
Manifest ?

Shido Ittoki, Your average high school student thought he would live an ordinary average life, but due to a certain turn of events Shido has no idea what is in store for him.....will the weight of problems be too much for him to bear or would he fight his way through. --------------------------------------------------------------. Chapter Length 2000-4000 words. Please support me. ;)

Geo_362 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

Manifest 3

Toru: Matsuma right? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!

Matsuma: …

Toru: *Sprints to Matsuma*

Matsuma: * Backs out* "He's strong… I have to take him down quickly."

Toru: Stop running away and fight you bastard!!! *Springs himself to Matsuma* Gotcha…

Matsuma: *Brings out his gun*

Toru: "Not on my watch!" *He runs towards at Matsuma preparing to throw a punch*

Matsuma: *Grabs Toru's fist, drops his gun and pulls out his dagger while bringing Toru closer to stab him* "

Toru: "Shit." *Kicks Matsuma's knee backward*

Matsuma: "My knee!!" *Releases his hold Toru's fist and his dagger then retreats himself over to Tanaka's body*

Toru: *Sighs a sigh of relief as he descends to the ground* "That was a close one, but I can't gamble on random attacks or I'll be done for."

"But why do I have this feeling that he's not trying to fight."

Matsuma: "Damn my knee's wrecked…" *Removes his head band and uses it wrap his knee then he gets up* "This guy's going to be annoyingly tough to beat without killing him"

*He takes a quick look at the poisoned dagger in Tanaka's stomach* "Time I get serious."

Toru: "I have to beat this guy quickly, and take Tanaka to a hospital." *He breathes in and out heavily and then takes one of his feet backward*

Matsuma: *Glances at Toru, then at the dagger* "Oh well." *He rushes over to Tanaka's body and pulls out the dagger and quickly recovers himself*

Toru: *Charges towards Matsuma*

Matsuma: "How'd he get so fast?" *Switches to a defensive stance*

*As Toru was charging towards Matsuma, a glint from a dagger laid on the ground flashed in his eyes*

Toru: *Closes his eyes and opens them* "Shit…where'd he go?" *Stomps the ground to slow himself and turns around* "How can he how can he move so fast with a broken knee?"

Matsuma: Not fast enough?

Toru: "?" *Turns backwards*

Matsuma: "Too slow."

Toru: *Turns back to where he was initially facing*

Matsuma: *Pulls out the poisoned dagger from Toru's palm* "He stopped yourself from getting stabbed in the back by putting his hand there at the last second."

Toru: Tsk…*kicks Matsuma in the chest and jumps backwards*

Matsuma: *Walks towards Toru*

Toru: "He blocked it?"

Matsuma: What's the point of you fighting me, you and I both know you won't win, and if you don't hurry up your brother is obviously going to die from blood loss, not to talk about the poison. Turn yourselves in and this won't have to escalate.

Toru: *Chuckles then laughs* Why am I still fighting…Let's just say I'm a stubborn shit head.

*Changes to his fighting stance*

Matsuma: *Sighs* "Your choice not mine." *Changes to his own fighting stance*

Toru: "One more time an…" *Falls to his knees* "What's going on!?"

Matsuma: ? "The poison is kicking in already?" *Sighs* I'm gonna take you to headquarters before you die on me…

Toru: *Laughs* Dies? *Stands up* Who said anything about dying?

Matsuma: "He still has enough strength to stand?" Rest already…unless you want to die.

Toru: *Grins* Really?

Matsuma: *Shocked* "Where'd he go?" *Looks around*

Toru: And you think I'll let you do that. *Laughs*.

Matsuma: "When did he get behind me!?" *Turns around* "I thought the poison was wearing him down? How the hell can he move so fast!?"

Toru: *He grins as he charges at Matsuma*

Matsuma: *Turns back* Shit

Toru: *Stabs his straight through Matsuda's stomach* That's for Tanaka. *Pulls his hand out*

Matsuma: *Holds his profusely bleeding stomach and falls backwards*

Toru: *Walks to Matsuma, grabs his hair and pulls Matsuma's head upward*

Matsuma: …

Toru: *Sighs and leaves Matsuma and heads for Tanaka*

Matsuma: *Vision blurs* "So, I'm gonna die… What a boring life." *Smiles and glances at Toru *

*Toru dashes through the forest with Tanaka on his back*

Toru: "Damn BASTARD!.. You get me fired up and don't fight back." *Sighs and slowly comes to a stop*

"Shit…I don't think I can go anymore further" *Drops Tanaka's body and falls to the ground* "I think the poison is starting to take effect. *Pants heavily as he tries to get up but fails* "I-I can't move my body."

*Footsteps approach*

Toru: "What now?" *Takes a glimpse of a lot of men in suits coming towards Tanaka and himself* "Great, just what I need" *Vision blurs*

Man 1: Look over there!

Man 2: Get over there, Quickly!!

