
Chapter Sixteen


I peered at myself in the dresser mirror, wearing a baby pink dress shirt with platform sandals. I wanted to do something different with my hair so I opted to pack it in a sleek ponytail. My face was pice and my lips were a little bit seollen_I touched them, remembering the way Richard nibbled them, I couldn't help but stare at them and smile. It makes me want to do things with that mouth of yours. He said.

He had told me that we weren't going to a place that needed any fancy dress whatsoever. It made me relax a bit but more curious about where he was taking me.

A soft knock came from the door and I assumed it was Richard. I dashed to open the door and I was greeted with a toothy grin on his perfectly sculpted face. He was wearing a large, sky-blue, cable-knitted sweater and short shorts. This was a new look I was seeing on him. I never pegged him as someone who wears short shorts. It suited him though and those legs…divine.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"I am." My reply was accompanied by a smile. "Hold on a minute, I need to grab my purse." I went back inside the room and picked up the purse on the bed. I gave a glance at myself in the mirror before returning to him.

"Is it a restaurant? Please tell me. I'm really curious." I inquired as we waited for Eric in the driveway.

Richard scratched the side of his nose and smiled naughtily at him with a chafing glint in his eyes. It was one of those looks he had on his way when he was bickering with Abigail. I beamed back at him. He stared down at me with his lopsided grin and leaned in to kiss me gently.

"Do you know how cute you look when you are curious?" He murmured.

"No… I don't exactly. This is a first."

He grinned widely, a knowing smile. Like he knew something that I didn't. Technically he did.

Eric zoomed up in the car, wearing a face-sitting smile. Did someone release laughing gas in the air or something? What was with the grinning galore?

He stepped down from the car and handed over the key to Richard. "Thank you," Richard said. I frowned slightly.

As if noticing the confusion hovering over me. "I want us to be alone today." He clarified

Richard opened the passenger seat door for me to enter before sliding into the driver's seat thereafter.

As we cruised through the busy road of Milan, Richard was in deep thought. A piece of classical music was playing over the radio, it had a soulful, rich, and mellow timbre that made me lose myself in it.

"What brand of car do you like?" He asked absentmindedly, diverting my attention from the song.

Why? Was he planning on getting me one? I didn't know much about cars to give him the direct answer that he needed.

"I honestly don't know," I murmured.

"You don't find anyone aesthetically pleasing to your eyes? What about a dream car?"

He has got to be kidding me, a dream car? I had none. Well, I have had my fair share of admiration for the outward looks of cars and I've been able to grab on the names few brands and that was it about it.

"I don't have a dream car." His lips pressed tight in disappointment. "But I think I have a liking for Abigail's." Partly because that was the first luxury car I ever entered into.

"A Mercedes it is then?" He pressed on.

"Is there a reason why you are asking?"

"We need to get you one." He said and I gaped at him in surprise.

"It's of no use. I can't drive." I heaved out a sigh of disappointment.

"That's not a problem. I can get you a driver while you practice your driving."

Oh wow, he was actually going to get me a car.

"Is this one of the perks? Because I wasn't expecting this. At all."

"I was going to get you one either way. It's a wedding present," he said softly, holding my left hand and bringing it to his thigh.

"Richard, you really don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do. Please let me," he said, bringing my hand to his lips.

Richard eventually pulled up in a parking lot opposite a large body of water.

With my arm looped in his, we strolled to the waterfront where a marina stretched out in front of us.

"There are so many boats." I gazed in awe at the place. Hundreds of boats in different shapes and sizes are on the still waters of the marina. I shivered a little when the chilly wind hit my skin.

"Are you cold?"

"Yes, a little bit."

"Wear this," he said, as he pulled his sweater over his head and handed it to me. I put it on immediately, it was way too big for my frame. It looked like a sweater dress.

"Thank you. The view is amazing."

"It is. Very calming."

As we headed down, the marina appeared to be alive and joyful with the presence of a soothing atmosphere.

The laughter of kids playing around filled the air, and other people lurked in the shadows admiring the boats.

Richard led me onto the dock and stopped in front of a huge motor yacht.

"I thought we'd go sailing. Serene and peaceful"

"Wow… color me surprised. Your idea of a proper date really is something."

"Yeah, it's a new one I just acquired. I wanted you to share the experience with me," he said grandly, and my heart swelled with joy.

"I'd love to. Such a beautiful boat."

"Indeed, she is beautiful. I haven't named her yet." he cocked his head to the side. " Do you have any suggestions?"

I shrugged. "maybe later."

"Coming aboard?"

"Yes please." I gleamed.

Grasping my hand, he pulled me into the boat so we were standing side by side on the sun deck.

To one side there was a jacuzzi and four sunbeds beside it. A bar filled with different liquids and a dining table was stationed at the other.

A short bald man came out through an entrance I didn't know where it led to. He was also wearing short shorts like Richard's and deck shoes. He looked like someone in his early fifties.

"Mr. Berlette! Welcome aboard." the man beamed.

"Jeremy!" They shook hands.

Jeremy turned his attention to me. "Mrs. Berlette, we are glad to have you here." he nodded briefly.

"So am I. Thank you." Jeremy and I shook hands.

"Is she all warmed up?" Richard chimed in.

" She is as ready as she can be."

"Let's sail on then."

