

Arthur Colbert, a failed Mangaka and a self-proclaimed great writer was on the verge of losing his dream of becoming a great Manga Author when he was refused 100 times by different magazines for the stories he sent. After dedicating 10 years of his life to this dream, he found himself under the crushing weight of reality where everything he worked for quickly crumbled down like a house of cards. It was his lowest point in life and his greatest regret. However, at that moment, an odd Email was sent to him by a mysterious sender named 'MangaVerse'. At that moment, his whole life changed. Being a mediocre high-school boy with big dreams, he was given the ability to enter any Manga World he draws and lives the story he creates with the help of his MangaVerse. Arthur, who was merely a high school boy, was now faced with the great challenge of entering magical and dangerous worlds of all kinds with one sole goal in mind: To create the most amazing Manga stories ever. This is the story of the rise of Arthur and how he became the greatest Mangaka of all time. [Welcome to MangaVerse.] [We wish you a great journey.]

BoringFear7 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 03- Back Home

Arthur sighed inwardly before he moved to the next option which was the 'Ink Points'.

[Ink Points is the official MangaVerse currency. It's used in all transactions that happen within the MangaVerse. It also could be used to increase your stats. There are multiple ways of acquiring Ink Points such as finishing objectives, killing other living beings within the world you create, and finishing Manga Worlds.]

"Oh, that's interesting. But, why is it the only thing I can use?" Arthur asked his Divine Editor.

[It's still too early for you to know the reason. As you get stronger and rise higher, you will understand many things that were hidden.] Kofia explained.

"Alright, keep your secrets." Arthur rolled his eyes with a grin before he looked down. Beneath Ink Points, were the stats which seemed to be clear enough for Arthur not to need to look for their explanation.

"What's the average human stats, Kofia?"

[The average is 5.]

"... 5?"


"So, I'm not even half the strength, agility, or stamina of an average person?" He asked with a deadpan expression.


"I… I don't even know what to say." He replied as he inwardly cursed himself. 'Why didn't I go to the gym at least?!'

"Well, at least my dexterity is above average, haha… Ha… Fuck me…" 

[No, thank you.]

"I didn't direct those words to you!" 

The sole reason his dexterity was slightly above average was because he had been drawing non-stop like a maniac for the last 10 years so his control over his hands was certainly not average.

Shaking his head at his misfortune, he looked at the next option which was the skills section. This was by far the most interesting thing out of them all as skills mean superpowers… Or that's what Arthur assumed at least.

"Why do I already have a skill there?" He asked.

[When the Divine Pen made the connection with you, it determined which skill you had that aligned with your talent.]

"I see, so it's like an innate talent that I already have?"

[More or less.]

'Well, let's see what this 'Ink Absorber' is all about.'

[Ink Absorber (Passive): Using this skill, Host could absorb extra Ink Points from all killed targets. The percentage of Ink Points absorbed is correlated to the strength of the target and other factors.]

"Oh! That's very useful! That would accelerate my progression! And it's passive too! Finally some good stuff!"

This skill turned out to be rather good. Getting extra Ink Points would be a great advantage to Arthur.

[That talent is perhaps the manifestation of your determination to always learn new things even though you lack talent.]

"Hehehe, sure! Why not? At least I get some benefits from being bad at this!" Arthur giggled like an idiot as he felt his brutally destroyed ego get some boost.

Finally, he looked at the last option which was objectives. He didn't see a need to check its explanation but he still had one question about it.

"Why is it empty?"

[The Objectives will update once you go back to your world.]

"I see. Interesting." He murmured to himself before he finally closed the Personal Information board and returned to the menu.

There, he only found two options left, 'Creation' and '???' which he assumed was probably still locked. So, he simply opened the only option available.

[Creation Rank: 0 (0/1)]

[Manga Name: …]

[Manga Type: …]

[World Name: …]

[World Setting: …]

[Initial Idea: …]

[Power System Initial Idea: …]


"Holy… That's a lot of options." Arthur rubbed his chin while contemplating.

It didn't take him long to understand what the 'Creation' option was all about. This was basically the place where he could create his manga idea and his way into these other worlds.

"But, what's the Creation Rank?"

[Creation Rank is the rank that determines your options when creating every new world. The higher the rank, the more different genres, world settings, and manga types you can create. At rank 0, you can only create action or adventure-type Mangas and can only make Magic fantasy worlds, you also can't choose the character you find yourself in. Each world you finish will increase your Creation Rank and by that your options will vary.]

"Hmm, that's rather complicated. But, I guess it's fair since it could be a loophole if I simply create stories that are to my advantage." He shrugged.

[Thank you for your understanding.]

"Hey, you gave me an opportunity so of course I won't mind playing fair."

As much as Arthur was inherently toxic and pessimistic, he was also weirdly optimistic whenever he got a surge of motivation. Weirdly enough, he was also a fair player as much as he liked shortcuts toward his goals. A contradiction upon a contradiction.

"Well, I guess that's that. So, what now?" Closing the menu, Arthur sighed before he looked up.

[We are done. You will now return to your world. Whether you immediately start working or prepare before doing it, it's all up to you, now.]

Arthur went silent for a while as he looked slightly downcast. Kofia noticed his behavior change and asked.

[You have something to say?]

"So, we will never meet again?"

[Not for a long period of time but we will certainly meet in the future as long as you don't die.]

"I see… Sigh, well, it is what it is."

[Why are you sad, Arthur?]

"Well, you're the first person I talked to in a long while. Uh, what am I even saying, send me back. Hahaha!" Chuckling awkwardly, he hid his expression as best as he could.

Kofia went silent for a good few seconds before she answered.

[Understood. I wish you good luck, Arthur.]

Leaving those words behind, the white world around Arthur suddenly vanished in the blink of an eye as he found himself back in his room again.

The boy blinked in shock.

"How does she even do this shit?! Is she some kind of goddess?" He murmured while looking around. Something about what happened felt so ethereal and dream-like that he was almost tempted to believe it was merely his imagination playing tricks on him. But…

"The pen… It's still in my hand." The only proof he had of this encounter being real was the Divine Pen and it was still there, resting quietly in his hand.

To further assure himself, Arthur summoned the menu with a simple thought. Predictably, the menu appeared instantly and that made him exhale a long sigh of relief.

Then, with slow steps, he approached the bed and sat down before he rested his head on the mattress. Looking upward, his face twitched slightly.

"Hahaha, what the fuck did I get myself into?" He asked himself. 

Something about this whole matter seemed like it was way larger than he could ever fathom. This wasn't simply drawing Manga, this was far beyond that. It was reality.

However, even with all of that in mind, Arthur didn't find himself regretting his choice. After all, his dream was revived now and stronger than ever. Whether he will die or not, he didn't know and he frankly didn't put too much trust in the fact that he will actually achieve his dream.

"Screw that. I will either reach my dream or die trying. Better than wasting years of my life doing nothing." With that thought in mind, he clenched his fists, sealing his determination.

"I will definitely do it! I don't care if I will have to face deadly monsters or psychopathic murderers, I'm ready for you, bastards! Come at me!! Let's goo!!!!" Yelling loudly, he stood up again.

At that moment, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Objectives have been updated!]

Seeing that, Arthur smiled slightly.

'Time to begin!'