
Oblivious of your beautiful existence in this world.

Li Xue was really stunned by hearing his words. Was he upset with her because of this? This man … Here she was fearing that her words from before might have hurt him and that's why he was upset with her and was ignoring her. But all this while it was her who was just thinking too much about it when the man was all so nonchalant to it

Suddenly the thought of itself made her feel exhausted. She has really tired herself thinking why did she even say something like that to him. But all this while she was just … overthinking about it. This man was truly a Devil.

She huffed and puffed inside. Her nose, slightly getting flared every time she took a forceful breath in and then exhaled it out. "You're sure a bully. I am not going to talk to you anymore", she puffed her words out and then pushing him lightly, she tried to get up. But that was just a sham. She knew that the man would not be letting her go anywhere.

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