
Mansion of Time: Watching Season 1

The UA family find themselves in a mansion after they agreed to watch a show about their lives. But they don't know what they will see.

Parvez_Kanok · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: What I Can Do For Now

When the timer reached zero, the lights dimmed and Aleister pressed play on the remote.

The screen showed the scoreboard with the top ten students who passed the Entrance Exam.

The majority of the students took out their phones to take a picture of the scoreboard.

"Look how many of our class got into the top ten." Toru said.

"I'm kind of jealous." Mashirao said.

"Check out the results from the exam." An unknown voice said.

"Does anybody know whose voice that is?" Itsuka asked.

There were a lot of 'nopes', 'not a clue' and 'no idea' from the students.

"It looks like Midori, Ochako, Kendo and Kiri have the highest rescue points in the respective order." Mina pointed out.

"Wow," Midnight started to say. "The first place student didn't even have rescue points."

"He took down those faux villains like an ace." Snipe said, the screen showing Katsuki taking out the robots. "When most of the other examinees were running from the big obstacle, he stayed focused on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counter attacking. That kid is tough."

Katsuki grinned from the praise. "You see that? I didn't need any rescue points to place higher than all of you."

"You would most likely insult the examinees after saving them anyways." Neito said. "That is how you failed the Provisional Exam, isn't it? You have a lack of humanity and compassion."

A chorus of 'Oohs' resonated in the theater.

"Shut up, you damn copycat." Katsuki growled.

"On the opposite end, the seventh place student had zero villain points." Midnight pointed out.

"He's not the first UA hopeful to take out that giant robot." Snipe acknowledged. "It's been a while since I saw someone blow it away with one attack."

"If it was to save dear Miss Uraraka, he definitely did not hesitate." Yuga said.

"It's kind of lucky that those two saved each other. If Midoriya didn't punch the robot, Ochako would never have been able to save him with that slap." Kyoka said.

"I wouldn't say it was luck. I'd say it was fate." Mina said with a grin.

Ochako and Izuku's eyes widened and their faces turned beet red.

"But at what cost?" The unknown person asked. "Did you see how badly he injured himself? If you ask me, it's like his body isn't used to his quirk."

"Even the teachers noticed that your body couldn't handle your quirk, man." Tetsutetsu said. "I'm surprised that you didn't get quirk counseling after getting One For All."

"That is something that will be discussed later on in the day." Aizawa said.

The screen shifted to Aizawa standing against a wall, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Brace yourselves, Class B." Aleister warned the sister class with a smirk. Giselle had her hand to her mouth, trying to suppress her giggles. "You might want to cover your ears too, Hitoshi."

Class B and Hitoshi covered their ears.

"MR. AIZAWA!" Most of Class A yelled out. Mei cackled at their enthusiasm.

"You guys are crazy." Itsuka said, putting her hands down.

Present Mic, Midnight, All Might and Nezu burst into laughter as the opening started to play. Aizawa shook his head. "Why did I allow this?" The underground hero grumbled.

Tenya turned to Aizawa. "Sir, if I may ask, how are students chosen for each class?"

"The choices were made at random. When it came to Midoriya, that's where it became difficult to choose. Vlad King wanted him in his class due to the power he showed punching that zero pointer. But knowing how hot blooded Kan can be, it was best that I take in Midoriya. You problem children were this close to having Monoma as your classmate." Aizawa said.

Ochako and Izuku felt their hearts drop.

"What? Me in a class with these inferiors? You would think that would be the case. These people are not worthy of me." Neito taunted Class A, making most of them glare at him.

"You act as if you have a choice in this, Mr. Monoma." Nezu said. "It would absolutely have been the case."

"Imagine if Midoriya did join our class. Maybe we would be in the same ring as Class A." Yosetsu said.

'I can imagine what would have gone wrong if I/he didn't join Class A.' Izuku and most of his classmates thought fearfully.

The screen showed a fully cleaned Dagobah Beach at night as All Might was standing in front of the water in his true form.

"The night after I opened my UA acceptance letter, he finally got in touch with me again." Narrator Izuku stated.

Izuku ran to the beach. All Might looked back to see his successor behind him.

"Hi All Might!" Izuku shouted out with tears in his eyes.

Izuku laughed seeing his past self's reaction, which made most of the students laugh or snicker as well.

All Might spewed out blood. "Too loud, kid."

A couple under a gazebo were wondering where All Might was.

"Way to be aware of your surroundings, Greenie." Setsuna cackled.

"I didn't think people would be there after I cleaned it." Izuku said.

"Way to blow my cover." All Might scolded his successor. "Say it was a mistake."

Izuku waved his arms above his head frantically. "I was just kidding! Nothing to see here!"

They heard the man say "Lame." while his date disappointedly said, "I wanted an autograph."

Aizawa fought the urge to smack his forehead while Midnight and Present Mic were trying to fight back their laughter. "How on earth did you manage to keep All Might's identity a secret all this time?"

"People don't see what's right in front of them if they're offered a simple explanation to suffice." Nezu stated.

Tenya and Ochako looked at Izuku with raised eyebrows.

"Please don't make this moment more awkward than it already is." Izuku said, scratching the back of his head. "I'm probably gonna do much worse as the show goes on."

Tenya and Ochako's expressions softened but they shook their heads.

All Might and Izuku sighed in relief when the couple took that answer. The hero held out his hand for a high five. "Congrats on getting in."

"I couldn't have done it without your help." Izuku said as they high fived.

"Oh, speaking of which, I didn't tell anyone at UA that I have been training you or anything." All Might said.

"You should have, All Might." Aizawa grumbled.

Izuku looked in confusion.

"Really. I wasn't one of the judges and I didn't pull any strings for you." All Might admitted. "You earned that spot all on your own."

Izuku bowed in gratitude. "Whoa. Thanks for telling me. I'm glad to hear that." Izuku looked up in excitement. "Oh yeah. I was really surprised to hear you're gonna be a teacher at UA this year. I was wondering what brought you here all of a sudden." Izuku closed his eyes and began to fanboy. "After all, your agency is in Minato, Tokyo and everyone knows... "

"Getting creepy." All Might interrupted.

Izuku's classmates chuckled.

"Now do you know why you earned the nickname 'Ultimate Fanboy Midori'?" Mina asked.

"I bet you even know the address of his agency." Hanta teased.

All Might looked towards the water. "The school didn't want me telling anyone about the job until they made an official announcement. It seemed like fortuitous timing. An easy way to find someone new to inherit One For All."

Many of the students looked at each other in surprise. One of them could have been a potential candidate for inheriting One For All.

