


AliceM6760 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 2

"Let me go!" I screamed but my mouth was immediately covered by a strong hand. I pushed and kicked but it didn't do me any good.

"Be calm Malia, it's me" the voice from said. At the sound of his voice, I know immediately who it is. I use all my strength and untangle myself from his grip. He Chuckled. I might be an Omega but the strength to push Declan away always came from somewhere so deep.

"You know, you don't have to keep running away from me. Submit yourself to me and when I become Alpha, I'll make you my Luna" Declan said. From the pit of my stomach, the disgust I had for Declan was growing. He had always been a pervert. I remembered when he tried to put his hands underneath my dress, when I was just 15. Now I'm 24, he still hasn't changed.

"Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me ever again" I said in clenched teeth.

He Chuckled again. "And what would you do if I do that, he said coming closer to me.

"Don't you dare me Declan!" I growled. He chuckled like I was a little dog. His little pet.

"You wouldn't do anything. If I decide to have you now and here, I would do just that and absolutely nothing will happen" he smirked. By the Time he had finished talking, I was visibly shaking. I looked around to find the sharpest instrument but I couldn't find any. Jesse was once diagnosed with a Mental problem. They took away every sharp object in her room. And now here I was, ready to kill her brother but I had not even a single weapon. Not even a hair brush. I noticed Declan Chuckle as he understood my dilemma.

"You can't keep running from me Malia. Don't you know that the moment you stepped your feet into this house, you were mine" he said. At the mention of my name from his lips, I felt like throwing up. Declan was not only a pervert but also a pedophile.

"Over my body, will you have me" I spat at him. As I said that, I suddenly remembered how he had been sleeping with the maids till his father beat him to pulp, but now he's back to it. Well they say, old habits die hard.

"I guess you have to die" he said as he kept menacing towards me. I picked the broom I was with and threw at him. He tried to dodge it, but it hit him in the head. Then he began to bleed.

He looked at me as his eyes became hard. He stared at me and I could literally see smoke existing his ears.

"You are going to regret that." He growled at me. He tried to catch me but I always slipped from his grasp. It felt like I was as slippery as an eel. Just as I was about to open the door and run out. He grabbed me and almost squeezed the life out of me. I screamed but I doubted if anyone would hear or even save me. He put his hands on the middle of my thigh. Panic rose in my chest. I kicked with all my strength but unfortunately I was not match for an Alpha because I was an Omega. I had already given up when I heard a bitchy voice.

"Eww Declan get off her. I'll tell Dad" I couldn't be more grateful at Jesse for coming in through the window.

"Mind you business" Declan said as he released me a little. I struggled out of his grip and was free at last.

"Can't you see other girls to play around with but this duckling" Jesse sneered. At her words, my heart broke. Was I truly ugly? I asked myself. This brought me to the reason that made the hate I had for Jesse grow like an inflated balloon. I bent my head to hide my shame.

"Mind you fucking business" Declan said as he put his hands on the door.

"Wait Declan– Jesse began– After you might have huffed and puffed out your stupid anger, you go down stairs, Dad wants to talk to us" she threw behind her before she got into the bathroom.

Declan let out a long hiss before leaving the room. Then there I was. Left Alone like I was some piece of furniture. I silently gathered my cleaning things and Left Jesse's room. I sighed deeply as I passed a mirror like to door. I wondered if I was truly that Ugly as Jesse said. At least I am still grateful to her for coming in at the Time that she did or if not, they would be planning a burial and I would make sure that it wasn't mine. I dropped Everything at the cleaning room and went to the kitchen. It was time for lunch and also time to serve the Volcans.

I walked to the kitchen and with the rest of the other maids, I picked up the dishes. Together we carried them to the dinning area.

At the dinning area, all the Volcans were already seated as we served them. Then Sir Edward cleared his throat and began to speak.

"You all would be surprised I called you all here. Well the reason for this meeting is to tell you that we are going to have a very special guest."

Jesse squealed like a child in a candy store. Her father shot her a glare but she seemed unfazed of it.

"Yes, he's finally going to be here. I just can't wait" she said smiling.

"Yes hunnie, it would be nice to host him here first. It would send a note of welcome to him from our pack." Beatrice the Luna said.

"Who are talking about?" Declan asked as he frowned.

"My crush" Jesse said and he glared.

"okay. It's Agnar. The dark Knight of Lycanthropy"

Chapter 3


In the land of Lycanthropy, there were werewolves born to stand out amongst the others. They were stronger. Faster. Had more intellect. And were always leaders. These werewolves were of a different breed. They had brown furs and they were always huge. Towering over every other werewolf. This Clan of wolves lived together in a pack. And they were called the Faulkners. This was the pack the famous Agnar Caine came from. He was the alpha of his pack, and being a Faulkner meant he was the leader of all other packs.

