
Side Story: Benza Fisher - Mastery of the Elements

-- In Another Place Entirely --

Benza Fisher, recognized widely as one of the most gifted mages since the Nexus Event, was a study in contradictions. Brilliant but arrogant, his talents had elevated him to a near-celebrity status in the magical community. Yet, despite his prowess and the admiration he garnered, Benza remained detached, preferring solitude to companionship.

His days were spent roaming the fringes of explored territories, where the wildest magical beasts roamed. Here, Benza found the challenge he craved. Each beast defeated dropped magical cores, which he collected obsessively. These cores, infused with raw mana, enhanced his already formidable abilities, pushing him closer to his goal of unrivaled power.


Benza's obsession with strength had led him to a groundbreaking discovery: a method of cross-planar travel. It was during one of his solitary expeditions that he stumbled upon an ancient rune, partially buried beneath an uprooted tree. The rune was a gateway marker, a relic from a time when such knowledge was more commonplace.

After months of study and experimentation, Benza unlocked the rune's secrets, opening a portal to the elemental-plane. This plane was a turbulent world of raw, unbridled energy, home to powerful elemental spirits. It was a mage's paradise and a nightmare rolled into one—a place where power was as perilous as it was potent.


Harnessing his newfound ability, Benza began to summon elemental spirits. These beings, made of fire, air, water, and earth, were formidable allies, each bound to serve him temporarily through complex magical contracts. Benza's command over these elements was not just about wielding their power; it was a statement of his independence and strength.

Yet, summoning such spirits came with its risks. Each summoning took a toll on him, drawing not just on his magical reserves but also on his physical energy. The spirits were not easily controlled, their natures wild and often rebellious. Each encounter was a negotiation, a battle of wills where Benza had to assert his dominance.


One evening, as twilight bled into night, Benza summoned a particularly volatile fire spirit. The spirit, a towering entity of blazing heat and flickering flames, challenged Benza's control from the onset.

"You seek to bind me, human? I am not so easily tamed," the spirit roared, its voice a crackling inferno.

Benza, his eyes alight with a fierce determination, stood his ground. "I seek not to bind you, but to partner with you. Aid me, and I will ensure you return to your plane with honors befitting a warrior."

The standoff lasted for hours, the forest around them scorched and illuminated by their battle of wills. Finally, recognizing Benza's unyielding spirit and the mutual benefits of cooperation, the fire spirit acquiesced, lending its power to his cause.


With the fire spirit's assistance, Benza ventured deeper into uncharted lands, defeating magical beasts of unimaginable power, each victory sweetened by the collection of more magical cores. Yet, in the quiet moments, when the adrenaline faded and the spirits returned to their plane, Benza found himself pondering his path.

His quest for power was driven by a deep-seated fear of ever being controlled or subjugated again. To be the strongest was not just a desire; it was a necessity. But at what cost? His friendships were few, his alliances based on respect and fear rather than genuine connection.

As he camped alone under the stars, the echoes of his battles ringing in the silence, Benza Fisher considered his future. Power had given him freedom, but the solitude of his journey weighed heavily. Perhaps, he mused, there was strength to be found in bonds, not just battles. For now, though, he remained the lone mage, master of the elements, with a world still to conquer.