
Could make her run a marathon.

"Daddy Angel, I am done with this book and now I am all ready to supervise your cooking," the little girl said cheerfully as she closed the thin recipe book in her hand. Her eyes went to look at her mother, who was busy chopping vegetables and asked, "Mama, do you need a comfy hug now? Caring Doctor Uncle said that you will get well if I give them to you at regular intervals."

Li Xue looked at her daughter, who looked so adorable extending her arms for a hug. Her lips arched to respond to her with a smile. "Yes, baby, who won't want that? But my hands are a little messed right now so give me one after I am done with everything"

Getting her mother's words, Li Wei gave an understanding nod with a smile and then turned to her Daddy Angel to watch him cooking. Soon Li Xue was done with the job assigned to her. She turned to announce it but her words got struck down in her throat when she saw the man pulling his sleeves up in action.

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