Due to his ruthless leadership, he is both feared and revered. The werewolf community would not do anything without consulting him. Agnar Caine attracted not only the males but also the females. He in deed had the looks that could give any male werewolf a run for his money.

Agnar was a born Adonis. He had long black hair, which he tied ponytail style. He had a beautiful cocoa brown eyes. There was also something about his stares. It's been said that Agnar could look his enemies into submission. He had a macho body build. He was muscles and strength. His brows were perfectly drawn and one feature on his face that stood out too was his lips. Agnar had plump slight red lips that begged to be kissed. He always had his way with women so the females were definitely not his problem.


I turned to hear my name being called by a familiar voice. When the voice became louder, I already knew who it was. It was Hercules, my brother.

"Hey brother" I said as I enveloped him in a hug. "What are you doing here? Is life with the humans getting boring" I asked as I chuckled.

"You don't say. They are so weak, so I decided to pay my brother a visit" he said pulling me in for another hug. We laughed. Brotherhood meant a lot to me, because these were the last things my mother said before she moved to the world beyond. She told me to take care of my brother, though I was the younger one but I had a feeling my mother knew I was the stronger.

As a Faulkner, we are being taught to stick together. So literally everyone in my pack was like family to me. I wasn't the oldest but I was the strongest. They made me the alpha before I could protest and the rest has been history. Together we conquered packs upon packs and brought them to submission. With this, other coward packs try to familiarize with us by all means.

"So you are hunting huh? Isn't that too early?" my brother asked me.

"I'm not really hunting. It's Just a preparation." I smiled.

"So I heard that you were visiting the Desma pack tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes I would. They have been inviting us Faulkners for a while now so I decided to honor their invitation" I said.

"At least now there's an activity you can attend, not always curled up in the pack" we both began laughing. My brother has been one to complain about my lack of social activity.

"This pack won't lead itself" I said.

"Alphas also Have lives and don't build their life around their position" Hercules countered my words.

"Alright now you get to see me Socialize" I said as we walked home. As we moved in silence I reminisced on the man, I had become. Now I was no longer that little baby who kept weeping beside his mother. As we walked, people from the other packs, ran from us. I smiled to myself. Yes it is better off they all run because Faulkners were greatly feared. Especially me, Agnar Caine.

It's been said that I killed with no mercy and was a ruthless fighter. Yes I liked that. I never smiled or played around. They said I grew up too fast, and I have no childhood. Yes I agree, if they knew what I went through, none of them would be able to walk in my shoes. None of them would be alive after what I had gone through.

As I and Hercules walked home, I began swimming in an experience that made me who I am now.


The hunting season or the werewolf kingdom was about to start. My father and mother decide to go into the woods. They told I and Hercules to stay indoors because a vampire/ werewolf Hunter had just recognized his powers. He had been on a Killing spree. Some how my pessimistic mind told my parents to stay home at the same time, I wondered how we will live without hunting.

Not long ago before they finally left, I began to hear some noise in the woods. I wondered what it could be. I peeped from the door to find my pack members in front of my house. They were gathered in a circle, around something but the longer I looked, it felt like it was around someone. Who could it be? I asked myself. I dragged Hercules to the window. He looked too but as I stared at his face I began to worry. Suddenly he stood up and left the house.

I decide to follow suit. He was ahead of me. Then he turned suddenly and told me there was nothing to see here. I couldn't understand because we just got here and I haven't seen the reason people gathered at the front of our house. I gave in immediately and decided to head back in when something caught my eye. It was a hand that looked like that of my mother's. I forcefully tore away from Hercules grip and ran to the door.

And there it was. My mother and father lying lifeless. I slumped to the floor and wept like a baby. After that I wiped my face and swore to avenge their deaths and that was when the ruthless me began.

Chapter 4


"He's here!" a maid announced. And that was how they all giggled like 16 year olds. I wondered what the fuss was all about. Then I asked a girl and she explained everything to me. I wondered if Agnar was truly gorgeous as the others were saying or he was just hyped. My thought process was suddenly Interrupted when I heard a screech of my name.

"Malia!!!!!!" I rolled my eyes and came.

"Where the hell have you been!?"

"I'm so sorry Jesse, I was at the kitchen fi–" she cut me off with a wave of her hand.

"I don't want to hear it. Now get me my other gowns, these ones are not beautiful enough" she said as she admired her nails. I resisted the urge to smile. Even her wanted to look good. Now this was interesting.

With all these going on, I looked forward to seeing him. And knowing the kind of person I was, I had a very high expectations for him. He better be who I think he was or else all this hype will go to waste. I got Jesse ready and she left. I tidied up her room and left.