Richard reached out for my hand. "Let me give you a tour."

I trailed beside him to the cabin, there was a C-curved leather sofa directly in front of us, and above it were massive windows that offered a wide-ranging view of the sea.

"Right there is the galley." I followed his hand in the direction of a place that looked like a kitchen. Hmm, so it's called a galley.

He led me through the main cabin. It was very spacious and airy. The floors were dark wood. It looked like a cushion of vintage and modern style and it all screamed expensive.

We went through every single room in the cabin. Everything had a hint of Richard in it. He seemed to have a thing for vintage interior styles.

We were back at the place Richard called the saloon so Richard could strap me in a life jacket. That put me at ease because of my lack of swimming skills.

I scanned the interior of the saloon again, it was like a living room and wondered if people could live in there.

"This is like a luxury apartment, can people live in here?" I asked, satisfying my curiosity.

"As long as they want to. If it belongs to them."


"Come." He grabbed my hand and led me outside, onto the upper deck to a small place that housed a big steering wheel and a raised seat, where Jeremy was on. "This is the cockpit, where the boat is controlled and steered."

I bobbed my head fanatically, I could see that. The wheels and all gave it away but it still melted my heart that he tried to explain it to me even when it was obvious.

"It's time." Jeremy grinned as he pressed a button and the engine roared to life.

"Nice one Jeremy" Richard commended before reaching for my hand and leading me to the outer deck, leaving Jeremy to control the boat.

I felt like I rose from the Titanic when Richard wrapped my hand around my waist and snuggled his face on my neck. I giggled as I placed my hands on his. I looked over the horizon, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the sea. The thick waves of the water conjoined with the natural breeze calmed me and almost made me forget the fear I had in me. The cold breeze blew my ponytail but no goosebumps graced my skin thanks to Richard's warm sweater I was wearing.

My idea of fun consisted of reading a book or watching a movie indoors, adventures and risks were never part of my life until now. I have tasted the water of risk and adventure and as dangerous and daring it was, it was also liberating and riviving. It was all thanks to Richard.

An hour later, we were anchored in a small, secluded area that looked like a community. Laterns lights were wrinkling from the buildings and shone brightly in the dusky evening. It looked like a place out of a fairytale book.

A crowd of people busted in and out of the shops like there was some kind of festival going on. Jeremy had gone ashore in the inflatable.

This place looks magical.

"Hungry?" Richard asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nodded. I was quite famished.

We entered a small Italian bistro called Dolce. It reminded me of the restaurant in Ratatouille. It looked very crisp and modern, with a black and white photograph of a man in a chef uniform hung on the wall behind the counter.

Richard and I sat in a booth, scanning over the menu while sipping on a flavorsome virgin sangria. I saw Richard gazing at me meditatively when I glanced up from the menu.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"You are captivating, just like the sea."

My cheeks burned at the compliment. "Another first? Thank you. And for the evening, it was perfect.

He smiled warmly. "My pleasure," he muttered.

"Can I make a confession?"

"This is interesting. I'm all ears." He tilted his head to the side, looking breathtaking.

"I might have some sort of crush on you." I teased, not wanting to tell him that I liked him outrightly.

"Crush? Now my feelings are hurt."

"That's what my little heart can give to you right now Mr. Berlette."

His lips curled in a small wistful smile. "There is a chance it develops into something more."


"What would you like to eat?"

"I'm going for the polenta."

Richard summoned the waiter and placed an order for us. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, staring at my clasped fingers on the table. The worrying thoughts of what would become of us when the contract ended engulfed me.

"Marah, what's wrong?"

I glanced up at his perturbed face.

"Tell me." He said, his voice laced with concern.

I took a deep breath. "I'm just worried about this. What we have going on right now."

His jaw tensed and his eyes hardened. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean Richard. Is this just going to be an Italian fling until the contract ends? And I know I have no right asking since I was so adamant about getting married to you in the first place but now that we are here with these feelings busting through us, I can't help but be worried that you are just going to want to end it all at any given point."

He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "I promise you Marah, this will not end in Italy."

He brought his hands over my clasped hands on the table. "You have the right over anything concerning me."

I squirmed and flushed over what he said. "You are too trusting."

"Believe me, I'm not." His lips curled in a smile. "But you are an exception. Listen to me Marah, you don't have to worry about anything. My feelings for you or whatsoever."

His feelings for me didn't seem enough. He liked me quite alright and he also cared but wasn't the big L the one that mattered the most. He didn't have that for me. I cringed inwardly because I was beginning to look like a needy girl begging for affection. What was wrong with me?

What you have going on with him is still very new and hasn't exactly started sailing yet.

"Marah, you are not just the woman I entered into a contract with, you are my wife, someone that brought me out of my no romantic relationship lifestyle. So please I beg you, don't feel like this. This is just the beginning, you need to trust me and give us more time." he suddenly smirked.

"What's funny?"

"You have that look on."

"What look? The curious one."

"No, this is different. You look like a cute panda."

I burst out in giggles. "Panda? Really?"

The waiter arrived with our orders and our conversation became lighthearted.

But when the unlikely large plates were placed before us, I couldn't help but think of how affectionate Richard was, responsive, caring, and charming. At least I was sure nothing would go wrong now.

I will savor the moment as much as I can.

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