
Mantis with a system

The mc name is Rajjin he was your normal person and he likes catching bugs. Rajjin favorite bug was the praying mantis.

Boltbit77 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Lighting Mantis lv1 0/100xp name Rajjin


Bite lv1

Hover lv1

Cut lv1

Wall climb lv1

Eyes lv1

legs lv1

Leg spikes lv1

Wings lv1

stomach lv1

Claws lv1

antennas lv1


Lighting small

Bio energy 0

After Rajjin was done looking at his stats he looked at the other egg sacks and turns away and saw giant trees and thought to his self this looks like a huge forest as he said that he looked to his left and to his right and saw a Lake and decided to go and see what he looked like. As he looked in the water he a green praying mantis with purple strikes going down it. He said my stats said I am a lighting Mantis I wonder how to use some of my lighting. As he said that he heard pops and cracks he looked back in to the water and saw some electric on his two claws and said that's cool. Then all of a sudden he heard some growing he thought he was in danger and jumped back and looked around and saw no animals and then he heard it again and looked down and said that was my stomach! It scared me. So he went to look for food in the forest and then he heard something moving so he ran to the closet tree and started walking up it to try to find where the noise came from then he found it. It was a caterpillar crawling on the ground he weighted in tell it was right below him and jumped down to kill it his right claw went right through it and killed it and then he saw 10xp right above it corpse and then eat most of it and the he saw two bio points where added to his stats. He thought to his self what do these points do he saw he can add two points to his claws and be for he did that he went to a tree and cut it with his claws it went in about an inch and a have he said that was with no points in them and then he added the two points in to them and then cut the tree again but this time his claws went in two inches and said so these points can improve what thay go into nice. with all the walking he did he was tired so he went back to where all the other egg sacks where and when he got there thay just hatched. As Rajjin looked at all the other baby mantis thay started fighting among themselves. he was worried but didn't have the time to be as two baby mantises charged at him. after both baby mantises got in front of him they slashed at him. Rajjin wanted to know why thay are doing this but he had to use his dash skill backwards to dodge there slashes. after their slashes missed he used his dash skill again but he got in front of them this time and shouted cut as his claws came down upon one of them. The baby mantis tried to block his claws with his own but after Rajjin put some points into his claws they were sharper than the baby mantises. Rajjin upgraded claws went through the other mantes claws like a hot knife and cut off it's claw and head. Then he heard a ding and saw 30xp was added to his Xp bar he also got a title called kinslayer it added 10% more damage two creatures that are related to him. Rajjin was a little scared of what he did but he did not have time to worried because the other mantis used it's dash skill towards him. Rajjin was shocked he did not know other Beast could use skills to. he did not panic and used dash to his right and used it again to get behind the mantis and used cut to kill the second one. After he killed it he heard a ding and saw dash and cut leveled up and he got 30xp. He then looked at his stats and saw he was only 30 more XP away from leveling up so he decided to kill one more mantis before leaving. So walked up a tree like he did with his first kill and waited for one to walk below him. After what seemed liked forever one stood him right below him and laid down to rest he stayed up there until it fell asleep. After it fell asleep he jumped from the tree and killed it in one cut of his claws after that he heard Ding you have leveled up to lv2.Then all of a sudden he felt his Mana gather in his body in a circular motion so he checked his status and it said he formed a monster core. He felt but he could use his Mana better so he tried to use his lightning and slashed wiih his claws it sent out a blade of lightning two feet in front of him. when he was done messing with his Newfound ability he walked around the woods trying to find a place to sleep and then he stumbled upon a cave. As he went In the cave he found a giant purple four winged bat. As the bat saw him it started attacking it swooped down to hit him but he ducked and used his Dash ability to get behind it but the bat was to fast for him to keep up with so he had to come up with a plan while he was dodging it's attacks. After a few minutes of repetitive dodging he was was worn out but he came up with a plan it was going to be risky he had to have the bat dive at him. As the bat dived at him he is going to use his new technique he called lighting arc Rajjin knew this was not a good name for it but he has a rough time naming stuff. He knew this was a dangerous plan because lighting ark can only be shot out up to two feet for right now because he hasn't had time to practice it yet. So with the plan in mind he started to get the bat to dive at him and as it was 3 feet in front of him he slashed at the air and the ark. When the bat saw the ark it tried to stop but at the speed it was diving down it was just cut right in half and the blood went every where. Rajjin knew if he wanted to sleep in the cave and not get attacked he had to do something. he had a idea so he went out side the cave and cut down some small trees and piled them in front of the cave. he left a small space so he can get in and out the rest of the entrance was blocked. When he went back in side the cave he ate the bat's corpse and went to sleep.