
Mankind's Transmigration: I've Become my Avatar from a VR Game?!

Anniceta Cromwell, along with the rest of Earth's human population, were transmigrated over to a world of monsters, mysterious beings, and magic. The catch however, was that they were all reincarnated as a random creature on the planet. Creatures that can be summoned to different worlds! Everyone except Anniceta, that is. Due to an unexpected event, she was instead reincarnated into the same world, but instead, as her in-game avatar from her favorite VR game, while still having the ability to be summoned. While the other Transmigrators were scrambling to gather their bearings and become stronger, Anniceta was leisurely enjoying roasted meat! While the other Transmigraters were scrambling for a chance at being summoned from even a poor quality summoning circle, Anniceta would have top quality summoning circles appear at her feet! I want to make it very clear that I'm quite new to the novel writing scene, so if you could cut me some slack, that would be great! I would also appreciate any reviews, good or bad! (Please keep them civil...) I will try to release 1-2 chapters every week to start out, as I have no idea how this will turn out.

Golden_Finger_LLC · Fantasy
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6 Chs

First Paycheck! Refining Weapons! Don't Worry, I'll Kill It!

Luo Weiwei walked up to Emperor Cao Cao, took a deep breath, and stated her price.

"Your majesty, Papa and I have decided upon a price for the remaining items after we took what we wanted. The price itself is 9 million Diamond Notes. Is that acceptable?"

Emperor Cao Cao gave Luo Weiwei a warm smile.

"Of course. I'll even throw in another 20,000 Platinum Notes as a bonus for selling the rest of the items solely to myself. Do you want it in actual notes, or do you want them in Bank Cards that you can use?"

Luo Tian stepped in at that moment, as he had far more experience with these sorts of transactions than his daughter.

"If you could put 8 million Diamond Notes in 8 separate Bank Cards, with 1 million in actual Diamond Notes. The 1 million would be for Miss Anniceta, as there wouldn't be any of these items without her help."

Anniceta was a little startled by this revelation.

"Luo Tian, don't you and your daughter need this money? I'm perfectly fine as long as I'm treated as an esteemed guest, no payment necessary. I am, after all, Luo Weiwei's Summoned Being!"

Luo Tian shook his head, as both him and Luo Weiwei gave Anniceta a warm smile.

"No, this is indeed necessary. You might not know this, but this amount of money is only rivaled by some of the most elite of Nobles. Not to mention how rare and special most of these items are, the Pango Fruits alone are worth 1 million Diamond Notes for the entire group, minus the ones we took to keep of course."

Emperor Cao Cao nodded in affirmation.

"What Mister Luo Tian said is indeed true. Most of these items that you gathered are considered a rarity, seldom seen by living people. With the amount of these rare items at my disposal, my Empire should begin to flourish. I want to personally thank you, Miss Anniceta, even if you did beat me half to death. That little bit of pain is nothing compared to what my Empire has gained!

Better yet, now I can make my brother cough up that 10,000-year-old bottle of spirit wine that he showed me! Ah, I can't wait to see his face once he finds out that I beat him in this century's Royal Resource Battle!"

Anniceta grinned, cheekily responding, "If you insist, then I'll gladly accept the money. Now, I'm going to try and refine my weapons, so give me a few minutes."

Lifting the hammer, Anniceta silently asked about the refining process to her system.

'System, how do I refine these weapons?'

"Ding Dong! To refine your weapons, all you need to do is drip 3 drops of blood onto each item. The System will take care of the rest!"

'Perfect. Let's do that then.'

Retracting the metal gauntlet around her right hand, Anniceta bit her thumb hard enough to draw blood, and dripped 2 drops of blood on the head of the war maul, and 1 drop on the handle.



Immediately after, a deep rumbling noise echoed throughout the entire world, lightning following soon after.

Emperor Cao Cao and Luo Tian both looked at Anniceta with wide eyes, and then focused on the war maul.

An extremely large vortex formed above Anniceta, as if the heavens themselves were appalled at the power contained within Anniceta's blood.

Pretty soon, the vortex changed from dark grey, to red, then to black, and finally changed to look like it was made out of the cosmos themselves.



A loud whirring noise sounded out before bolt after bolt of insanely powerful cosmic energy rained down hard on Anniceta.

Through this heavenly assault, Anniceta simply snorted and started striking the bolts of energy with the war maul, gradually changing its appearance.

What started out as a black stone war maul with a simple wooden handle, gradually turned into something far more powerful and pleasing to the eye.

The handle first changed from wood, to wrapped wood, metal, and finally, what appeared to be solid diamond that radiated an intense aura.

The head of the maul gradually turned from a dull black stone to steel, and finally, it looked like the entire universe was compacted to form the head of the maul, with galaxies, stars, and nebulae flitting around within.

As soon as the final bolt of energy was absorbed into the maul, a divine light descended and enveloped both Anniceta and the war maul.

"Ding Dong! You have successfully refined your first weapon! Congratulations! You have received 10 Supreme Upgrade Tokens!"

"Ding Dong! Due to you successfully refining your first weapon and passing the extremely rare Cosmic Weapon Tribulation with flying colors, your weapon has gained a name and Pseudo Weapon Soul! The name of your weapon is "Firmament Crusher"!"

Raising her eyebrows, Anniceta firmly gripped the handle, and whispered, "Looks like you and I are partners from now on, Firmament Crusher~"

Upon Anniceta whispering the war maul's name, Firmament Crusher seemed to come to life as it bobbed up and down in front of Anniceta and seemed to be content, as it gently vibrated, as if greeting its master.