? : *Kneels at Toru's body* Well done Toru. We'll handle it from here.

Toru: "That voice..." *His eyes close as his consciousness fades*


Shido: *Walking down the street then he stops*

Could you explain to me why you've been following me since I left?

Mishinoyou: So you noticed? *Appears behind Shido*

Shido: Pretty hard not to, c'mon go back home if anyone was too see you with me what am I supposed to say, not to talk about all the attention. "It'll be a pain."

Mishinoyou: You're right but, I'm not leaving you alone before something happens to you again.

Shido: *gets pissed* Are you implying that I can't fend for myself? *Creates a steel pipe*

Mishinoyou: So what if I am, you think you can hurt me with the power I gave you? *Starts laughing*

Shido: Tsk.. "She's right" *He de-materializes the pipe*

Mishinoyou: "Oh yeah now that I think about it." So Shido.

Shido: Yeah?

Mishinoyou: Now you have powers, you gonna become a hero for the town, you know fight bad guys and stuff.

Shido: No.

Mishinoyou: "Huh…" Why?

Shido: Not interested.

Mishinoyou: What about the money, fame…

Shido: Mishinoyou.

Mishinoyou: Call me KAGUYA!!

Shido: ?, fine Kaguya, the thing is I'm not interested in doing anything that doesn't concern me.

Kaguya: ?

Shido: I mean being a hero sounds fun and all and making good fame and money sounds better but, it's just not my style and it's too much work for me to do.

Kaguya: Pfft..No wonder you're still single.

Shido: What was that?

Kaguya: Nothing.

*As they kept walking a random man charges straight at a woman in front of them and steals her purse*

Woman: MY PURSE!!! *She shouted as she fell backwards.

Shido: ? "You're kidding me"

Kaguya: Oh, someone's purse just got stolen, but I guess it doesn't concern you.

Shido: B-but.

Kaguya: But what,

Woman: Somebody help, please anybody!

Shido: "Fuck this" *Drops his bag and runs towards the woman* Ma'am are you ok?

Woman: Do I look ok to you?

Kaguya: "Dayum, after deciding to break your rule."

Shido: "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?" My bad,

Which way did the thief go?

Woman: That way she points at a nearby alleyway.

Shido: I'll be right back, don't go anywhere. *He dashes off to the alley.

Woman: "He left me on the ground?!"

Kaguya: "He left her on the ground?" *Sighs as she walks to the woman still on the ground* Hello ma'am.

Woman: Oh hello young lady, sorry but, would you mind helping me up.

Kaguya: Of course. *Pulls the woman of the ground*

Woman: Thank you. I'm guessing your with the boy that went after the person that stole my purse.

Kaguya: Yes, I am.

Woman: I'm so sorry if I imposed on your date, when I get my hands on that filthy their I'll give him a piece of my mind.

Kaguya: Date? No..no we're just on our way to school.

Woman: Oh silly me, well I haven't even introduced my self. My name is Kurata Riko.

Kaguya: Nice to meet you my name is Kaguya Mishinoyou.

Woman: Let's have a gist over tea.

Kaguya: Why not.

Shido: "Ok, if I do this quickly I should be able to make it to school on time." *He gets himself into the alley and looks around* "Uh, there's no one here." Hey uh purse snatcher could you like return the purse you took, I'm running late to school and I'd really want to avoid getting chewed at by my teacher.


Shido: No response? "It's too quiet."

*The sound of someone threading on a piece of paper alerts shido*

Shido: *rolls Forward and stands to his feet* Well,well, quite the stealth technique you've got there. *Turns around and sees a raccoon standing on the paper that was behind him*

"A raccoon?" *He sighs as he walks out of the other side of the alley* I feel so dum-- huh?

*A fist charges at Shido's face*

Shido: *Backflips and lands frantically* Damn that was close.

Purse snatcher: Damn it, I missed *he walks out of a small space between 2 buildings*

Shido: You almost had me right there, imagine missing that shot, couldn't be me.

Purse snatcher: Tsk...what do you want boy, just leave like you never saw me and I'll let you keep you legs.

Shido: *Laughs* Omg I'm scared. Do you really think I'd chase you if I was useless, Break my legs as if.

Purse snatcher: Hmph... don't say I didn't warn you.

Shido: "It wouldn't be necessary to use my powers on him,so I'll try holding back as much as I can to avoid too much damage."

Give me your best shot.

Purse snatcher: Your overconfidence will kill you! *Punches Shido in the face* your demise was inevitable.

Shido: What's up the grammar,your talking like a big shot villain from a TV show. *Removes the purse snatcher's fist from his face*

Purse snatcher: What?! " I'm a retired boxer, and the kind of training of gone through,there's no way that a high schooler can survive a punch from me."

Shido: Is that really the best you can do?

*Squeezes the purse snatcher's fist*

How bout a little lesson hm?

