
Chapter 2

Jordan sprang into action. He took off his shirt then he leaped into the water. He pulled Danny back holding his hair. Jordan started to cpr. He then started doing chess compression s. Danny screamed in jordans face making him jump back. It also made Jenny shirek.

Danny got up and began laughing. "Did you dumbasses forget I'm in the swim team!"

Jordan said, "you're an asshole man I got my wallet wet now!" He kicked Danny in the knee. Danny jumped on Jordan and they began punching eachother. Mike and Jenny broke up the fight.

Mike said, "Calm the fuck down guys this is supposed to be a fun trip!" "Why do you guys always do this shit?!?" As they continued hiking everyone was on edge. They had no clue someone was stalking them.

As the sun began to go down they set up there tents. Jordan and Sarah zipped open there tent. They had just started dating a couple of months earlier. Mike had just finished setting up his tent. Jenny and Danny were putting stuff into there tent.

They had been together for a year at this point. As they all said goodnight and they got into the tent. The sun had just gone down. They then went into the tents and fell asleep. Mike was snoring soundly as his tent began to slowly unzip.