
Secretly a freak?

"That was… fast." Ryan suddenly found himself becoming nervous. He had only 15 minutes before Mark got to him. He wondered how his friend would react when he saw his current condition and the thing that he had become.

Was it going to change everything?

Ryan dashed toward another wolf that wandered into his path and drank some of its blood to quench his thirst. He then wiped his mouth and let out a sigh.

The thing was… there was no point in fretting about this. Whether this legacy and this class were a boon or curse, sooner or later, Mark was going to get dragged into this irrespectively. It was better for him to know now and have a choice in the matter.

The next few minutes passed by rather quickly, and soon a chirpy voice sounded in the area, making Ryan flinch.

The timing couldn't have been any more perfect as he was currently holding down a dire wolf on the ground and had his teeth sunk into the beast right in the process of draining the last bit of its blood.

"Bro, what is your level now? I have a level 12 rare sighting. This is fucking amazing. We can definitely solo this. That too, after the day I had, I am ready to punch some bitch in the face. I am telling you, I am so done with those bastards. What a group of blistering butt holes-"

Mark abruptly stopped in his tracks, and his mouth also froze mid-rant. 


"What… are you… doing"

Mark's jaw dropped on the ground seeing his friend in such an unexpected state. In his wildest dreams, he had never imagined anything like this, and yet that was what was happening right in front of him. In reality!

Mark rubbed his eyes a couple of times, but the scene in front of him did not seem to be changing. His friend was… his friend was drinking blood?

He had heard about many people doing various sorts of underhanded and deviant things inside the game, which was illegal in the real world.

Perhaps his friend was also one of them…

"What are you thinking?" Ryan wiped the blood off his mouth and stood up, walking over to his friend. Seeing the weird look on his face, he was sure that he was currently being misunderstood.

"This is a special class I managed to get." He then explained everything that had happened. Well, for most parts. He did not want to hit his friend with a freight truck worth of shock.

Ryan decided to keep the part about becoming a vampire in real life and potentially having killed someone for storytelling at a later time. AKA when he was forced to reveal just like how it had happened right now.

He was no doubt confident in his decision about sharing his secret with his friend but this was not just a secret. This was a burden. Especially the fact that he might have killed someone. It was too much of a burden to share this kind of secret.

At the same time, he needed to come clean about this game. They were already playing the game seriously enough as both of them sorely needed money so he could still wait a while before opening up the whole Pandora's box.

Even if it was for just a day or two at least his friend would have the peace of mind of living in a simpler world until then.

"So you are telling me that you managed to somehow unlock a whole new class?" Mark slapped his shoulders hard, forcing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"I guess you could say that." Ryan smiled awkwardly. "Though I didn't really do it. It was your guild leader. He He."

A burst of loud laughter echoed in the forest.

"Ba ha ha ha ha! Ba ha ha ha! So you are the reason the idiot is so pissed off! Ha Ha Ha. You screwed him over so big! No wonder he is acting crazy!" Mark clutched his stomach and started laughing his ass off.

"Now I know why that guy is out for your blood. Serves him right. Ha Ha Ha! You swooped in and took everything at the last minute! Fuck! This is unreal!"

Mark continued laughing for a few more minutes, feeling satisfied that his loss of stat points had been justly avenged.

However, as his laughter subsided, a more serious expression took over his face. "But dude, seriously, drinking blood? That's... intense. Are you okay with this? Like, really okay?"

Ryan's smile faded slightly, replaced by a more contemplative look. "To be honest, I don't know. It's... a lot to take in. But what choice do I have? This class, this... ability, it's part of me now. And it's not just about the game anymore. It's about survival."

Looking at Mark's confused face, he then added. "We need the money."

Mark nodded. "Right. We'll figure this out, man. We always do." He clapped Ryan on the back. "But you should know. That guy Abhet-"


"My ex-guild leader. Or well, soon-to-be ex-guild leader. We should not underestimate him. He was already drilling me with a lot of questions about you. He only let me off because of your condition."

"But if nothing else pans out, I have a feeling he might come back to you and me. He is not going to let go of a special legacy class like this easily."

Next chapter