Purse snatcher: "This grip strength, it's overwhelming but how can he be so strong?"

*He moves his head for a head butt*

Shido: *Grabs his head with his other hand and pushes it down* Sorry dude, cause this is gonna hurt. *Smashes the purse snatcher's face with his knee,raises his head up and gives him an upper cut and then kicks his head into the ground.* Whew. *He carries the purse and leaves the alley.*

Purse snatcher: "That all happened so fast." I-i t-t-think I'm gonna pass

Shido: *walks over to where the woman and Kaguya where* "Huh?" They're gone!?

*Looks around* No way they just left me.

*Gets pissed* "This is why I don't like helping people."



Toru: "Ugh my head" *gets himself up and look around* "It looks like I'm in a hospital, but his did I get here and where's..TANAKA!!"

*He springs out of his bed and runs to the door of the room. he pushes the knob and bangs the door but it won't budge.* Shit..I gotta leave this place and get to Tanaka.

"But I rendered Matsuma useless so there's no way he could have broug-- Ack *He shouts as he holds his chest in pain and falls on his knees*

"I guess my body's still worn out."

*A clicking sound rings and the door of the room where Toru was staying opened.*

Toru: *Quickly gets up and changes himself to his fighting stance.*

Maid: Oh...Mr Toru, your awake.

Toru: "A maid? ,what kind of hospital is this?"

And you are?

Maid: Sugai Masami, at your service. *She presents herself with courtesy to Toru.* You can call me Masami.

Toru: Ok.

Masami: Please, let's go inside sir, it's really going to help your wounds heal if you rest. *She enters the room with her tray and walks to the desk near his bed and drops the tray there*

Toru: Ok. *Follows Masami inside the room and goes to rest on his bed as the door shuts behind them* "Is it me or does this feel so secluded."

Masami: *Pours a some green tea into a cup* Would you like some green tea?

Toru: Sure.

Masami: *Passes the cup to Toru*

Toru: *Collects the cup from Masami* So... What kind of hospital is this anyway?

Masami: Hospital? , Pffttt you're hilarious. This isn't a hospital. It's a Secret agency, so secret that even the government doesn't know about it, this hospital is just one of the facilities we posses.

Toru: And what kind of operations do you carry out here?

Masami: I'm afraid that that information is not for me to pass to you.

Toru: ?, Ok then, So do you know where my brother is?

Masami: He's safe and stable too.

Toru: Stable? ,What do you mean stab--

Masami: Uhm, I'm sorry but I'm not permitted to tell you this, Mr Yamato will inform you about the rest of the case on your brother.

Toru: Ok.

Masami: I'll be taking my leave now. *Stands up from the seat she was sitting on*

Toru: Alright.

Masami: *Walks to the door and picks out a remote from her dress pocket and clicks it to open the door* Please take it easy Mr Toru, you would want to cause any more problems for Mr Yamato. *She smiles as she walks out of the room and the door closes behind her*

Toru: "Oh well, at least now I know how to open the door. From what I've heard if this is just one facility then that means this Yamato guy has a lot of money which means Security will be tight so I guess I won't be able to busy myself from here." *Sighs*


Shido: School finally over, Is it me or did it feel like it stayed on longer today? *Walks out of the school into a nearby park* Kaguya you can come out now.

Kaguya: *Appears behind Shido* Since when did you have permission to order me around, I'm not a fool you know, I know I'm not supposed to be with you when people are around because you don't want attention.

Shido: Whatever.

Kaguya: So what do you plan to for the rest of the day?

Shido: Train obviously, I need to work on how long I can keep creating stuff untill I get worn out .

Kaguya: Ok.

Shido: *grabs a stick from a tree and breaks it off then drops off his bag on a nearby bench*

Kaguya: "This is gonna be boring." Hey Shido can you give me some money, I want to buy some snacks for myself.

Shido: Nah.. I'd rather keep my mo--

Kaguya: *Her hair rises up and electric sparks start appearing around her* I don't think I heard you well my precious Shido, why don't you repeat what you just said.

Shido: *gulps his saliva* Chill, I was just saying that I'd rather keep myoneu and give u you my card. I need the cash for later. *Brings out his card*

Kaguya: *Instantly turns back to normal* Oh, hehe my bad, I thought you were stupid enough to actually not know how to treat a lady but my boy you have manners. *Swipes Shido's card out of his hand and walks sprints to a nearby mall*

Shido: Don't go too far.

Kaguya: Shut up and focus on yourself.

*Kaguya stops at a line of people at the door of the mall and a man announces*

Man: We are from the police force and our info tells us bomb has been placed somewhere around here. Please leave this place as soon as possible!!

Kaguya: A bomb?! Oh no ...Shido!!!

? : "Showtime!


Kaguya: Shido!!!!!

To be countinued..:)

I'm sorry that the chapter may be some words short...I promise the next chapters will be completely up to date.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! :)

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