
Chapter 1

All her life Cherish had heard nothing but abuse and words that hurt her to the core of her very being. Her mother made it her duty to constantly belittle and embarrass her. Naturally Cherish thought little of herself and developed low self esteem overtime. She thought she was too hideous to be seen in the company of the beautiful people that she hung out with; she made up silly excuses whenever they tried to include her in anything. Overtime they stopped inviting her to places. And once again Cherish was left alone and hurt.

Cherish's life was an irony in so many ways. She was never cherished, no one had ever said a kind word to her. She was a ghost, a mere shadow of existence in society. Her mother was a well-known psychologist so people automatically thought she was loved and appreciated. Ha! If only they knew the truth. The funniest thing was that Cherish had actually been planned for. Her mother was unable to produce children so she had paid a surrogate to have one for her. A baby that she surprisingly did not want. Cherish's life was anything but a joke.

The years rolled by and Cherish remained celibate. She focused instead on improving herself and obtaining her dream job. She was now 28 years old, had two degrees, a Master's and was finally successful. But that wasn't the best part, the best part was that she was finally, truly happy. It was the kind of happiness that she had been waiting her whole life to receive. The kind of happiness that money could not buy. She was blest. 

The little girl seated in the car beside her tugged on her arm impatiently. "Mooommeeeyyy!" she exclaimed. Cherish snapped out of her reverie and glanced at her babygirl. "Amoura?"

Amoura pouted, "Are you okay?" she asked looking worriedly at her mother. Cherish squeezed her four year old's chubby fingers, 'What were you saying Ami?"

Amoura's whole face lit up, she always did whenever Cherish called her by her moniker. "Can we get ice scream pweeezeee?!" Amoura wore her best puppy eyes face. Cherish chuckled again, her daughter was literally something else. She fed off of her daughter's happiness. " Sure," Cherish agreed with the smile still plastered across her face. " Yassss!" Amoura enthused. There was no one else she loved more than Amoura. Well except for the man who had helped to create the gem beside her. L'Duka.

L'Duka was her everything. He was the oxygen she needed in order to survive in a world so cold and ruthless. How she had managed to live without him so long was simply unimaginable. He gave her a reason to live, she had been broken and he had fixed her. The person she had become was all thanks to him. He made her feel invincible. Her fallen angel, that's who he was. Hers.

There was nothing that she wouldn't have done for him and he the same. He was dependable and stable. He was like her flashlight, he guided her and showed her the way. He was her first at everything. He proved to her that she was just as beautiful as Rihanna and that she could steal any show like Beyonce. He made her believe in herself like how Lil Wayne believed in Nicki Minaj back in 08. He gave her the confidence that she had needed so desperately, he showered her with an abundant amount of love and affection. She was short of nothing- without this man she was literally nothing. He was her ray of hope in a world so bleakly and uncertain. She had known him for a little over four years and not once had he said a hurtful word to her and if he made her cry they were tears of joy. She loved him with every ounce of breath that was in her body. He was her forever.

It was as if L'Duka had stepped right out of a Mills and Boon book and into her life. He was perfection; and she knew he deserved better hence why she was giving him her all. Luckily he was a simple man so pleasing him wasn't that hard.

Laughing uncontrollably at something her daughter had just said, Cherish grabbed the bucket of ice cream and made the walk up to the front of her house. She was in a blissful happy daze and Amoura was right behind her chattering away.

Cherish opened the front door. "Duka," she called, "Baby I'm home!" "Daddy?" Amoura echoed. Cherish frowned, something was wrong. L'Duka should have been home by now. Refusing to panic she checked her phone for missed calls or messages. There was nothing. Still trying to relax she told Amoura to eat the ice cream in the living room and to watch the tv. Pleased Amoura did as she was told. 

Dialing L'Duka's number she made her way up to their bedroom. She tried three times not understanding why his phone went straight to voicemail.

Upon entering their bedroom she got the shock of her life. A loud scream emitted from her throat. Suddenly weak she collapsed to the floor. A million no's ran through her head, tears ran down her horror stricken face like a silent river. This was unreal. No way was this happening to her. 

She clasped her eyes shut willing it all to go away. She opened them and again was hit with reality. Slowly anger began to replace her earlier shock. That son of a bitch!

She got up and walked around the room, everything for him was fucking gone!

She checked the closet, drawers, nightstand there wasn't a trace of him to be found. It was if he had never lived there with her for more than two years. She wondered how long he had been planning to do this. She thought she was everything to him. Fuck!

All of his lies swam around in her head. It was all too much, how could he leave, didn't he love her? And Amoura, she choked on a sob, how could she explain all this to her daughter?

She began to cry afresh. How could L'Duka be this uncaring and selfish?

Unwillingly his voice seeped its way into her brain. "I love you more than anything in this world Cher along with Amoura you are my world. You have given me reason enough to want to wake up each morning, I promise that I will protect and love you for a lifetime. And as long as I live you will never feel unwanted or alone again, I will be there to wipe your tears, to comfort you and to support you. If you allow me I will be your Superman." She had smiled at this part and he had grinned like a shy school boy. But L'Duka wasn't finished yet he continued in a voice that was melodic and soothing to hear, " You are as beautiful as a Greek Goddess and you are just as captivating. Your smile always makes my day a whole lot better and I look forward to seeing it everyday for the rest of my life- that is if you'll be my wife?"

Feeling betrayed Cherish glanced down at the sparkling diamond ring on her finger. She took the ring off and flung it across the room. She felt stupid, used and ugly. She screamed again. She couldn't understand. Why- why did he leave? Nothing seemed to make sense. Do people leave someone they claim to love and care about? Kinda fucked up shit was that?! Why did he build her up if his only intentions had been to break her down again?