"Man, could you imagine being offered something like that during the school year. It would be a lot of pressure." Eijiro said. "What about you, Bakubro?"

"I would tell All Might to take his power and shove it. I don't need his quirk to be the number one hero." Katsuki scoffed.

The Sinclairs smirked.

"That's so manly!" Eijiro said.

"Like you need the extra quirk to boost your ego, Bakugo. Ribbit." Tsuyu said bluntly.

"Shut up, frog!" Katsuki yelled at Tsuyu.

"Hey!" Most of Class A shouted at Katsuki.

Izuku, Ochako, Momo, Tenya, Mina, Fumikage and Kyoka glared at Katsuki for yelling at Tsuyu, even Dark Shadow was glaring at the Explosion user.

"How about you shut up first, Bakugou?" Aizawa asked.

Katsuki leaned back into his seat and grumbled.

"How about all of you problem children shut up." Giselle said with a glare. 'Stop trying to cause unnecessary problems."

Izuku flashbacked to the day he met All Might. "I was.. on a long hunt for a successor."

'So that's it. He was originally planning to give it to a UA student. Someone who was strong,' Izuku thought, looking down at his hands. 'Who already had a quirk.'

"Don't worry, Midobro. All Might made the right choice choosing you as his successor." Eijiro said.

"There's nobody more deserving than you, man." Denki said.

'If only you guys knew that I wasn't his first option.' Izuku thought sadly. He remembered what Sir Nighteye said to him and his last words. 'I just hope I can make Sir proud by being a better successor to All Might. So I can save everybody.'

Picking up on Izuku's self-doubts, onscreen and offscreen, Ochako squeezed his hand lightly.

"He did right by choosing you, Deku." Ochako reassured Izuku. "If he hadn't, I wouldn't be here."

Izuku smiled and squeezed back. "You're right. I won't let you guys down!"

"Your power completely wrecked my body and all I did was jump and throw one punch." Izuku said to All Might. "I can't control it. What do I do?"

All Might turned to Izuku. "You'll learn to manage it in time. Hoping to master right away is like asking a baby to run a marathon. You still have to learn the process of learning how to walk."

Izuku put his head down. "Yeah."

Izuku chuckled. "This is going to be good."

Izuku looked at All Might in shocked realization. "Wait! You knew I was gonna get hurt that badly?!"

The majority of the audience turned to look at All Might in disbelief.

"Well, we were in a time crunch." All Might said, tapping his forehead before clenching his fist. "But it turned out alright. Plus now you know what you're dealing with."

"My son breaking his legs and arm in one jump is not 'alright', Mr. All Might." Inko scolded the retired pro hero.

"But he made it into UA, all things considered." All Might said sheepishly.

"All Might, don't make my mom regret her decision." Izuku said.

"How she allowed you to let her son stay at UA, I will never know." Aizawa said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

'Oh you'll know.' The Sinclairs thought.

All Might picked up two cans off the ground. "Right now, your quirk is either all or nothing. One day, you'll learn how to control your output. Then you'll be able to adjust how much power you're using."

"You weren't kidding when you said One For All is like a light switch, Midobro." Denki said.

"Well yeah but I've said much sillier things than a light switch when it relates to One For All at the time." Izuku admitted.

"What did you say?" Kyoka asked.

"Where's the fun if I tell you?" Izuku asked.

"I just need control?" Izuku asked happily.

"Just is a word I would not choose with your previous use of your quirk, problem child." Aizawa said.

"But control is what young Midoriya needed at the time." All Might said.

"You're overflowing with energy at the moment." All Might said as the mental image of the wine glass that represented Izuku's broken body after using One For All. "With training, your body will hold it better."

All Might squashed the cans into a compressed state. "Then it's yours to command." He said in his buff form.

Izuku gave All Might a determined look.

"Look, it really is All Might!" the man under the gazebo said.

"No way, where'd he come from?!" his date asked.

The majority of the audience laughed as All Might and Izuku ran across the beach away from the couple under the gazebo.

"Who knew that even All Might wants to get away from his fans?" Itsuka asked.

"Who would ever think that All Might was such a dork?" Mina giggled.

"You hear that, All Might? The young listeners think that you're a dork." Present Mic said with a grin.

All Might chuckled. He was fine with being called a dork.

'The torch I passed onto you is but a small flame right now.' A mental image of All Might passing down a torch representing One For All to Izuku. ' In time, it will be kindled until you wield a raging inferno. The more powerful you become, the more you'll outshine me. Eventually I'll retire, my job complete. Hmph. Deep stuff, All Might.'

"That retirement came faster than you expected, huh All Might?" Tetsutetsu asked.

"Yes it did." All Might said with a sigh. "But being the number one hero comes with some good perks, retirement and all."

"Episode 5: What I Can Do for Now"


The screen showed the outside of Izuku's apartment complex.

"Izuku, you're all set?" Inko asked as she watched her son tie his shoes.


"Are you sure? You didn't just pack action figures, right?" Inko asked.

"Action figures?" Tenya asked, looking at Izuku. "Midoriya?!"

"You actually took action figures to school, Midobro?" Eijiro asked with a grin.

"I'm pretty sure there's a story behind that, isn't there Deku?" Ochako teased with a giggle.

"It was one time and I was seven. Mom!" Izuku said, covering his face in embarrassment as his onscreen self was telling his mom that he was going to be late.

Inko and Mitsuki were fighting back giggles. "Why is that my fault, Izuku?" Inko asked, trying to regain her composure.

"Izuku." Inko said.

"What?" Izuku turned around in impatience.

Inko's eyes were glistening with a small blush on her cheeks. "I'm really proud of you, son."

"Your mother is very kind-hearted, Midoriya, It seems that you inherited much from her." Tenya said.

"Your mom is the best, Deku." Ochako said, smiling.

Inko smiled at the praise. Izuku had the same blush on his cheeks as his onscreen self. "Yeah. She is."

"That day, I began my high school career." Narrator Izuku began to say.

Izuku smiled at his mom. "I'll see you soon."

The screen changed to the camera panning over the main campus of UA. "The acceptance rate that year was just as small as it always has been, one in three hundred. Four people got in because of recommendations and thirty-six through the regular exams." Narrator Izuku said as the present Izuku ran past the gates of UA. "We were split into two classes of twenty students each."

"Midoriya, you shouldn't be running in the hall." Tenya said.

"Were you running late or something, Midobro?" Denki asked. "I thought you'd probably be the first person there."

"I was kind of nervous so I slept pretty late the night before." Izuku admitted.

"Class 1-A, 1-A. Come on, where is it?" Izuku asked, looking for his class. "There!"

