

He couldn't remember much. The only thing he remembered is the scene of stars around him. They passed so fast it almost turned into a blur. Next thing he knew, the pod he was in crashed into the ground. The impact shook the pods pretty hard. But no injuries appeared on his body.

He started to cry. Like a normal babies does. Soon, two silhouette could be seen, of course at the time he didn't know what is that. After all, he was a baby.

That is how he—Cain Mitsuoki—are brought into this world.


It was a peaceful night. Kai Mitsuoki enjoyed this night much more than usual. After all, it's the first time he could enjoy his holiday with his wife after a long time.

His wide, Aoi Kanzaki, sat beside him. Resting her head on his shoulder, eyes closed and a smile on her face. He knew she's enjoying this moment too. They have to, for they know how busy it is working as a Hero.

Yes, he is a Hero, with a Quirk that is capable of manipulating the wind. A pretty powerful and versatile Quirk. His wife are a professional Hero too, capable of manipulating fire, together they could be the greatest threat any villains could ever face.

But sadly, they couldn't have any child. After a check up with the doctor, they said his wife are infertile. The news sadden them both as they wanted to have a child. To carry their child and raise them to be a brilliant son or daughter.

The one who greatly hurt the most by the news are no doubt Aoi herself. Kai knew how much his wife wanted a child. He knew her fondness towards children. He sighed, fortunately his wife already get over it. A strong women, that's why he married her.

Suddenly, up in the sky, they could see a falling star appear. At that time they thought it was a falling star. But, the closer they look, the more they realized that it was coming towards them.

Kai quickly picked his wife and flew them both out of the impact area just in time as the pod crashed to the ground. Kai put down his wife and used his quirk to clear out the smoke around the meteorite.

Then they heard it.

The cries of a baby.

Slowly, but surely, they started to approach the meteorite. Upon closer look, they finally knew it was not a meteorite—but some sort of pod with a baby in it. After the crash, they couldn't see any wound on the baby, but that doesn't mean they would leave the baby there.

"Help me get this open, Aoi."

Aoi nodded and helped Kai pried open the pod. After the pod are opened, Aoi immediately took the baby and carried it in her arms. She checked if there's any other hidden injuries. Luckily there's none. The baby has somehow stopped crying, Aoi stared at the baby in her arms, he has beautiful blue eyes just like the ocean.


"I know, Aoi."

Should they take the baby? First of all, even if it looks human, they still don't know where it came from. The baby doesn't look like he have suffered any experiment or anything. So the theory of him being a test subject for the Villains are scratched. But then, where does he come from.

He stared into the sky. Where the stars could be seen on the clear night skies. Could this child came from the stars? As much as he wanted to believe—he just couldnt.

"We'll take him. But we're gonna deal with a lot of paperwork, not like we care about that right?"

Aoi smiled and nodded. She wrapped the baby with her jacket to keep him warm. He was now sleeping peacefully. Is her wish of having a child came true? If so, she was happy, more than happy that she couldn't describe it with words.

"Welcome home, Cain."