
Man and machine

Caution: dubious science, and brutal fu*kng ahead Mc waked up with a quantum computer as his cheat there will be world travel worlds planned- Marvel Genshin ROR TBATE Worlds to be planned- Talentless nana Black clover Tensura continuation depends on feedback

Ze_plant · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


Why are thing?


"Bluerrh!" A burn crept up from the back as bile rose up and I dropped on my knees, puking my guts out.

A sense of befuddlement came over me as my hands touched the cobblestone road. The road stretched over the horizon.


[Error. Obstruction detected. Deconstructing phenomena.]

'Run a scan on me.'


[Body functions are normal; however, your pulse is higher than normal. It would be best to rest]

I sat down on the road to calm myself and looked around.

The road was literally on top of a huge body of water. The railing were extended over my head, forming a tunnel of sorts.

I turned my gaze away from the raging waves attempting to break in and focused ahead.

A bright light was in front of me, getting bigger at a visible rate as if beckoning me to embrace it.

"List out the operatives"


The words left my mind before a list was presented in front of me.

Unfortunately, most of them were highlighted in red, save for a few functions.

"Can you find the way back home"


"Focus on that, I'll do what I have to do."


I stepped up and walked over to the light, bracing myself for what I would face.

It wasn't like I had any other choice, the wall behind me was inching closer as we speak. Sooner or later, I'd have to face it.

Before I had time to get used to the brightness, my eardrums threatened to tear form the loud cheering.


I couldn't understand anything.

"""""""ANDREW! ANDREW! ANDREW!"""""""

The ground shook from the yelling crowd seated on the coliseum.

Flowers were thrown at me from above and cheers of encouragement blared like sirens.

Although that wasn't the case for everyone…

A group of people adorned in luxurious garments looked at me with annoyance.

As if a bug was creating havoc inside their home.

'Calm yourself'

I took a deep breath and blocked out the noises around me.

'They seem to know me. But I don't know them. Half of them are cheering while the other half is displaying blatant hostility.'

I looked around to find someone who could help me out here but I don't know anyone.

'Should've taken those socializing lessons.'

[Alert! Memory package received. Commencing installation]


I didn't get the expected reply, nor did I get time to look into it.

"Andrew Rivers" A hand was placed on my shoulder.


I suppressed my rearing annoyance and looked behind to see a beautiful woman with flowing midnight blue hair that reaches her waist. Her hair is pinned back on the side with a wing shaped hair pin.

Her pale skin is contrasted by piercing emerald green eyes. Her attire is very formal, wearing a white dress with gold and navy detailing.

"Come with me, we'll answer your questions."

"You must be mad to think that'd be enough to convince me."

"Then what do you plan to do?"


"Let us go."


"So this is a slugfest between gods and humans?" I asked with incredulity.

"An oversimplification, but yes."

"Ano~ If you don't fight humanity will perish! So please fight and win!" The other Valkyrie 'Goll' beside Brunhilde spoke with her hands clenched around her chest."

"But why are Valkyries siding with humans? And why am I dragged into this"

"We didn't drag you into it. You volunteered by yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"A participant of ours, refused to participate and you who was among the audience, volunteered at the last moment when we were getting an automatic loss."

"No, wait a second. I don't understand."

"Didn't you doubt her origin after she told you about it?" Brunhilde crossed her arms and looked at me with an unamused expression.

"What are you talking about?" I now looked at her ready to throw hands at any moment.

"I'd never doubt Veritas."

"Of course he wouldn't"

"Eh?..." I froze after feeling thin slender arms wrapping around me from behind.

…That voice


A strawberry scent whiffed past me as she tightened her hold on me.

"I'm sorry it took so long. I had to get my memories back."

My cheeks were kissed lightly before the tension was broken by a cough from a red faced Brunhilde.

"When you say memories you mean?"

"It was a plan devised my Nickola Tesla. To buy us enough time."

"She discarded her memories and reincarnated as a machine to aid you."


"You altered your personality!?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm back to normal now~"

"So everything we've been through…"


I felt a burn on my forehead as she flicked me.

"Of course it was real. By the way, I want you to call me by my real name okay?"

"And that is?"