Izuku looked at the giant door. "Man, this thing is huge. Are there giants here?"

"Most of the time, yes." Aizawa said.

"You never know what kind of quirks students may have." Nezu stated.

"The most promising students in the country are waiting behind this door." Izuku thought of Katsuki and Tenya with unappealing impressions. He shook his head to clear the images from his head.

The majority of the students burst into laughter. Even Mitsuki and Inko were laughing at the screen, taking a picture of the onscreen Katsuki. Izuku looked at the screen in horror.

"Oh my god, do you see Iida's face?" Mina cackled, holding her sides.

"And the teeth on Bakubro?" Denki doubled over in laughter.

Eijiro, Tetsutetsu and Setsuna tapped their teeth self-consciously.

"Are sharp teeth really that bad?" Eijiro asked.

Izuku stood up and turned to Eijiro, waving his arms frantically. "No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, I think they're really cool. It's just, you saw how Kacchan was towards me and well, that's how I saw him back then. I apologize, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu and Tokage. I don't want you to think badly of me because of this."

"Fair point, Midobro. Can't say I blame you." Eijiro said.

"It's cool, Midoriya. Can't say I blame you either" Tetsutetsu said.

"Yeah. Don't sweat it, greenie." Setsuna reassured Izuku.

"Thanks." Izuku sat back down. He turned to Tenya. "Sorry Iida."

"No apology needed, Midoriya." Tenya said to reassure his best friend. "I didn't make a good impression on you when we first met."

"Maybe we're in different classes. Maybe everyone in here is nice." Izuku opened the door and was greeted by Tenya yelling at Katsuki to get his feet off the desk.

"Sorry Midoriya. But you're bunched in with the loonies." Kyoka said with a smirk.

Izuku chuckled. "That's true but I'm used to it now."

"Huh?" Katsuki snarked.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin."

"I can't believe you actually called Bakugou a cretin, Iida." Itsuka said.

"Kamikiri put his feet on the desk on the first day but I didn't call him a cretin." Jurota Shishida said. The green-skinned boy next to him grumbled in his seat.

"So there's the Iida and Bakugou of Class B. I won't be surprised if there is one of us in that class." Mina said.

"I'm sure nobody in class B has a stockpile or power augmented quirk." Izuku said. "So I don't know who is the same as me in personality."

"I'd say you're like Ibara, Midoriya. Kind and caring to those around you." Itsuka said.

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" Katsuki asked while Izuku watched the scene from the hallway while regretting his words.

"I'm glad that I wasn't there when Iida and Bakugo were arguing." Ochako said, making Izuku gulp.

'Just my luck.'

"Guess the universe hated you, huh Midori?" Mina asked.

"At the time, yeah." Izuku admitted with a laugh. "But I guess it turned out alright since Iida's one of my best friends and Kacchan is my fated rival."

"Now Problem Child is starting to sound like All Might trying to see the positives in his situations." Aizawa grumbled.

Tenya put his hand on his chest. "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida, from the Somei Private Academy." He introduced himself, extending his hand.

"Somei, huh?" Katsuki snarked, no intention of shaking Tenya's hand. "So you must think you're better than me? I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one."

"Too bad you two ended up in the same team for combat training." Kyoka smirked at the ash-blond boy.

Katsuki growled in his seat but didn't say anything.

Tenya gasped. "You would threaten me, your own classmate. Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Katsuki grimaced when he heard that. A part of him regretted his attitude at times but he didn't come to UA to make friends. He joined the hero course to surpass All Might.

Katsuki scoffed before looking away and noticing Izuku at the door. Tenya followed the blond's gaze and put his arms down to his side. "It's him." Tenya stated which made most of the seated students look at Izuku.

Most of the classmates shouted out variations of "It's me!" when they saw themselves in the show. Most of Class B chuckled at Tenya's introduction.

"Really Iida?" Mina asked with a giggle. "The way you said 'It's him', you made it sound like Midori is some kind of hotshot."

"Midobro was a hotshot after all. We just didn't know it at the time." Eijiro said with a grin.

Izuku and All Might chuckled in their seats.

"Uh hi!" Izuku exclaimed, looking away from the students.

"Good morning. My name is Tenya Iida." Tenya said, marching up to Izuku.

"That walk was so intimidating." Hanta joked.

"Yeah I know." Izuku said, stopping Tenya. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you."

Tenya put his arms down. "Midoriya, you realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?" He said, which confused Izuku. "You must be very perceptive and I completely misjudged you. I admit as a student, you're far superior to me."

'I find that hard to believe.' Izuku thought.

Izuku scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Iida, I could hardly say that I'm superior at the time after what I pulled."

Tenya laughed and turned to Izuku. "I jumped to conclusions, Midoriya. But you simply followed your heart to save Uraraka which meant more than what I have done."

Ochako's joyous expression and big brown eyes took over the screen. "Hey, I recognize that messed-up hair! Falling Boy!"

Izuku yelped and covered his face with the blanket. Ochako looked at him in confusion. "Deku, is something wrong?"

Izuku turned to see Ochako. The camera, representing his frame of vision panned over the brunette's brown shoes, black tights and uniform up to her face. 'Oh my gosh,' his thoughts spilled out. 'It's that nice girl who talked to me! She looks good in that uniform,' he continued to think while she was pantomiming him punching the zero-pointer to save her.

"Not that I'm surprised. That punch was amazing." Ochako complimented.

'Izuku.exe stopped working.' Izuku's soul left his body when he heard the cat-calls, wolf whistles, cackles and giggles.

Ochako's face turned beet red as she took in the words that came from Izuku's mind. 'Izuku t-thinks I look g-good in my uniform.'

Izuku turned red and covered his eyes, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh hey hi. Oh my gosh. So I should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to him."

Ochako ignored the playful jabs from the other students that continued as she looked at the boy hidden in the blanket next to her. She turned back to the screen, smiling warmly at his genuineness.

The camera shifted to Katsuki with his leg still on the desk watching the two of them as Ochako asked how he knew about her talking to Present Mic and he tried to change the subject.

The screen flashbacked to Aldera Junior High. "I can't believe we have not one but two students from our school heading off to UA." Izuku and Katsuki's homeroom teacher said and turned to Izuku. "And to think you're one of them, Midoriya. It's a miracle."

Izuku snapped back to reality. "Dammit." He said under his breath.

Katsuki glared at Izuku. The screen transitioned to the green haired boy getting pushed against a stone wall, wincing in pain from the hit.

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki and Masaru exclaimed in anger.

