
Maou: Summoning

When you summon a hero to save your world, there's always the risk that something might go wrong. But when you summon an overpowered Demon Lord from another dimension, that might just be fate.

Road_to_Oblivion · Fantasy
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49 Chs


"I'LL RUN FASTER! " [Andel]

No time to waste, running is more important right now. What? Did you expect me to stop and fight with that thing? Nope! That is not going to happen now nor ever!

Still... Why??? Why the hell did it have to be a freaking spider??? Why?!!?

I might look totally like a retard right now. A demon lord capable of killing a god is running with his tail between his legs, followed by a humongous spider fish with tentacles...

Still, there is a perfectly rational explanation to that. I am afraid.

In the same manner, that an elephant is afraid of a little mouse, in this case, I, a Maou, am running away from a spider.

Yes, I suffer from Arachnophobia! If it were a Celestial Crystal Dragon or a Three Flames Golden Phoenix, I wouldn't give a shit. One subtle spell would be more than enough to kill it. But a spider is a different story.

Although I could kill it with my bare hands, I don't even want to look at it. It is too damn terrifying...

Still ... When did this fear of mine appear??? I remember when I was thrown in the Rift all those years ago that hundreds of Dark Primordial Spider have fallen under my sword. And still, now I find them terrifying ... Strange...

While running, I can faintly hear movement from the front. It looks like there are a few hundred soldiers with weapons prepared to deal with the spider fish.

Good ... This is good ... I am saved!!!

I run straight in their direction. From the front, a big bulky warrior with a broadsword comes forth, slashing with both hands at one of the spider fish's legs.

It is cut cleanly. It looks that the creature is not that strong ... Good!

'Hyaaaa. A a.aaaa!!!'

An angry scream filled with pain can be heard. I stop in place for a moment and turn my head around. The big bulky warrior looks at me and angrily yells:

"Go!!! Why the hell did you stop? This might be a simple spider fish, but for someone like you, it's something that you won't overcome in a million years!!!" [Bulky Warrior]

After that, he turns to face the injured spider fish. He uses his broadsword to cut a small wound on his left arm, after which he drops a few drops of blood on its tip. The broadsword starts glowing with reddish light.

"HAAAHHH!!!" [Bulky Warrior]

He screams at the top of the lungs while jumping towards the big spider fish. With a clean and fast motion, the broadsword penetrates its shell and launches a shock that knocks the monster down.

Still, he doesn't stop not even for a second. He jumps in the air directly towards the monster's back. With a thunderous roar, the heavy sword hits the spider fish. This time, finally, a crack can be seen on its shell.

Next, the soldiers that until now were just watching spring into action. Spears fly through the air and arrows rain down nonstop. Unfortunately, this kind of low-level weapons could never penetrate that shell. Still, they work properly as a decoy.

Being distracted with those, the spider fish pays no attention to the bulky warrior that stands on a side. Since the last attack he didn't move anymore, but his sword started glowing brighter and brighter.

In the end, the sword turns bright red while heat can be sensed emanating from it. Finally, the bulky warrior launches a war cry while attacking the spider fish from a side.

Still, even in this situation, the normal soldiers do their job and keep it distracted.

The heavy sword smashes hard against its abdomen but doesn't stop. It continues like a hot knife through butter until the monster is split in half. A few short dying cries can be heard before it exhales its final breath.

"They are not that bad ..." [Andel]

I mutter those words to myself after which I go near the big bulky warrior while avoiding looking to the spider fish. Even dead, it is still terrifying.

I put my right hand on his shoulder and look in his eyes.

"Thank you! You really saved me this time" [Andel]

Those words are truly from the bottom of my heart ... That spider fish was dangerous in more ways than one ... He gave me a cold look and with a 'Harrumph ... ' he turns around leaving from sight ... Quite an unsociable fellow you have there King-san ...

Still, the way they fight ... Those that are weak kite him while the strong deals damage. Their strategy is quite admirable. This country ... With a bit of help, I might be able to implement in this world what I've done in my previous one.

'Hyaaa ....' [Girl #1]

Out of the sudden , from the twelve's group ,one girl can be heard screaming while looking at the corpse ... Another one , this time, a boy , says with complete disgust in his voice :

"Burn it! Burn it with fire before it lays eggs!!!" [Boy #1]

This is an amazing idea actually...

Wait ... Eggs???

God damn it, I really hope it didn't lay any eggs ... The last thing I need to deal with is an armada of newborn spider fishes lurking around in the waters...


Evening ... The temple-like building ... We all sit around the table, eating a delicious crab-like thing...

Earlier today we've been informed that at the first hour in the morning we will be teleported in a safe place. There we will all receive a noble title , a house , 100 maids and butlers and enough money to live our lives in peace and quiet ... I really start to like this king ...

'King-san, although you've summoned us against our will, I think that you are truly a good guy. Furthermore, the fact that your soldiers saved me today is something that I must definitely pay back!' [Andel]

I mutter those words in my head rise from my seat and walk to the entrance.

'Still king – san , I must apologize ... I know you prepared to die in battle together with your soldiers , but , if there is no enemy to fight against , death is impossible , right ? ' [Andel]

Before leaving I can hear a melodious feminine voice from behind. It seems to be the Queen...

"Andel -san, where are you going? You didn't even finish your spider fish steak. You should eat properly, you know? " [Queen Ellaine]



Wait.... What did she just say???

"Uh, Ellaine – san ... By any chance is that crab-like thing that we just ate ... The spider fish from this afternoon?!?" [Andel]

No ... That is impossible ... Please tell me that it is impossible ... Pleeeaseeee!!!!

"Yes, of course, it is! It's delicious, right?" [Queen Ellaine]

I don't answer her question ... Or better said, I can't right now ... Turning around I move slowly to a big flower vase in the corner. It is quite an exquisite piece of work, but it's not the right time for admiring it.... Without even thinking I pluck the flowers from the vase, put my head inside and...

'Bleaaaaaaghhhh .... Uh huh uh huh.... Bleaaaaaghhhh!!!'[Andel]