
March to madness

man wakes to find himself in a desert after days of following his instincts he finds his salvation out of the hellish place that traps him awakening an amazing power _____ MC Is a Planeswalker and a changeling on a adventure through the omniverse

JesseTheHorse · Video Games
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a total of five demons split into two groups the safest option would be to take on the group of two first so I ready another beam of heat sending it through a wraith and Cassandra rushes forward challenging the shade to combat I cast a barrier around her confident in her capability I begin to engage the group of three I line up a shot taking out the two wraiths and as the shade begins to rush towards me Cassandra on cue tackles it to the ground plunging her blade into the downed enemy

Nisk: if this wasn't so apocalyptic I would almost feel bad for the creature

with the demons cleared we go up even more stairs honestly the random placement of stairs truly makes one wonder what was wrong with whoever built these paths.

Cassandra: We're getting close to the rift. You can hear the fighting.

Nisk: Who's fighting?

Cassandra: You'll see soon. We must help them.

At the top of the stairs to the right, there is a bridge covered in burning wagons and barrels. To the left, there is a short drop down a stone wall. Cassandra and Nisk jump down to join Solas, Varric, and two soldiers in fighting demons under a rift.

Nisk: Three shades, let's end this quickly.

I concentrate my first beam of energy targeting the weakest of the shades as I have to underpower my attacks with the amount of allies in the way of any attack.

the beam quickly kills the first shade shocking the solider at the ease of it and shocking Solas through the nature of the attack but he quickly resumes his attacks entrapping another shade in ice.

Varrick and Cassandra gang up on the last shade quickly dispatching it with relative ease.

with our arrival the demons are quickly dispatched and Solas quickly approaches me

Solas: Quickly, before more come through!

Solas grabs Nisk's hand and hold it up to the rift. The mark resonate with the rift closing it with a loud cracking sound.

Nisk: What did you do?

Solas: I did nothing. The credit is yours.

Nisk: you mean the mark?

Solas: Whatever magic opened the Breach in the sky also placed that mark upon your hand. I theorized the mark might be able to close the rifts that have opened in the Breach's wake – and it seems I was correct

Cassandra: Meaning it could also close the Breach itself.

Solas: Possibly.

Solas: It seems you hold the key to our salvation.

Varric: Good to know! Here I thought we'd be ass-deep in demons forever.

Varrick the crossbow welding dwarf approaches Nisk

Varric: Varric Tethras: rogue, storyteller, and occasionally unwelcome tagalong.

Varric winks at Cassandra causing her to scowl at him.

Nisk: You're with the Chantry, or ..?

Solas: (Chuckles.) Was that a serious question?

Varric: Technically I'm a prisoner, just like you.

Cassandra: I brought you here to tell your story to the Divine. Clearly that is no longer necessary.

Varric: Yet, here I am. Lucky for you, considering current events.

Nisk: Well then ....That's… a nice crossbow you have there.

Varric: Ah, isn't she? Bianca and I have been through a lot together.

Nisk: You named your crossbow Bianca?

Varric: Of course. And she'll be great company in the valley.

Cassandra: Absolutely not. Your help is appreciated, Varric, but…

Varric: Have you been in the valley lately, Seeker? Your soldiers aren't in control anymore. You need me.

Cassandra: (Disgusted noise.)

Solas: My name is Solas, if there are to be introductions. I'm pleased to see you still live.

Varric: He means, 'I kept that mark from killing you while you slept.'

Nisk: You seem to know a great deal about it all.

Cassandra: Like you, Solas is an apostate.

Solas: Technically, all mages are now apostates, Cassandra. My travels have allowed me to learn much of the Fade, far beyond the experience of any Circle mage. I came to offer whatever help I can give with the Breach. If it is not closed, we are all doomed regardless of origin.

Nisk: And what will you do once this is all over?

Solas: One hopes that those in power will remember who helped, and who did not.

Solas: Cassandra, you should know the magic involved here is unlike any I have ever seen.

Solas: Your prisoner is a mage, but I find it difficult to imagine any mage having such power.

Cassandra: Understood. We must get to the forward camp quickly.

Varric: Well, Bianca's excited!

Cassandra: This way, down the bank. The road ahead is blocked.

Solas: We must move quickly.

leaving the closed rift behind us we all hop over the debris and begin climbing down the path leading ourselves further into the valley and back onto the frozen river.

Solas: Demons ahead!

Varric: Glad you brought me now, Seeker?

I scout the group of demons before I make any decisions seeing a greater shade, a lesser shade, and two wraiths.

Nisk: Varrick you focus on the wraith to the right, Solas you focus on the other wraith, and Cassandra keep the greater shade occupied while we take on the rest. Assist Cassandra once you finish your target, on my queue.

me and Solas ready our spells, Varrick loads a rather unique looking bolt, and Cassandra gets ready to charge the shade

Nisk: 3,2,1 go

I unleash a fireball which engulfs the lesser shade quickly burning to ashes which return to the fade. Solas encases his wraith in ice before sending a follow up shattering the ice, varrick sends an explosive bolt into the wraith destabilizing it instantly, and finally we all begin to lay into the greater shade Solas and I keeping a barrier around Cassandra at all times.

To the east is an intact cabin at the top of some stone steps. Farther along the frozen riverbed there is a burning cabin on the west side of the river.

At the end of the riverbed there are some stone stairs leading up to a cave with a bonfire.

Three demons are huddled around the fire and we are quick to dispatch them proving that in their current state these demons pose little to no threat

Solas: You are Dalish, but clearly away from the rest of your clan. Did they send you here?

Nisk: What do you know of the Dalish?

Solas: I have wandered many roads in my time, and crossed paths with your people on more than one occasion.

Nisk: What do you mean by "crossed paths"?

Solas: I mean that I offered to share knowledge, only to be attacked for no greater reason than their superstition.

Varric: Can't you elves just play nice for once?

The mark on Nisk's hand flares.

Nisk: (Grunts)

Cassandra: I know it's difficult, but we must keep moving.

Solas: My magic cannot stop the mark from growing further. For your sake, I suggest we hurry.

Varric: That… didn't sound good.

Nisk: I'll be fine but he sooner we close that hole in the sky the better.