"What is wrong with you, Bakubro?" Eijiro asked, frowning at the Explosion user.

"I was pissed off. The fact that Deku got in made me furious." Katsuki said.

Aldera Katsuki grabbed Izuku's uniform collar. "What did you do to pass the exam? You must've cheated somehow right? I'm supposed to be the first and only student from this crappy school to get into UA but you had to go and screw that all up!"

Ochako turned to glare up at Katsuki. "You were such a jerk, Bakugou. Nobody cares about your 'perfect backstory'."

"I agree. Caring about a backstory over a person is not what makes a hero." Tenya said, scowling at the ash-blond boy.

"I WARNED YOU NOT TO APPLY!" Katsuki looked livid.

"The eyes of a ferocious beast." Fumikage stated.

Katsuki's furious expression turned into surprise. Izuku grabbed Katsuki's wrist to stop being shaken. "Kacchan, someone that I look up to told me that I can become a hero. That's why I applied. That's.. why.. I'm going." Even though he looked terrified, Aldera Izuku exclaimed, "Like it or not, you can't stop me!"

"Yeah, you tell him Midoriya!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

The students cheered for Izuku's courageous speech.

Katsuki scowled at Izuku. "I'm gonna ruin that little bastard. Right after I figure out how he got in."

"Guess someone was used to being top dog." Neito said.

Izuku covered his face with his arms in embarrassment from the smile of an overenthusiastic Ochako. "What do you think we're doing today beside orientation? I wonder what our teachers are like. I can't wait to meet everybody."

Izuku and Ochako covered their faces with their hands while their classmates chuckled.

"Midori and Ochako are so adorable." Toru said.

"Enter the caterpillar." Aleister said, making Giselle giggle.

An unflattering headshot of Aizawa appeared in the camera. "If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now."

Izuku looked past Ochako to see Aizawa on the ground. She stopped and turned around, starting to freak out seeing Aizawa.

The majority of the students burst into laughter. Present Mic and Midnight shook their heads while Izuku and Ochako put their hands down.

"Really Shota, still crawling around in that sleeping bag on the first day of class?" Present Mic asked with a wide smile.

"It's Shota we're talking about here, Hizashi." Midnight said. "He wants to teach his students to expect the unexpected."

"At least I don't flirt with my students, Kayama." Aizawa retorted at the R-rated hero, who rolled her eyes.

"Welcome to UA's Hero Course." Aizawa said in a bored tone. He unzipped a little of his sleeping bag to pull out some carton and drink from it.

Izuku, Ochako and Tenya looked at the human caterpillar in horror. 'What is that thing?!'

"That thing is your teacher." Aizawa said.

"Look at your faces!" Mei cackled.

"Why do I make such faces?" Tenya asked.

"At least your face looks normal. Deku and I look like we're in a horror movie." Ochako looked mortified as the onscreen Aizawa unzipped himself from his sleeping bag and scolded them for not being rational.

Izuku looked at Aizawa in confusion. 'Who is this guy? If he's here, then he must be some kind of pro. But he looks so worn out. What's his deal?'

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Pros are too worried about appearances these days."

"Most pros don't take teaching jobs on top of nighttime patrols." Present Mic countered.

Aizawa looked at the students. "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

'Our teacher?!' Izuku thought in shock.

Aizawa reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a UA gym uniform. "Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside."

"It was kind of weird that we had to put on our gym uniforms on the first day before anything else started." Rikido said.

All Might was looking at the teacher directory. 'UA's course doesn't follow the normal academic path.' He grimaced. 'Get the wrong homeroom teacher and life is hell.'

Izuku did the math in his head and turned to All Might. "Gran Torino?"

All Might nodded his head. "Gran Torino."

"Who's Gran Torino?" Itsuka asked.

"All Might's homeroom teacher." Izuku said.

Most of Class A laughed while All Might and the Sinclairs chuckled.

"I walked into that one, didn't I?" Itsuka asked.

"Basically." Izuku chuckled. "Can't let you guys know all my secrets yet."

"Heh." Itsuka smirked.

"What, a quirk assessment test?" Class A asked in unison.

"But orientation. We're going to miss it." Ochako said.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Aizawa stated. "Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means I can run my class however I see fit."

"Did any of you have to do that on the first day?" Izuku asked, turning to Itsuka.

Itsuka shook her head. "Vlad King took us to orientation."

'Lucky.' Class A thought.

The students looked worried. "You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives." Aizawa stated, showing an app on his phone. "But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend that we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the ministry of education will learn."

"And Midoriya learned at the age of four that line was not true." Kyoka said.

"Bakugo, you managed to get the most points in the Entrance Exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?" Aizawa asked.

"Sixty-seven meters, I think." Katsuki said with a frown.

"Right. Try it with your quirk. Anything goes. Just stay in the circle." Aizawa said. "Go on. You're wasting our time."

"Alright man, you asked for it." Katsuki said while stretching.

"This is going to be good." Tetsutetsu said with a grin.

'I'll add a little heat to my pitch and drop their jaws.' Katsuki thought while winding up. A huge explosion burst from his right hand, sending a softball with a tracking device flying in the air. "DIE!"

Class B's jaws dropped. "Ok yeah. That was definitely something." Tetsutetsu said.

"Glad I did exactly what I promised." Katsuki smirked.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." Aizawa said, raising his phone to show The score on the phone showing 705.2 meters.

"Whoa 705 meters? Are you kidding me?" Denki asked.

"I want to go. That looks like fun." Mina said excitedly.

"This is what I'm talking about. Using our quirks as much as we want!" Hanta said excitedly.

"So this looks like fun, huh?" Aizawa asked. "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's going to be games and playtime?"

"You just couldn't help yourself, huh Mina?" Kyoka asked sarcastically.

Mina shrugged indifferently. "It's not like Mr. Aizawa would actually do as he said since it was a logical deception."

Present Mic and Midnight overheard the two girls and turned to Aizawa with sly grins. "So you had them believe that it was a logical deception, huh Shota?" Present Mic asked.

"I'm surprised you managed to keep all of them in one day. They must have impressed you." Midnight said.

"None of them had zero potential." Aizawa admitted.

"Idiots. Today, you'll compete in eight physical exams to gage your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately."

The parents, Mei, Hitoshi and Class B had the same expressions as the onscreen students.

"Immediate expulsion on the first day?" Itsuka asked in disbelief.

"But that would go on their record if they got expelled." Mei said.

All Might smacked his hand on his forehead. He was looking at Aizawa's file. "Oh crap. He got Aizawa. Midoriya is going to be singled out from the start."

"You really think Mr. Aizawa would do something like that?" Mina asked.

