-Veronica?" was almost lost to the wind thanks to the speed the Eagle was going at.

It took some time for my pain-addled brain to finally process what had happened in the last minutes and once it did I immediately activated all of my passives back up, in an instant my mind was clear and fresh and I was holding my head as I realised the sheer stupidity of my morning.

Now we are back to the present and I appreciate the feeling of someone resting against me as I think about just where i'm supposed to go, the Eagle was currently flying east, i'm pretty sure that a simple conversation could clear up any misunderstandings Ramposa had but we had already flown this far and I wasn't going to turn back now.


'I'll just wing it, Manshoon always said that without improvisation advancement was impossible and I am nothing if not creative...ugh great, I can't believe I am missing that beard dress weirdo.'





"Who the FUCK is Manshoon."

This chapter was kinda short but it was mainly so I could get back into writing, it's been around a month and i'm very rusty.

Hope you liked it, please point out any grammar mistakes I may have missed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

FluttershyFan13creators' thoughts