

Arthur Colbert, a failed Mangaka and a self-proclaimed great writer was on the verge of losing his dream of becoming a great Manga Author when he was refused 100 times by different magazines for the stories he sent. After dedicating 10 years of his life to this dream, he found himself under the crushing weight of reality where everything he worked for quickly crumbled down like a house of cards. It was his lowest point in life and his greatest regret. However, at that moment, an odd Email was sent to him by a mysterious sender named 'MangaVerse'. At that moment, his whole life changed. Being a mediocre high-school boy with big dreams, he was given the ability to enter any Manga World he draws and lives the story he creates with the help of his MangaVerse. Arthur, who was merely a high school boy, was now faced with the great challenge of entering magical and dangerous worlds of all kinds with one sole goal in mind: To create the most amazing Manga stories ever. This is the story of the rise of Arthur and how he became the greatest Mangaka of all time. [Welcome to MangaVerse.] [We wish you a great journey.]

BoringFear7 · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 01- MangaVerse

For a normal human brain, standing in complete emptiness where you can't see whether you're floating, standing, or even lying down would easily distort its balance. Creating a form of hallucination along with it.

Well, that was what Arthur wanted to believe at least. After all, he had been standing here for almost 3 minutes, trying to comprehend how in the hell he ended up in this weird place.

"Ok, let's calm down, Arthur. This place seems like a dream. Ugh, what was its name again?" Wrecking his brain for a few moments, his eyes lit up. "Right! Lucid dreams! I'm probably lucid dreaming! That makes so much sense." 

Although this conclusion made Arthur relax a little bit, it still didn't completely ease his panic. After all, not only does he have no basis for this conclusion, but he was also completely awake a mere few minutes ago before he got transported here. He had no recollection of going to sleep.

'I wasn't even sleeping. It all happened after I clicked that shitty email advertisement.' He thought to himself. 

Then, there was the weirder occurrence which was the two messages still eerily floating in front of his eyes. With a curious look, Arthur extended his arm forward and tried to touch them. But, his hand simply moved through them, not distorting or touching them for that matter.

"They look oddly similar to system notifications." 

Arthur wasn't a huge fan of system-type stories. He did try to write a few before seeing how absurdly popular they were. But, he ultimately gave up on them after a while. 

"Hmm, if these are truly what I think they are. I can change them right?"

From the stories he had read, characters would be able to open status windows and do all kinds of things with a mere thought. So, he tried that himself. However, no matter how much he tried to summon a status window, nothing changed.

'Now, this is weird. If it doesn't change then what's the point of it?'

As he was like that, suddenly, the holographic messages changed on their own as something surprising happened.

[You certainly can, Arthur.]

"Woahhh!!" Hearing a voice in his ears, Arthur's body jumped back in shock as he looked around. "Where did that come from? Who are you?!"

[Relax, Arthur. I'm not your enemy.] The feminine, robotic voice said.

"That's what every suspicious person says." He retorted sarcastically even though he was shaking like a horrified chicken.

[I do not have any intention of hurting you. I'm here to explain what happened exactly and how you ended up in this place.]

"Oh? Wait, so this isn't a lucid dream?!"

[It's not.]

Hearing that response, Arthur froze for a second as he looked around again, absorbing the monotonous white world around him.

"Now this… This is something." He murmured as he giggled nervously. 

'I'm either going completely insane or I'm now starting my journey as the protagonist. Both possibilities suck!' He thought to himself.

[Don't worry, you aren't insane. This is reality. Or at least, the reality between realities.] 

"Reality between realities? What does that even mean? Wait, who are you in the first place?" 

[I'm your Divine Editor. You can call me Kofia.] The voice responded.

"A Divine Editor? Pfft, hahaha! I'm sorry, that just took me by surprise. I lowkey like the name." 

[Laughing at my name won't change the fact that you're a failed Mangaka.]

"..." Arthur's face turned from a smile to a sad expression in a second. "You didn't have to say that."

[Now, can you please let me explain? This is very important to you.] She asked in a rather tired tone. 

"Ok, I'm all ears," Arthur replied as he sat down, cross-legged, and listened quietly.