"We heard what he said to Midobro during the ball throw." Eijiro said. "I'm not surprised if that's why he was put in our class." He said that last line quietly so Izuku doesn't hear him.

"Am I seeing things or does that say 154 students?" Izuku asked in disbelief.

The students and parents looked at the onscreen file in shock.

"You didn't actually expel 154 students, right Mr. Aizawa?" Kyoka asked.

"Correct, Ms. Jirou. Aizawa has the highest record of expelling students in UA." Nezu stated, throwing Aizawa under the bus.

"But w-why?" Ochako asked.

"That's a conversation for later." Aizawa deadpanned.

'So that means he did want to expel me. I was going to be lucky number 155. But what stopped him from doing it?' Izuku thought dreadfully. Little did he know, the rest of Class A were wondering the same thing.

A purple hazy background surrounded Aizawa. 'Immediate expulsion? Eight tests? Oh crap, not good.' Izuku thought as he looked at his hand. 'I can only use One For All at either zero or a hundred percent right now. I don't have any control yet.'

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs." Aizawa said, putting his hair up showing a manic look in his eyes. "Understand? If that's a problem for you, you can head home right now."

'A huge test on the first day of school? What the crap am I gonna do?' Izuku thought as the pressure of the first wall that UA put up got to him and Aizawa looked at the students with a smug expression.

"Dang Muscles. I can imagine the pressure that you felt since you only used One For All once." Mei said.

Izuku nodded as the transition screen appeared. "Yeah. Since I had no control over it at the time, I was doing the tests quirkless."

"You can't send one of us home! I mean we just got here. Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair." Ochako said with clenched fists.

"Oh and you think natural disasters are? Or power-hungry villains, hm? Or catastrophic incidents that wipe out whole cities? No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness. If you want to be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, plus ultra style." Aizawa said, crooking his index finger at his students. "Show me it's no mistake that you are here."

"It's Mr. Aizawa's big line!" Mina exclaimed.

While the students looked intimidated by Aizawa, Tenya took a sip from his water bottle. 'I don't approve of this kind of hazing but UA is the top hero course. I have no choice.'

"That's right. You didn't." Aizawa said with a grin.

'Time to blow these nerds away.' Katsuki thought, stretching his arm.

Izuku and Ochako clenched their fists in determination to prove they belong at UA.

"Can I just say how adorable Midori and Ochako are when they mimic each other?" Toru asked.

"Toru!" Ochako exclaimed in embarrassment while Izuku looked away in a blushing mess.

"I agree. You two are so cute." Mina said.

"A-ashido!" Izuku exclaimed. Now it was Ochako's turn to be a blushing mess. 'She does look cute when she's determined. That is one of the reasons why I fell for her.' Izuku thought with a smile.

"Test 1: 50-meter dash"

"Runners, on your marks!" A robotic voice from a testing device on a tripod said cheerfully as Tsuyu and Tenya poised to begin. "Ready!"

A gunshot sounded, and Tenya raced off of the starting block with a boost from his engines while Tsuyu hopped after him. Tenya wasn't even at full speed when he reached the finish line, still accelerating as the robot cheerfully announced his time at "3.04 seconds!"

Skidding to a stop, with a look of dissatisfaction. 'At fifty meters, I can only get up to third gear.' Tenya thought.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at the screen, hearing Tenya's thoughts. 'If Iida did use Recipro Burst, would he still have enough energy to do the rest of the tests? Unless he was waiting to use that move so I can't think of a countermeasure for it.'

Tenya received a close-up sketch shot. "Tenya Iida. His quirk: Engine. As you can see, his legs are pretty dang fast." Present Mic's voice was heard, announcing Tenya's quirk. The engines in Tenya's calves were steaming.

"The show has me announcing the listeners' quirks before the Sports Festival?" Mic asked, looking at the Sinclairs.

The Americans shrugged. "There's nobody else to do it better." Aleister said.

"Well he's definitely in his element. But speed won't help him in every test." Aizawa commented.

"Mr. Aizawa has a point. It's not like you can use your speed during the grip strength test." Izuku said while Tsuyu didn't get a close up but a caption appeared showing she got 5.58 seconds.

"I'll lighten up my clothes," Ochako said as she used her quirk on her clothes. "Oh and my shoes too." She and Mashirao stepped up next.

"That's an interesting way of using your quirk, Ochako." Momo stated. "Did it have any effect during your running?"

"I don't think it made a huge difference, but I did do a little better than the last time I took it. That means something right?"

"I just wondered if that was a result of any training you did, instead of just the quirk itself."

"Well, I didn't do as much physical training, but I did practice with my quirk so I could lift heavier things for a longer time. Maybe that made it more effective on small stuff too."

Ochako got a close-up sketch shot. "Ochako Uraraka. Her quirk: Zero Gravity."

"Ochako, it's your close up." Mina said.

"I wonder if all of us will get one." Denki said.

"Get set." A gunshot sounded.

"She can nullify the gravitational pull of anything she touches." The screen flashbacked to Ochako throwing up during the Entrance Exam as Present Mic continued. "But if she uses her power too much, she totally hurls."

"More like hurl the rainbow." Hanta joked.

"I do not puke rainbows, Sero!" Ochaco exclaimed.

"Tell that to the rainbow vomit during the exam, Ochako." Kyoka said with a smirk.

"This is so embarrassing!" Ochako groaned in exasperation and covered her face with the blanket.

"Hey. Totally off topic here but do you think this is from future Greenie's perspective and he sees or thinks that Uraraka pukes rainbows?" Setsuna asked with a toothy grin.

There was a moment of silence while everyone in the theater pondered that. Izuku's eyes went wide as saucers and so were Ochako's under the blanket. 'Oh my gosh. If that is true and this is from my future self's perspective, that means me and Ochako get together in the future. Great. Now everyone thinks that future me sees a rainbow puker.' Izuku thought. 'Wait everyone?!'

"T-tokage!" Izuku suddenly exclaimed in a panic, making the majority of the students and adults burst into laughter. He covered his face with the blanket, not realizing that Ochako was under the blanket until she yelped in surprise. "Why would you say something like that?!"

"Oh my god, it totally makes sense!" Mina exclaimed, doubling over in laughter. "Tokage, you are the best!"

"You would totally think that Uraraka pukes rainbows, Midoriya." Itsuka said, laughing.

"I think I'm gonna die from embarrassment now." Izuku said, covering his face even though his heart started doing jumping jacks from happiness.

"You and me both, Deku." Ochako said, patting his shoulder while giggling.

"How are you okay with this?" Izuku asked her in surprise.

