
Arrogance is luxury, not everyone could afford it.

Jing Wei Jin's lips curled up on a corner with a sinister smile. Before the Old Boss could understand what that smile meant, Wei Jin's men got the signal they were waiting for. And before anyone could notice, in the blink of an eye, all of them somersaulted to get to the other side of the club. 

The Old Boss was stupefied by their actions. And before he could say or do anything, he saw all of his men were forced to kneel down with the guns pointed at their heads. Their actions were so precise and swift that even seconds after it happened, no one was able to register it. This plot reversal was not something he expected even in his dream. And when it happened it left him pale, with dripping sweat. 

Jing Wei Jin smirked as looking up at the boss, he quirked his brows to ask, "So, do you really think that this young man has overestimated his capability? Or is it you who has overly underestimated me?" He said and the old man was at a loss of words. 

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