Anniceta then pulled out the crystal bow.

She then dripped 1 drop of blood on the top of the bow, 1 drop in the middle near the handle, 1 drop on the bottom of the bow, and just for good measure, 1 drop onto the string.



This time, the bolts of energy were rainbow hued, and struck without warning, forming out of thin air.

Slightly startled, Anniceta quickly regained her composure, and drew back the bowstring as she concentrated her Divine Energy into arrows per the System's instructions.



Arrow after arrow was sent out, each intercepting a bolt of the rainbow hued energy, with each impact destroying the bolt, and causing the bow to absorb the energy contained within said bolts.

The bow gradually turned from a bow that appeared to be made out of crystal with a flimsy cord as the bowstring, to an elaborately designed bow made out of rainbow hued metal, with the bowstring appearing to be made out of jade.

As soon as the bolts of energy stopped descending, a divine light shone down on Anniceta and her bow, prompting a couple of notifications from her System.

"Ding Dong! You have successfully refined the 9 Heavens Overlord Bow! Congratulations! You have received 8 Supreme Upgrade Tokens!"

"Ding Dong! Due to you successfully refining your weapon and passing the extremely rare Cosmic Weapon Tribulation with flying colors, your weapon has gained a name and a Pseudo Weapon Soul! The weapon's name is "Pride's Downfall"!"

Anniceta hefted the bow and drew back the bow string, forming an arrow and firing it off into the distance, totally uncaring of where the arrow landed.

Once she was done testing it out, Anniceta gently whispered a greeting to her new weapon.

"Welcome aboard the freak train, Pride's Downfall~"

Pride's Downfall gently vibrated and pulsed a warm, soothing glow for a few seconds before settling down.

Noticing how Pride's Downfall seemed to be far more mellow than Firmament Crusher, Anniceta began to wonder how different souls will affect different weapons, once the complete Weapon Soul was formed.

Moving onto the saber, Anniceta dripped 1 drop of blood on the blade of the saber, 1 drop of blood on the hilt, and 1 drop of blood on the handle.


The skies darkened as yet another vortex formed, blood red lightning bolts swam around within the vortex, until finally, the bolts descended.


Bolt after bolt rained down from the vortex towards Anniceta, who merely snorted and readied her saber.


A single, smooth swing caused the entire space to become void of color, with the only color being the crimson-colored saber beam that raced towards the vortex.


As the crimson-colored saber beam made contact with the vortex, everyone could see the vortex tremble for a split second, before falling apart in two halves.


Luo Weiwei, Luo Tian, Emperor Cao Cao, and the Bean Counters all sucked in a sharp breath through their teeth upon seeing the impossible happen right before their eyes.

A single saber strike was enough to completely split the Blood Lightning Weapon Tribulation vortex in half! That's something that even Immortals would have trouble accomplishing! At the very least, Emperor Cao Cao knew damn well he wouldn't have been able to accomplish what Anniceta just pulled off.

Once more, a divine light shone down from the skies and enveloped Anniceta and her saber, followed by the saber quickly changing from looking like an ornamental red and black colored saber with a black, wooden handle, to something far more powerful.

The handle itself became wrapped in a beast's skin, one which emitted a scalding temperature, while the hilt had been formed in an 8 Trigrams shape.

The blade itself turned from a matte red and black color to a glossy crimson color that seemed to be able to cut anything in its path. Just by looking at the edge of the blade made one's eyes hurt due to how sharp it was.

The entire saber itself was emitting a withering aura of blood and slaughter, though Anniceta didn't mind in the slightest.

As per her expectations, her System sent her two more notifications.

"Ding Dong! You have successfully refined the 9 Nether Blood Fiend Saber! You have received 18 Supreme Upgrade Tokens!"

"Ding Dong! Due to you successfully refining your weapon and passing the extremely rare Blood Lightning Weapon Tribulation with flying colors, your weapon has gained a name and a Pseudo Weapon Soul! The weapon's name is "Blood Dao"!"

With the saber floating in front of her, Anniceta firmly grasped the handle of Blood Dao, whispering, "It seems like you're quite the powerful one. Let's make a great team, Blood Dao~"

Blood Dao began to hum and vibrate, all while releasing the stench of blood, though to Anniceta, the feeling was like soaking in a hot spring back on Earth, which is to say, quite comfortable. She could also tell that Blood Dao immediately accepted her as it's user, and through their connection, Anniceta could sense that Blood Dao was quite excited to be used in combat, as if it were a child wanting to impress their parents.

Chuckling, Anniceta gently stroked the blade of Blood Dao, making it hum even louder and release more of a bloody stench.

All of a sudden...



The deafening cries of monsters unexpectedly filled the air, followed soon after by a suffocating pressure that brought Luo Weiwei, Luo Tian, and the Bean Counters to their knees, only to relax once they felt Anniceta's aura wash over them, relieving them of the pressure that threatened to seriously injure them.

Anniceta merely snorted and hefted Blood Dao into a ready position, slowly walking towards where the edge of the fence was, stopping once she reached it.

Sighing, she turned towards the other's that were present and smirked under her helmet.

"Don't worry kiddies, I'll kill them, no need to worry."

This made the mouths on everyone present besides Anniceta twitch, though nobody said anything, as although Emperor Cao Cao was a Lesser Grand Immortal, he knew very well that he wouldn't be able to even remotely defend against whatever was making the noises outside of the gate, which even he could only see about 50km away into the darkness.

Hopping over the fence, Anniceta readied Blood Dao and stroked the blade.

"Well partner, ready to bag your first kills?"