"It's kind of funny actually." Ochako admitted.

"I guess it is kind of funny." Izuku said, a small grin on his face.

"That's the spirit." Ochako said. 'If future Izuku does think of me puking rainbows, then that means we will get together soon.' She squealed internally.

Aleister and Giselle were too busy laughing that they didn't hear Nezu trying to get their attention. Out of all the possibilities behind Ochako's rainbow puke, this was the funniest they have heard, no matter how wrong it was. "Mr and Mrs. Sinclair!"

The Sinclairs stopped laughing and turned to Nezu. "Yes Principal Nezu." The two of them said in unison.

"You paused the show." Nezu said.

"Apologies." Aleister said. "We must've paused it when Setsuna started talking."

"Oh dear." Giselle said. "I guess we shall continue with the show." She pressed play on the remote.

"5.49 seconds." The robot said Mashirao's score.

"Aww. I didn't get a close-up." Mashirao said while onscreen Ochako reached the finish line at 7.15 seconds.

Ochako released her quirk. 'Well at least that's faster than junior high.' She thought in relief.

Yuga and Mina stepped up next. "Nice attempts, mon ami. But you're not showing enough panache." Yuga said as Mina looked at him in confusion. "Let your power shine!"

"Yuga Aoyama. His quirk: Naval Laser." Present Mic announced as Yuga went flying with the use of his laser. "That's right. A belly button laser." Yuga fell to the ground but he got up and used his laser again while Mina ran to the finish line. "But he can't shoot it forever."

"Aww I wanted a Present Mic close up." Mina pouted.

"You know that you could have just ran to the finish line." Minoru said to Yuga.

"True, but I am a terrible runner." Yuga admitted. Minoru patted him on the arm.

"5.51 seconds." The robot announced disappointedly.

Yuga looked over at his shoulder. "Shooting my beautiful beam for more than a second hurts my tummy." He said with his hands on his hips.

Hanta, Eijiro, Denki and Mina looked dissatisfied with Yuga's explanation. 'What a tool.' The four of them thought.

"Bakusquad shenanigans." Aleister whispered in English, making Giselle giggle.

The four of them covered their mouths while most of the students snickered. Yuga let out a huff of annoyance.

"Oh crap. They really are going to show our thoughts." Denki said.

"You just figured that out?" Kyoka asked.

"I thought it was going to be Midori and his friends." Mina said with a muffled voice.

"Do I look like I was one of Deku's friends, Raccoon Eyes?" Katsuki growled.

'Testing the upper limits of their powers helps me assess their room for growth. It becomes clear what they can or can't do. Their true potential.' Aizawa thought as he turned to Izuku and Katsuki.

'True potential?' Izuku thought as his eyes perked up. 'Is that what stopped Mr. Aizawa from expelling me?'

"Runners on your mark. Ready?" The gunshot sounded.

'Sometimes pros have to be creative in order to succeed.'

"Good to know there's some method to the madness. I was scared that whole time because I couldn't figure out any way to use my quirk to help me with those tests." Toru said.

Katsuki raced beside Izuku. "Burst Speed!" He used his quirk to propel himself forward.

"4.13 seconds"

He also got a close up. "Katsuki Bakugou. His quirk: Explosion."

Izuku came up behind him. "7.02 seconds."

Katsuki looked at his steaming hands. "My power has more uses than anyone else's in this school."

"Not really. Ribbit." Tsuyu said.

"What did you say?!" Katsuki looked enraged.

Tsuyu leaned forward to look at Izuku. "Do you want to tell him, Midoriya or should I?"

Izuku's eyes perked up. He had a feeling what Tsuyu was talking about. He turned to look at Katsuki while onscreen Katsuki called his future rival pathetic. The ash blond boy looked at Izuku with narrowed eyes while the greenette smirked at him.

"No." Izuku finally said, turning back to the screen. "Let's keep him guessing."

"Huh, what do you mean?!" Katsuki shouted out. "Tell me what you know, you damn nerd!"

Izuku was breathing heavily. 'There are still seven tests. Everyone is going to be using their quirks on all of them and getting awesome results.'

"Um hello. I'm invisible, Midori." Toru said. "How does that help me in these physical tests?"

"Oh right." Izuku said sheepishly.

'So what do I do? I've got a ton of power but I can use it once and it'll break me. Control. That's what I need. Maybe I can focus like All Might suggested.'

"You can harness One For All." All Might's voice echoed in his mind.

"Tell us your ways, All Might." Itsuka said.

Izuku flashbacked to the beach after he and All Might ran away from the couple. "It's simple." All Might said. "You have to FEEL IT!"

Katsuki's eyebrow twitched. "Did you just say that he has to feel it?"

"All Might!" Ochako shouted while Aizawa facepalmed, Nezu shook his head, Present Mic and Midnight just sighed. The former pro looked off to his side, rubbing the back of his head.

"No wonder the nerd was useless at using your power!" Katsuki shouted.

"Kacchan, I didn't know you cared." Izuku teased.

"Shut it Deku." Katsuki growled.

"What about me?" Ochako pouted.

"I always know that you care about me and my well-being, Ochako." Izuku smiled at his crush.

Ochako turned beet red and covered her face with the blanket.

"Did I say something wrong?" Izuku asked worriedly.

'So dense.' Most of Class A thought, shaking their heads.

"No you're good, Midori." Mina said, trying not to slam her head against Eijiro's shoulder.

"Yeah don't worry Deku." Ochako said, pulling the blanket away from her face and smiled at Izuku. "I'm just happy that you know I care."

'I love the boy because he's so kind but why does he have to be so dense at times?' Ochako thought with mock frustration.

"Yeah like a lot of broken bones."

"Not a good feeling." Izuku reminded All Might.

"No, I'm talking about the rush inside." All Might stopped shadow boxing and turned back towards Izuku. "You must've felt it coursing through you. What was it like?"

"A bzzt. Or no like whoosh or maybe kapow or um" Izuku said, trying to describe the feeling, before DING! and hitting his palm on his fist. "Oh I know! Like an egg about to explode in a microwave."

All Might spat out blood. "That's pretty boring but okay."

"An egg in a microwave, Midobro." Denki joked as the other students laughed at the silly metaphor while Izuku hit himself with his notebook.

"It's the only thing that came to my mind." Izuku said. 'Thank god Gran Torino is not here to make fun of my frozen taiyaki.'

"If that's the metaphor you want to go with then lower the wattage or decrease the cooking time, whichever one works. Keep focusing on that image and keeping the egg from exploding. Alright?"