The event was a bull fight at the palace arena. I hated that sport with all my life but I had to watch. A maid was equivalent to a beggar. We were behind when the Faulkners all came in. They were all good looking men. They began sitting.

"There he is" I turned to find Celia my closest maid friend whisper into my ears.

"Who?" I asked, a frown marring my face.

"Agnar of course" she said

"Oh" I said as I remembered.

"where is he?" I asked stretching my neck, like that of a Giraffe.

"There…look closely." I looked and I could see a fine smooth neck. I held my neck as he was about turning but suddenly he stopped. I shifted my gaze to find out that Jesse had called on to him. She was acting sp sweet and literally falling over him. He tried to be decent with her.

"Oh look, our royal bitchiness beat you to it. She says, he is her crush" Celia said as she eyed them. I chuckled in reply. Jesse's attitude had finally earned her a nickname, that would last for a while.

"Girls!" we turned to see the Luna beside us. She gave us all a glare to stop ogling the Faulkner Alpha. We bent our heads in Shame and muttered our apologies. She told us to go get the food. And off all the maids went.

We gathered our delicacies and headed to the diner. By then the guests and their hosts had started getting chatty.

As I arranged the plates, I suddenly had the to look up. And there he was. I locked eyes with the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life.

God! Were people meant to be this good looking. He affected me in different ways I couldn't understand. I looked down immediately and for a second forgot what I was doing.

There was something about the way he looked at me. His eyes were like a gun. It held me and kept me hostage. I looked up again and found him looking at me. I looked away immediately. I couldn't take his stares. Why was my body reacting like that.

"Will you like to serve the VIP's table?" Celia asked. I immediately shook my head. I didn't want to spill food on anyone and get embarrassed.

"Isn't that the table of the Alpha Faulkner, Agnar?" I asked. Even as his name left my mouth, my heart skipped a beat.

"Yes it is . It's just the girls had been struggling to serve that table but now they are nowhere to be seen. They are all serving the Alpha Edward, the Luna and others" Celia said. I told her again that I wouldn't serve them.

Just as she was about Leaving, I heard my name.

"Malia" I turned to find Jesse glaring at me. "Come serve us" she was now sitting beside Agnar.

I swallowed hard as I took the tray from Celia with shaky heads. With every step I made, my heart pounded. I thought for a moment, others could hear. I got to their table and began serving them. Agnar couldn't take his eyes from me. I felt that I would make a mistake any moment if he continued staring. Just as I was about putting the last plate on the table, Agnar raised his hands and tipped the plate over and the food came pouring.

My eyes were wide. I saw that. He did that on purpose. Just as Jesse was about to hit me, he blocked me and it fell on him. He held my hands in that moment and looked briefly into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry everyone, it's my fault, not hers" he said smiling a little. I stood there too stunned to speak. I didn't know how to react. My body was shaking from the accident but my skin burned the moment he touched me. He looked at me again and that look said that, he felt that too.

Agnar was accompanied to where he cleaned up while the other maids cleaned up the floor.

I ran straight to the maids room. My heart was like a balloon full and filled with air. I just couldn't calm down. I stayed like that till sleep came and stole me away. Then I was in a dream. I saw Agnar on a horse riding with many Faulkners. They were marching on.

His face didn't say he came to drink tea or talk werewolf politics. His face was filled with purpose and anger. The only thing I could remember as I jolted up from sleep was that, the Faulkners were coming to attack us. They were coming for war. Sadly nobody here knows that. Well except for me.

Chapter 5


"We camp here for the night!" Sean, my beta commanded. We had been marching since dawn. The road to the dwelling of the Desma pack wasn't this far but due to the fact, that we are attacking them unannounced, we wanted to take them by surprise.

"Agnar, we will leave at sunrise" one on my men told me and I nodded. As I stood watching the mountains and the bits flying around, I remembered how I felt yesterday. I couldn't shake the shock of my brother's face the moment I told him my plans.

"Brother, what do you mean that you want to take over the Desma pack? I mean you just went there yesterday?" Hercules asked me. I stared into his eyes as he pleased with me to make him understand my motive.

"I want to do a hostile take over on the Desma pack. The Volcans have strong men which would complete our army." I said looking away. I lied. I didn't want to tell him the real reason but I too couldn't believe it.

"yes I know we do not control a big amount of army but that is not what we need right now" Hercules said.

"Trust me on this brother. I have a purpose and of which I would achieve. Please trust me" I said looking into my brother's eyes. I did that to gain his trust because this was something we did when he were honest and wanted support. Though the sad truth was that I wasn't.

As my mind kept wandering around like a demented creature, it still couldn't be at peace after what I had seen yesterday. I heard that things happen to people and of which, they get a hint from their dream. Some believe in theirs dreams while others didn't but recently my opinion had just changed.