[This world you're in right now is called the Reality Between Realities. It's the linking point between your world and the MangaVerse realm.]

"Wait, MangaVerse? That means that I'm here because of that Email?"


"..." Arthur was completely speechless for a good few seconds.

[If you have a comment, please say it.]

"No, I'm just contemplating how you guys sounded like scammers. Your marketing team surely sucks."

[We took into consideration the common methods of offers in your world and we found that sending that Email is the perfect way.]

"Sure, sure, I understand. So, why am I here anyway?"

[To officially become a MangaVerser, of course.]

"And what in the hell is this MangaVerser thing?"

[To put it in simple terms. A MangaVerser is someone who moves through Manga worlds. You're one of the lucky few that got our attention and we want to help you out.]

"Move through Manga worlds? Wait, if I got you right, you mean that I will be transported to a Manga world as a character within it?" Arthur asked with a surprised tone. 

The reason he was able to understand her words really quickly was the fact that he was familiar with world-hopping concepts in stories. In fact, he wrote a world-hopping story himself multiple times before.

[Yes. That's the gist of it. However, it's not any Manga World. It's the Manga Worlds you want to create.]

"My Manga World?"

[Yes, MangaVerse gives you the ability to turn your ideas into a reality and enter that reality. With a simple initial idea, you can create a vast world and in that world, you will be able to form your story however you want it. After all, what's better than being inside the world you want to create.]

"Hey, hey, hold on a second. If I understood you right then I'm supposed to live… inside fantasy worlds and finish the story there?"

[Yes. You're smart, Arthur.]

"Hehe, thank yo- Hold on a fucking second! If I enter those worlds, I will be killed in a moment! I'm a fantasy Mangaka! I will be murdered!"

Arthur's stories were action-adventure based and the worlds these stories revolve in are extremely dangerous. They're filled to the brim with monsters, powerful individuals, dangerous places, and many more. How is he supposed to live in them let alone finish their stories?!

[Don't worry, if you die, you won't die in your world.]

"Oh, that makes me feel better." Arthur exhaled a sigh of relief.

[However, if you die three times, you will die in the real world and your soul will perish.] 

"... I hate you."

[I'm not here to create a relationship with you, Arthur. Please refrain from putting your emotions into the matter.]

"How am I supposed to do that? My life is in danger, you know?! Goddamit, I'm really going to die, aren't I?" Cursing his luck, Arthur was about to fall into a frenzied panic. However, Kofia's words stopped him.

[Weren't you determined to become the greatest Mangaka that ever lived? Or was that simply all bluff, Arthur?]

"It wasn't bluff! I want to become the greatest Mangaka that ever lived!"

[Then, to become the greatest, you have to be ready to sacrifice many things in return. To become the greatest you have to innovate, to move above and beyond everyone else. If you become a MangaVerser, you can create complete realities that transcend anything that anyone in your world could ever dream of creating.] 


[If you're truly passionate about it, you can take your fate within your hands and draw it however you want. You can become something far greater than your dreams. Are you truly ready to put everything on the line to turn your dreams into reality, Arthur?]

"I already put everything on the line before! My family, my friends, my health, and even my studies and yet I failed miserably!" Arthur yelled loudly. Kofia's words did truly hit him where it hurt.

'Am I ready to sacrifice everything? What kind of insult is that?! I already sacrificed everything for this!' He clenched his teeth in frustration.

[Then, consider this your second chance to fix what you wrecked. This is your chance to do it, Arthur. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.] Kofia replied.

"..." Arthur's face crunched up again as he looked down and thought deeply about it. It was kind of ironic how fast things proceeded. From him giving up his dream to instantly getting a magical second chance that no one had probably ever received before.

'Do I have anything else to lose? I mean, I was already about to throw away the rest of my life into obscurity. Might as well give this a chance. If I die, I will at least die while I'm trying.'

After a long while, he sighed and opened his mouth.

"Ok. I accept." He said in a serious voice.

[You made the right choice, Arthur.]

Suddenly, the whole white world around him started getting brighter and brighter.

[I officially welcome you, MangaVerser Arthur.]