"I guess that kinda makes sense." Denki said. "When it came to changing the amount of voltage I used, I just had to feel it out, experiment."

"But your exploration of your quirk does not result in such dire consequences as it does for Midoriya." Fumikage pointed out.

Denki nodded in agreement. Shocking himself silly wasn't fun, but it wasn't quite as bad as multiple broken bones.

'I can do that.' Izuku thought in determination.

"You've got three weeks until school. The more you concentrate, the faster you'll learn. Control over One For All isn't gonna happen overnight but you'll nail it one day. You just gotta keep trying." The last sentence echoed in Izuku's head while Aizawa watched him.

"Was it that simple?" Mashirao asked.

"How many times did you trip with your tail when you tried to balance it?" Izuku retorted.

"Touché." Mashirao said.

"Test 2: Grip Strength"

Izuku closed his eyes. 'Okay keep the egg from blowing up.' He flashbacked to the Entrance Exam when he was unconscious after punching the Zero Pointer. He closed his eyes and gripped the dynamometer. The machine beeped to show fifty-six kilograms.

"Wow, you hit five hundred four kilograms. You're such a beast!" Hanta exclaimed.

"Yeah like a muscle-y octopus." Minoru said.

"Ah…" Izuku says, looking at his score in disappointment.

"Test 3: Standing long jump"

The screen shows a pit of sand that the students are jumping into. Yuga used his laser. Katsuki used his explosions while Izuku just jumped like a normal person.

'Focus.' Izuku thought.

"Test 4: Repeated side steps"

Minoru bounced in between two clumps of his sticky balls. Izuku watched in panic.

"Test 5: Ball throw"

Ochako is shown standing in the same place as Katsuki, she used her quirk on the ball and then throws it into the air. She watched as the ball was no longer in sight. Aizawa showed everyone his device and it said infinity.

"Infinity?!" they all yelled in disbelief.

Hitoshi and Class B looked as shocked as the onscreen Class A. "Whoa. Is the ball still up there, Uraraka?" Itsuka asked.

Ochako shrugged. "No idea honestly."

"That's insane! How's that possible?" Kaminari asked while Izuku looked shocked.

"I'm sorry, Deku. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Ochako looked at Izuku sadly.

"It's okay, Ochako. It's not your fault." Izuku reassured Ochako.

'This is bad. I've got to come up with some kind of a game plan. Everyone's had at least one crazy good score already. All that's left is this, the distance run, sit-ups, and the seated toe touch. It's now or never. This is my best chance to use One for All.' Izuku thinks as he steps up to take his throw.

"Like I said, Midori. I'm invisible." Toru said.

"Yeah but I think you're missing the point, Hagakure. It didn't make sense then but now that I think of it, you have stealth on your side and Mr. Aizawa maybe saw that as potential being an underground hero."

Toru turned to Aizawa. "Really Mr. Aizawa, you saw potential in my invisibility?" She asked excitedly.

Aizawa sighed, forgetting how analytical the problem child can be. "Something like that, yes."

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." Tenya said.

"Huh? Of course, he is. He's a quirkless loser." Katsuki replied.

"That statement makes a lot more sense now though you did not have to call him a loser, Bakugo." Tenya said.

"Even in UA, he called me a quirkless loser." Izuku muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Ochako looked at him sadly before squeezing his hand. "That's not the case anymore, Deku."

"I know."

'I was trying to make sure that Midoriya didn't hurt himself using his quirk that I didn't hear Bakugou call him quirkless.' Aizawa thought with a grimace.

"He has a quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?" Tenya asked.

"Huh?" Katsuki sounded confused.

"I didn't know what the nerd did during the Entrance Exam, Glasses." Katsuki said. "Not like my life revolves around him."

"This is coming from the person that was obsessed with him." Momo said.

'Here it comes.' Aizawa thought, watching Izuku.

"Izuku! I'm really proud of you son." Inko's voice can be heard.

"Young man. You too can become a hero." Izuku remembered All Might telling him.

"Greenie's giving us the feels with these flashbacks." Setsuna said, making Izuku blush.

"There's the heroic music again. But Midoriya messed up his throw." Kyoka said.

'I won't let them down!' Izuku thought, powering up his quirk in his right arm before throwing the ball.

"Were you about to destroy your arm again just for a ball throw?" Tetsutetsu asked.

"It was the only choice I had at the time." Izuku said.

Aizawa's eyes flashed red.

"46 meters." the robotic device said.

The students winced at the look on Izuku's face. "That's gotta hurt." Rikido said.

"Yeah," Koji agreed. "I mean, he didn't break his arm, but…"

"This would have only been the second time he used it," Mezo said, "and to be denied just like that."

"I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school." Aizawa said, his eyes glowing red, hair floating, and his scarf floating in the air around his neck.

"Wait, you did what to my... Ah, those goggles. I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers."

"You knew that it was Eraserhead from his goggles?" Hanta asked.

"It was that and when he said that he erased my quirk." Izuku admitted.

The screen showed Aizawa with his goggles perched on a rooftop, his hair and scarf in the wind. "The Erasure hero: Eraserhead."

"That image really sets the tone for Mr. Aizawa." Tsuyu said.

"The darkness suits him." Fumikage said.

"Eraser? Who's that?" Hanta asked.

"Oh, I've heard of him. I think he works on the down-low." Tsuyu said.

'Aizawa's one of those guys who doesn't like the media because he thinks they interfere with our work. And he judges celebrity heroes like me because I look good in the spotlight.' All Might thought as he hid behind a wall watching class A.

"Wait All Might, you were watching us?" Denki asked.

"Yes, I was worried about Young Midoriya so I stopped by to see him." All Might said.

"You're not ready. You don't have control over your power. Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?" Aizawa asked Izuku.

"But that was his second time using his quirk." Ochako said, turning to Aizawa. "You can't just.."

"Nobody except Midoriya and All Might knew that, Uraraka." Aizawa glared at the retired pro hero. "If I had known about Midoriya's case, I may have acted differently. That being said, this was still one of UA's walls Midoriya either needed to overcome or fall before, and wouldn't you agree that he succeeded in that?"

"Yes." Ochako pouted.

Izuku gave Ochako's hand a light squeeze. "Thank you."

Ochako smiled at Izuku, turning back to the screen.

"No! That's not what I was trying to do!" Izuku said.

"…liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved a thousand people by himself and became a legend. But even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down. Sorry, Midoriya. With your power, there's no way you can become a hero." Aizawa told the boy, who looked at him with fierce determination.

"Ouch. To hear a teacher say that to your face." Mei said.

