
Maou: Summoning

When you summon a hero to save your world, there's always the risk that something might go wrong. But when you summon an overpowered Demon Lord from another dimension, that might just be fate.

Road_to_Oblivion · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Other Side of the Veil

There is less than an hour before the most important planar war in the history of the Heaven and Infernal Realms shall begin . This will decide our fate . And I , as the ruler of the Infernal Realm , can't do anything to change this .

The light of the candles flicker slowly . I am sitting on my throne looking at the big projection in front of me that shows the whole battlefield .

Ten million enemy soldiers stand at the edge of the realm , ready to attack at any given moment . Our predicament doesn't look that good ...

Still , our hope lies with the younger generation . We can only stand back and watch . If we lose then, it will be the end ... And if we win then we might be able to survive a little longer .

"Lucifer , in your opinion , what are our chances ? " [Female Voice]

I would like to answer that we can't lose , but I know better .

"Considering that , for the first time in history our two realms have joined hands together , I think our chances are quite good Ayame !" [Lucifer]

On my right side , on the other throne that is equal to mine , stands my newest ally : the Celestial of the Heaven Realm , Ayame .

She looks at me with uncertainty in her eyes ... I can't blame her ... The stakes are too great this time . We bet everything on this war ... Ayame has already lost thirty battles in a row while I have lost twenty-nine . If we don't win, this time , we will be forced to leave our realms, and they will enter under Balcifer's reign ...

What awaits all the souls from our realms is only fear and torture . For billions of years the Purgatory Realm has been notorious for it's Soul Tears system .

And now , that system might become the only rule in our Realms as well while the two of us will be banished to the mortal planes , forced to watch and not interfere .

"Father , don't worry , this war the three of us will make you proud !" [Male voice]

Yes , that's right ... We still have a chance . Or to be more exact three chances .

My first and only son Ceyx will be part of this war as well . In the past, I didn't allow him to fight, but now we must use all the tricks up our sleeves to be able to see the hope beyond this upcoming storm .

At least he is not alone ... His best friend , Lord Andelion Flaidwagss de Crux and his fiancé , Antalia de Haven , Ayame's only daughter are going to fight as well . With them around , there is hope .

There is no time to think about this kind of things . There is less than half an hour left . I need to be strong a little longer . We MUST win !

I raise to my feet, and my blood starts boiling one more time . Even in this situation , a fight is still a fight . I won't hesitate anymore !

"Ceyx my son , Andelion , Antalia go to the frontlines . When the war starts to kill anyone, that dares to come close to the first shield . If any of you gets injured retreat beyond the second shield ! " [Lucifer]

"Yes, father !" [Ceyx]

"As you wish Celestial Lucifer-sama !" [Andelion]

"Understood Cel ... I mean Father !" [Antalia]

"Ayame send orders to all your healers to always stand before a shield . When the first one starts cracking , go beyond the second one and so on . Tell them always to use area heals and get those that are severely wounded out of the danger zone if possible !" [Lucifer]

"Consider it done !" [Ayame]

"All flanks report to me at!" [Lucifer]

"Left flank is in position and ready to fight to the death !" [Operator #1]

"Right flank is in position and ready to fight to the death !" [Operator #2]

"Middle flank is in position and ready to fight to the death !" [Operator #3]

"Retreat routes ?" [Lucifer]

"All the routes are ready to use . Defensive systems work at full power . The special squad is in position for immediate support !" [Operator #4]

"Send my voice to all the soldiers !" [Lucifer]

"Done !" [Operator #5]

"For the first time in history, two great realms have joined together .

For the first time in history demons and angels are on the same side .

Now everything is in your hands .

Fight to the death and be remembered as heroes .

YOU are the hope of the future generations .

YOU can save everyone .


RAISE AGAIN ! " [Lucifer]


Ten million screams fill the battlefield . Those words are from my heart . For the sake of over five hundred trillion souls, we WILL WIN !

"Countdown started !" [Operator #5]

"10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 .... ZERO !" [Operator #5]

It has begun !




Uhhh ... They are not attacking ... What the hell is happening here ? In the last twenty-nine wars they always attacked with everything they've got from the very beginning , but now ... They just sit there .

