
Man is sailing, Starting to ask questions to Whitebeard

wap.faloo = p2r (pay 2 read) trxs.cc = f2r (free 2 read) / 175 chapters available mtlnation.com = f2r (free 2 read) / 268 chapters available source: Author: May Summer Solstice 作者:五月夏至 https://wap.faloo.com/959204.html http://trxs.cc/tongren/5906.html https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-sailing-ask-whitebeard-a-questions-at-the-start/ - Luo Ke traveled through the world of Pirates, and fell to the moon and was sealed. - Fortunately, I awakened the Live Answering System. In order to lift the seal, Whitebeard was able to answer the questions, and the live broadcast was started simultaneously all over the world. - So under the attention of the whole world, - [Question: Why did Fleet Admiral Sengoku conduct a public execution on the Second Division Commander of the White Beard Pirates in the Marineford?] - [Question: Who adopted the newly born Ace and brought him up?] - [Question: On the Summit War of Marineford, Who knocked over Garp and successfully rescued Ace successfully?] - The people all over the world who watched the live broadcast and saw all this were shocked. It turned out that Garp was a traitor to the Marines. - With the continuous emergence of live broadcast answers, More and more secret things were known, and the entire One Piece world collapsed and broken. - Disclaimer: Translating this to everyone to share, Cause the idea is good like the one I translated start selling jars but I finished it in MTL so I stopped it (got bored), But I got interested in this novel, and corrected some names/symbols likes Baibeard = Whitebeard, Sauron = Zoro, Marshal = Fleet Admiral.

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30 Marine Hero Garp

Sure enough, He sure didn't wanted to rely on Borsalino. This guy is an old oily man, and he always gets in trouble.

Sengoku silently eliminated the idea of ​​putting Borsalino in the queue of the Fleet Admiral Candidate.

'Borsalino, Get out of here.'

Borsalino obviously felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere. He just saw that he tried hard to block Luffy and thought that Sengoku had given him a bonus. Then he saw the operation he was familiar with later, This is what he would do.

Borsalino didn't feel embarrassed when he noticed the eyes of the people. He looked at the image with a calm expression, As if nothing happened or saw anything.

'As long as I am not embarrassed, Others will be embarrassed.'

Seeing what Borsalino looked like, Everyone had to silently look away.

Only Sakazuki face filled with anger was filled with anger, and the admiral's reputation was completely lost by this bastard!

But soon Sakazuki face showed a satisfied look, Because he saw him in the video directly rushing up to fight with the White Beard.

The glory of the navy is guarded by him!

In the image, The battle between Admiral Sakazuki and Strongest Man in the World White Beard is extremely magnificent. One is White Beard with the Tremor Tremor Fruit, and the other is Admiral Sakazuki with the Magma Magma Fruit. As soon as the abilities of both sides are activated, The buildings around them are directly hit by a mixture of destruction.

The shattered stone walls and hot lava will cause incurable pains casually touched.

As soon as the two started fighting, The people around immediately dispersed, Leaving only the lava, smoke, and the sound of bombing, Which was enough to show the fierce fighting between the two sides.

However, The faces of the White Beard Pirates group were very ugly, Because they unexpectedly found that the corner of the old man's mouth was bleeding. Not only that, There was a huge wound on his chest, and the red blood could not stop flowing out.

'How did this happened?'

They didn't see the old man being injured at all.

'Why did Pops suddenly become like this? What happened in the middle?'

Now even a fool knows that the situation is not good.

The three major admirals of the opposing navy have not taken much action, Let alone the Fleet Admiral Sengoku has been commanding from the execution stage. White Beard, The strongest combat force on their side, Has been seriously injured for no reason.

How would a wounded Four Emperors White Beard deal with the Three Navy Admirals?

The members of the White Beard Pirates, Who were confident that they would not lose at the beginning, Began to worry about the outcome of this war.

As White Beard and Sakazuki went to war, The camera turned and Marco turned into a phoenix form and quickly approached the execution platform from the air, Trying to take Ace away directly from the air.

However, Before he could get close to the execution platform, A man jumped into the air and rushed in front of him, Knocking Marco to the ground with a punch.

At this time everyone knew who this man was, He was Ace's grandfather, Vice Admiral "Marine Hero" Monkey D. Garp!

He, Who hadn't shown up, Just sat in the seat where Sakazuki was sitting and guarded the rear after punching the flying Marco.

I saw Garp holding his hands fiercely and saying loudly with a cold face:

"Little pirates! If you want to get through here. You have to kill me first! "

At this moment, No one doubted the position of this marine hero. Although he was not a competent grandfather, He was always an excellent navy!

At this time, The members of the White Beard Pirates Group Ace said nothing wrong, The fourth question must be wrong if you choose Teach.

Because Marco had been knocked down by Garp.

Even if Ace was executed, Garp would not release water to the pirates of the White Beard Pirates. Only Luffy would let him release the water.

Seeing this scene, Many people showed unbearable expressions on their faces. When a grandfather watched his grandson being executed in public, Not only was he unable to extend a helping hand, But he also had to stop others from rescuing.

This is really sad.

Maybe this is their Marine Hero Garp, Maybe only such a person can be called a hero.

Regardless of whether his grandson becomes a pirate, His son becomes a revolutionary army or something else, Garp is worthy of justice as far as the navy is concerned.

The people in the navy headquarters also showed respect to Garp from seeing this, because if they were put in that situation, They might not be as firm as Garp.

Sengoku sighed, and he felt uncomfortable either. After all, Garp was his best friend, comrade-in-arms, and brother for decades, and he couldn't bear him facing such a situation.

It's just that the position is different, So we must be cruel.

In the video, It's okay for Garp to have such a performance, So that he also saves the effort of wiping Garp's skin, and the Navy's face is also preserved.

Leave comments for mistakes in the paragraphs. TY.

P.S. - I'm not gonna upload much for a month or more again because of covid I'm not comfortable cause of vaccine sorry :C.

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