

The first Mana is the foundation of this world Discrimination against the majority of the population, the worlds are ruled by magicians-nobles. Kil and Ivor are two opposites. When they cross paths, something terrible will happen.

Andrii_Verrix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Rights and Octagrams

When Keel came out of the Inquisition department to the square, he again saw the image of a lively Victorian city, which always took his breath away. There were runic stagecoaches on air traction. Naturally, steam engines already existed, but their production was just expanding and commercialized, so you can see their magical version everywhere. A lot of aristocrats, officials, bourgeois and just nobles, holding high positions and managers, landowners, property owners, etc. moved along the paved square. Everything existed around titles and noble houses.

Kil was heading to the railway station to then go to the capital of the kingdom. He is a fan of His Eternity Deidar - king and magician, as well as a faithful dog MagDest. The life of commoners is not sugar at all. The further he went from the city center, the more common the small rabble -the kingdom's labor force, the nemagi. Such strong segregation and discrimination was not just a bluff or an empty word of the nobility. With the appearance of magicians in noble houses, ordinary people tried to somehow stand out, inventing something new, trying to get a specialty. However, all this is nothing compared to the incredible power of magicians. Whether you are the wisest scientist or the most brilliant mathematician, you are nothing before the force, so the cult of the king and autocratic tendencies are part of the kingdom.

Trying to somehow survive, the rabble was forced to get a job in the fields or to be apprentices, becoming machine tools, thereby working for the bourgeoisie, who in turn paid taxes to the nobility and the king. In rare cases, when a magician was born among commoners, the family hopes that their offspring will be able to break out into people, they weigh the burden of responsibility to the whole family on him and ruin his talent. And sometimes really good magicians turn out, but to the extent of the absent house and title, he did not hold any leadership positions, most often went to the army for slaughter.

Deep down, Kil realized that commoners were just victims of the new world, but do not forget that the world is an unfair bitch and no one is going to feed them from a spoon. Therefore, there is more contempt for them than compassion, and he was brought up as a nobleman from the military house of Mort. This clan is famous for its natural-born magicians who have a strong affinity with fire. The element of flame prevails in their blood.

When a nobleman passes by the rabble, everyone lowers their heads so as not to provoke the magician. Kil is no exception, even more so - he is an Inquisitor, this can be understood by the black military uniform and cloak with the emblem of the red-yellow phoenix. No one would dare to say anything to such an important figure of society. The rabble most often dresses in different rags, eats what they find and earns. No one cared about those who had nothing to offer the developed bourgeois magical society.

Kil recalled the dialogue with the head of the department, and how the interrogation of the detained rebel was conducted. At first she resisted, then it was enough to torture her with fire for a couple of minutes, as she immediately gave up and revealed her identity and who could be the supplier. A certain Syzamus takes oil from somewhere and synthesizes it with magically filled oil, the flame of which has a black tint. The difference from a conventional flame is in the intensity of heat and the rate of combustion. It burns for a long time and quickly burns matter. You can find similarities with napalm.

So, now his group is establishing an identity in order to reach out to relatives - possible suspects in the conspiracy. Since Kyl was urgently summoned to the capital, he can't wait to find out why he has to come to the main headquarters of the Inquisition.

- Haven't been there for a long time. I wonder how the capital has changed?

Kil came to the railway station, took a ticket and sat down waiting for his car. Locomotives did not move on runes, because strong traction was needed. It is already easier to connect a steam engine and power it with coal, so all the industrial power of the kingdom is spent on the construction of railways and locomotives, connecting important logistics arteries and agglomerations.

Everyone was forbidden to use magic in public places, except for members of state institutions, to whom permits were issued. Such institutions include MagDest and the Inquisition. Although the rabble has few rights, they still have them. Even for an Inquisitor like Kil, it will be difficult to settle the problem of the "accidental" murder of a worker - the potential profit of the bourgeoisie, and hence the crown. However, all the advantages are still on the side of the descendant of a noble family, which the rabble does not have.

Duels, both magical and with the use of pistols and fencing are also allowed. No one is responsible for death in a duel, they say they knew what risk they agreed to.

After some more time, the desired reserved seat arrived. The capital is not waiting.


- The first layer of the octagram is finished. Ivor wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked away from the runic octagram in the center of the spacious stone hall.

After charging the first layer of the octagram with the First Mana, Ivor needed a little rest. There are still 127 such layers and many different runes ahead. To understand how many 128 layers is a lot, the same stagecoaches had one layer each. He will need more than a thousand drags.stones.

Casters take different gems with different throughput and mana volume (topaz, garnet, emerald, ruby, diamond, etc.)

A runic symbol is carved on them, which determines what action the pebble will perform. Then they fill it with certain elements, it is important to maintain balance so as not to destroy the stone. After that, the construction of the octagram, 8 faces, 8 runes is performed. An octagram is needed to link all the runes into one single process


The stone performs an external traction process - we saturate it with air and fire. Final action: In the stone, the air is compressed and pushed out under pressure. An octagram is needed to combine one or two or three... etc. stones into one single mechanism that performs one function.

A whole programming language in the real world.

Unfortunately for Ivor, charging runes with mana is limited by his stock, and exhaustion will lead to even greater loss of time and effort. Therefore, it was just necessary to continue working slowly. There is still time.

Just now, Kvart is making another injector of the First Mana, the formula is already known, and his meridians are also prepared. With him, work on the World Mana injection charms will go much faster, but for now Ivor will record all the results and save them somewhere.