
Man and machine

Caution: dubious science, and brutal fu*kng ahead Mc waked up with a quantum computer as his cheat there will be world travel worlds planned- Marvel Genshin ROR TBATE Worlds to be planned- Talentless nana Black clover Tensura continuation depends on feedback

Ze_plant · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Arrogance of gods

Throw in some stones


A few Midgard days ago, it was decided that a convention of gods must decide to let humanity survive or perish. Ultimately, they choose to test humanity by facing off against them in a series of thirteen showdowns called Ragnarok.

Thirteen human champions are selected from various periods in history to represent humanity. If these humans can find a way to defeat the gods in combat, then humanity will gain the right to live and be allowed to survive. However, if they lose humanity will be destroyed.

However, one of the human champions decided to withdraw.

And with no other hero to fill his vacant position…

'You have been selected as a champion!'

The Valkyries spoke in unison as they pointed to someone in the crowd.

A peasant who once died.

A peasant with no name, unknown to the world, and everyone within.

Yet he made it to the arena.

It was a mystery how he was invited to spectate the glorious battles of gods and humans staking their life on the line for humanity.

A boy who died after being dragged in the battle of Changping in 260BC.

Bai Qi general of the Qin army had the soldiers of the Zhao army buried alive En masse.

Among the Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand soldiers, the unnamed boy was also buried.

That boy was chosen by a course of providence, garnering hatred from gods.

It was already humiliating for them to stoop low enough to fight mortals, yet now they had to fight a peasan?

However, they conceded in the end.

Their honor will not let them fight someone so weak…

Hence a decision was made.

'The boy will go to Midgard and prove his worth before he is allowed to fight.'

The words of gods shook the arena and he was cast away with his Valkyrie.

It was expected that he would simply die before he is able to achieve any remarkable feats.

However, their arrogance became their hubris.

Omniscience is only made possible through belief after all.

And humanity no longer believed in the gods who wished for their ruin.

Unexpectedly, he made it.

The entire audience watched in awe as he blitzed past the armies of a mortal and killed thousands of them.

The credit may not belong solely to him, but he did contribute the most in it.

And right now, he was preparing for his upcoming fight…


The torn bedsheets were cast away and replaced by a new one elementally printed using the acceleration unit. The cylindrical apparatus hummed in small bursts before recreating fabric using the energy derived from his Vision.

The elements broke down to raw unharnessed energy and churned back into matter using the frequency emitted from quarks recorded form the torn fabrics.

The chandelier lights flickered a little form the intense vibrations coming from the inside the room.

"Although its weird to feel this way, considering I've been with you in every step of the way. Your achievements are amazing Andrew."

Alvitr spoke as she witnessed me putting the messy room back to normal.

Our passionate night would've continued far longer, if not for some complaints of loud noises, but I didn't hate it to be honest.

"T-that's because you keep shoving it in my butt!" My new girlfriend spoke in mock ager as her ears turned red.

Looking closely, I could see smoke coming out from her head.


But I honestly had no time left, anymore.

Save for the legends of Hades recorded in earth, I had no real info on him.

On the other hand, everyone knows my capabilities due to the live broadcast.

"It'll be hard to catch him off guard with zero hidden cards…"

A fight does not necessarily depend on the strongest contender. Although being stronger gives you an edge, unless the difference is too drastic, the outcome will depend on the smarter.

Even a tiger would be cautions in front a pack of wolves.

'But I cannot rely on numbers.'

I could use my drones and androids, but they won't provide any usefulness other than a distraction. The only viable weapon I have is Alvitr who will fuse with me using Volund.

It won't be a knockoff like the one I had with Veritas, but the real deal.

"You still have vertitas"


"He's no longer linked to my ego, but yours. The merge is almost complete. It'll take some time for the powers to kick in but your brain will soon be as strong as Veritas."

"…I love you" I couldn't even process my words before blurting them out, but that didn't imply I was lying.

'I love this girl.'

To me, who never had a name, to me who saw his parents get killed in front of thugs and sold as a slave. Alvitr was someone who showed me a way.

I received love and trust form her.


She knew that her life was also at stake, yet she never pushed me to get stronger.

I'd be damned to hell if I ever let her suffer.

I had made my decision the moment I had woken up in earth on that day.

'It doesn't matter if I am being used by veritas. I will gladly be used if I can have someone who remembers me.'

"Humph! Of course you do! It'd be a sin to not devote your entire being to someone like me!"

Haughty words that could be interpreted as being taken for granted.

But if the internet had taught me anything, it was that alvitr was a tsundere.

However I was not the only one exposed to modern culture.

"W-wait its not what you think! I'm not being a tsundere! Stop looking at me like that!"

She cried out with her face turning even redder.

Ah…I want to kiss those lips.

Isn't it fine if I nibble on her ears for a few minutes?

The match could wait a little longer no?

A few minutes of delay won't cause that big of a problem…

"NO!" Alvitr yelled with her hands covering her body as best as she could.


My goddess said something incomprehensible just now…

But that's fine. Us mortals cannot hope to understand the divine tongue. I'll just do what I think she wants me to.

"I'm speaking in plain English!"

She stomped her feet in embarrassment before her face brightened, as if she had a brilliant idea.


She tackled me to the ground and a white light enveloped us.
