
Moving in.

After WeiWei got ready, she was all done for the day. So, sprinting down the staircase, she was first to run down to Feng Shufen. 

"Daddy Angel, good morning." She greeted before leaning on his legs to grab his attention. 

Feng Shufen was reading the newspaper. When he heard her, he folded the paper up and asked, "You are already up. How are you feeling now?" 

"I am fine and perfect, Daddy Angel. And if I tell you something, you will also be all fine and perfect." She chimed and Feng Shufen raised his brows at her. To which she giggled and added, "Mama is going to stay with us from now on. We, all three together. The same way we used to live before." 

She said, and Feng Shufen was dumbfounded for a moment. Of course, he wanted the same. But he never knew this would happen so fast and easily. When Li Xue came last night, he knew that it was just for a night. And the very morning WeiWei will get better, she will go back. 

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