"He had a point." Izuku admitted. "It hurts me to say that Mr. Aizawa was right. But if I destroyed myself with one hit, I would be useless in a real fight."

Aizawa blinked, turning his quirk off. His eyes turned back to their regular color, his hair fell back down, and his scarf unraveled from Izuku and returned to his shoulders. "I've returned your impractical quirk. Take your final throw. hurry and get it over with." Aizawa walked away.

"I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice." Tenya said.

"Probably told him to start packing." Katsuki said.

"You seriously had problems, Bakugou." Ochako said.

"I'm here Cheri." Yuga reassured Ochako, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait, who are you, again?" Ochako asked in confusion.

The majority of the students laughed at that.

"Um thanks for that, Aoyama." Ochako said awkwardly.

"I've only got one shot at nailing this, so what am I gonna do?" Izuku asked himself.

'Is he going to use his quirk and have to forfeit the rest of the events like a fool? Or admit defeat and settle into last place? Either way, he doesn't belong here. Aizawa thought, putting eye drops in his eyes.

'I ended up in last place either way. A part of me thinks that this test was rigged so that Mr. Aizawa could expel me. But I guess using my finger to throw the ball changed his mind.' Izuku thought.

"You definitely belong here, Deku." Ochako said, annoyed that Aizawa was trying to put Izuku down. 'If Mr. Aizawa couldn't see that Izuku belonged in UA, I guess I didn't belong in UA either.'

'I still can't control my power. But I can't just give up, either. Do I let the egg explode? It might be my only shot staying at UA. I have to try something. No matter what the consequences.' Izuku thought to himself.

'A waste of a quirk.' Aizawa thought.

"It's funny you say that since the listener has All Might's quirk." Present Mic said with a grin. Aizawa rolled his eyes.

'Mr. Aizawa was right about what he said. If I can't control my quirk, there's no way I'll ever become a hero.' Izuku thought as he positioned to throw the ball.

"Hey, hey is he for real?" All Might asked.

'I have to work way harder than everyone else here if I wanna succeed.'

"There's the music again." Kyoka said.

"Midobro is so cool." Denki said with a grin.

"Seriously how do you do it, man?" Eijiro asked.

"Go Midori!" Mina cheered.

"What did he do?" Itsuka asked.

'Even if I have a lot to learn, I'll focus on what I can do right now.' Right before he let go of the ball, Izuku sent all of his quirk into the fingertip of his index finger.

"Just like the episode's title." Momo pointed out.


The parents, Hitoshi and Class B watched the screen in shock.

"He did that with one finger?" Juzo asked in disbelief.

"Just like during the Sports Festival," Hitoshi said in surprise.

"Just how powerful are you, Greenie?" Setsuna asked with wide eyes.

"Really powerful!" Ochako cheered.

The ball went flying into the air, surprising Katsuki, Tenya, Yuga and Ochako.

Izuku's finger was purple and broken. 'It hurts but not as bad as before.'

"Now I just have to figure out how to use my full power without breaking my bones." Izuku said.

"Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?" Aizawa's words echoed in Izuku's head. The erasure hero looked down at his device, which read 705.3 meters.

"With one finger at 100%, Midoriya managed to throw the ball 10 centimeters higher than Bakugou." Shoto said.

"Imagine how much he could get if he used his whole arm." Momo said.

"Mr. Aizawa. You see? I'm still standing." Izuku told his teacher, clenching his fist.

"This kid." Aizawa said in manic disbelief.

"Well color me impressed, young listener." Present Mic said with a whistle. "You managed to surprise EraserHead of all pros."

'I was worried about you, young man, but you're doing a great job. You knew you had to use One for All, but not at full power or else you'd be KO'd. So you propelled the ball at the last possible point of contact. By sending the power of your quirk shooting through your fingertip. Minimizing the injury to your body while maximizing the throw. What the heck, young Midoriya? How did you go and get so cool?' All Might thought as Izuku stood there with clenched teeth.

"All Might thinks I'm cool." Izuku said with a bright smile.

"Deku, you are cool." Ochako said.

"Thanks Ochako."

"I never thought I'd see All Might have a fanboy moment." Mina giggled.

All Might cleared his throat. "I wouldn't go that far, young Ashido. But Young Midoriya did impress me."

The ending starts to play.

"If we retook the Quirk Assessment Test, would the results be different?" Denki asked.

"It's possible especially since Midobro has a handle on One For All." Eijiro said.

"That may be true but I can only use a certain amount of One For All. Certain tests like the fifty-meter dash and the standing long jump, I have a chance. But I doubt I will have the same score on the ball throw without breaking my finger again. Plus I don't think that's why Mr. Aizawa did the Quirk Assessment Test." Izuku said.

"Midoriya is right." Aizawa said. All the students turned to the erasure hero.

"What do you mean?" Kyoka asked.

"I didn't care about your scores. I care about how you use your quirk to get your scores. Midoriya sent his quirk through his finger instead of his arm. Uraraka lightened her clothes in the 50-meter dash. Sure they didn't always get the highest score in the class but I'm more impressed with someone who can find a creative way to use their quirk to get out of a weak point than I am with someone who uses their quirk when in their strengths. Your potential isn't determined by how strong your quirk is but by how you use it." Aizawa said.

"Wow. You actually do care about us, Mr. Aizawa." Denki said.

Aizawa started to say something but Present Mic grabbed his capture scarf and covered his mouth with it. "Yes yes he does."

Aizawa elbowed Present Mic in the side, which made the voice hero yelp.

All Might's music began to play.

"Hero basic training, a class only available in the UA Hero Course." Izuku said.

"Deku, let's do our best in this combat exercise, okay?" Ochako encouraged Izuku.

"Oh my gosh. I talked to a girl again." Izuku said before laughing maniacally.

"Looks like we're up against Team Iida and Bakugou." Ochako said.

"You mean, I'm gonna have to fight Kacchan?" Izuku asked worriedly.

"Next time, Rage, You Damn Nerd!"

"Look at Deku's bunny ears! Oh my goodness, they're so cute!" Ochako gushed.

"Go beyond…"

"Plus Ultra!" The majority of the students managed to yell out before bursting in laughter while Ochako and Izuku covered their faces in embarrassment.

The timer started.

Everyone got up to stretch or use the bathroom. Izuku and Ochako got up to use the bathroom.

'I never told Izuku that I think his costume's bunny ears are cute. Now he knows. I didn't think he would find out.' Ochako thought nervously.

'The combat exercise is in the next episode and Ochako is going to see what I think of her costume.' Izuku thought nervously.

'I need to hide!' The two of them thought. 'Wait, I can't.'