Tension fills the room . Ayame looks at me with worry in her eyes ... It's complete silence , both in the chamber and on the battlefield . You could hear a mouse squeak from a kilometre ...

'Thump ... Thump .... Thump ....'

Footsteps can be heard . Looking at the battlefield , one enemy soldier starts walking slowly towards the first shield .

He is dressed entirely in blood red clothes with crimson hair and eyes . In his hand, a long sword with a ruby in the middle can be seen . I don't have any recognition of this person from the previous wars ...

He must be someone born in the last ten thousand years or someone who hasn't been part of the planar wars before .

"Get a better view of that man !" [Lucifer]

The camera gets to close range . He seems to talk with someone although he is alone .

"Activate the long distance sound receiver !" [Lucifer]

Like this, we can hear everything he says ...

"Hahh ... Why the hell do I need to pass through ten million small fries ? Why can't that Lucifer dude just come out and fight me ?" [Crimson Men]

Uhhh ... Is he talking about me ? And did that guy actually said that ten million soldiers forged in the fires of war are small fries ? Is he insane or what ?

"Don't even think about dirtying my royal blade with the blood of those ants ! For that kind of being , a stick picked from the ground should be more than enough !" [Male Voice]

The hell ??? Where did that voice come from ?

"The sword ..." [Ayame]

The sword ?!? Are you kidding me ?

"Hey, Exodus ... I will use that ... I really don't want to deal with ten million soldiers ..." [Crimson Man]

"Ehhh ... Sounds good to me ... Only the blood of those Sovereigns and Celestials is worth touching my blade . Ha ha ha ha !! " [Exodus]

That thing ... Why do I have a bad feeling about this ?

"Everyone prepare for an upcoming attack . Activate all defensive systems . Strengthen the first shield to the max !" [Ayame]

Good ... That is a good call ! I don't know why but there is something wrong with that guy ...

"Third Revelation :" [Crimson Man]

A red aura starts enveloping everything in a hundred meters around that guy . Soon , the aura gets smaller and smaller until it starts coiling around the sword .

A few breaths of time later , the aura is condensed on the tip of the sword . From the looks of it , that seems to be an aura attack ... But what does he intend to do with something like that ?

"Crimson Chaos Blade !" [Crimson Man]

He swings the blade down, and an arc of blood red sword aura is released forwards . Its speed is unbelievable . As for the size , it has already reached over five hundred meters. It is quite strong , but it should not even crack the first shield ...

The sword aura hits the first shield, but nothing happens . Or to be more exact , nothing happens to the aura . It just moves forward as the shield was never there .

Soon cracks spread through the whole shield, and it collapses . Furthermore, all the soldiers in the path of that thing are turned into ash .

The aura keeps going on ... Second shield ... Third shield ... Forth shield ...

"IMPOSSIBLE !!!!" [Ayame]

I ... Can't even utter those words anymore ... The fifth shield falls down . Barely when it hits the sixth shield that aura looks like has some difficulties passing through . With a 'Creak' , the sixth shield is destroyed as well .

The seventh shield finally stops that great sword aura . The aura keeps pushing forwards , but the shield stands firm .

Then , something unexpected happens . The aura gets smaller and smaller . The smaller it gets , the more power is concentrated in a little area . When it gets to less than five meters , the shield collapses .

"S-Se-Seven shields with one hit ... " [Ayame]

"Unbelievable !" [Lucifer]

Still , the five meters sword aura that now looks more like a ball of crimson energy goes on towards the eight shield ...

"Don't tell me that the eight shield will fall as well !!!" [Lucifer]

I can't stop myself from uttering those words . But , soon , my worst fears comes true when the energy ball hits the eight shield . The shield doesn't collapse, but a few small cracks can be seen .



A massive explosion occurs . Everything is shaking while a red aura covers the sky . The energy ball exploded destroying the full eight shield like it was nothing .

"One attack ... Eight shields ... More than a million soldiers ... This is ..." [Lucifer]

"Our end !" [Ayame]

With only one attack ... Our hope ... Has been truly and utterly blown into oblivion ...