Right from the time I had been little, I had better a sad boy but that changed when I began having these weird dreams. In my dream, I would see a little girl come around to play with me. We would play all kinds of games and when I woke up, I would be in a better mood. At some point I was happy. This dream or rather this girl kept coming to me in the dream. She comforted me when I was sad, and made me smile harder when I was happy. She was like my little pastime. It got to a point that I would deliberately sleep, just to see her. She kept coming to me until I turned 23 years. The day I slept but I couldn't se her was the day I began loosing every inch of me. I lost myself and my sense of good will. It's been 5 years since l last saw her. And ever since then, my mood has greatly changed. I get easily irritated. I snap at anything and everything. All these and more contributed to the my character change after I was made Alpha.

After that,I had ruled out the fact that I would see her in my dreams. Though that didn't stop me from missing her.

Yesterday at the Desma pack, I was trying so hard to not get bored. Jesse, the daughter of the Alpha was so annoying. She kept batting he eyelids like one who had something stuck in her eyes. Suddenly I felt the need the turn because, I was getting this feeling that someone was watching me. The moment I turned, I saw her.

I saw the girl of my dream stare at me. At some point she turned red. She was blushing.

I did so well to hide my surprise. I couldn't believe that people could jump out of your dream, down into real life. I just couldn't believe it. So I kept staring. It felt like she wasn't real and could disappear any moment. I heard them call to her and found out that her name was Malia. I said her name once more and loved the way my lips moved, lived the sound of it. That was when I made up the plan to touch her. The Moment I did, I felt that strange of energy towards her. Judging from the look in her eyes, I knew she too felt it.

When we got home, my emotions were erratic. It was all over the place. I snapped at everyone who came close enough. I didn't know what to do. After a lot of thinking, I decided I had to get her to me, and she needs to start talking. And the only way to which I could do that was to attack the Desma pack.



After I had that dream, I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried. It was still 3am and everywhere was dead quiet I looked around me to see, my fellow maids all sprawled on the follow like snakes. Then I had some sort of with for them.

The day had not yet begun but they were already in the dark. When shit hits the fan, I wondered where these girls would run it. Then I made a decision to let my pack members know. Although at first I was indifferent to the attack because the people of the Desma pack treated me like scum but then for the sake of these innocent maids and also for Alpha Edward. These were the only people who needed saving. I made up my mind to go see Alpha Edwards at once.

The day began and I washed and dressed up. Celia my friend, asked me where I was headed. Then I begged her to cover for me.

"Malia what will I say to Jesse. You know she is not only stubborn but she is wicked. She would throw tantrums if she doesn't see you" Celia asked.

"Okay. I'll tell you" I said. I went ahead and told her of my dreams and how I feel that the people of the Desma pack were in danger.

"huh?" she said. She raised an eyebrow at me and stared at me like I had developed two heads.

"Don't look at me like that Celia. I know what I am saying. I have that feeling that something bad is coming" I said as I pleaded with her to under me but it felt like she couldn't see the pleas in my voice and eyes.

" The Faulkners never attack a pack that hasn't wronged them and…"

"and packs they want to take over. They did that to the flawless clan last month, don't you remember" I said. That was what shut her up. She stood there.

"Celia do you now get what I am saying?" she nodded. I kissed her on the cheek and ran off. There was no time to waste. I have to get to the Alpha ASAP. I walked to Alpha Edward's office but he wasn't there. That meant that he was not in. So I sat on the step and waited. As I sat, I could see the stares the guards were giving me but I was unperturbed. I had a message to give and I would not rest until u have Done that.

"Hey you!" I turned to find a guard behind me. He looked extremely huge. The Volcans were known to have the best security and army of fighters. Luckily for the Desma Pack, they rarely made use of these army Because they were cowards. They would rather suck up to their enemy than say the Truth.

This stance helped them a lot to prevent fights but it caused little wars in the pack. Most of the time, Desma pack had little or nothing to eat, because a pack comes and takes away the food. Rather than for Alpha Edward to give a warning, he would invite that pack for a feast. Thereby wasting the little food the pack had. This was the only side of Alpha Edward which I hated with all my heart.

"yes" I answered.

"what are you doing here?" he asked. So I went ahead and told him my dream. The next thing that happened surprised the hell out of me. He burst into laughter and walked back to his duty post.

I became embarrassed and decided not to tell anyone against but Alpha Edward. Just as I looked ahead, I saw Declan from afar. I stood up to run but he caught me.

"You can't keep running from me" he smirked as he tightened his grip. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a punch came from no where and landed on his face. It was his father.

I couldn't be happier. I followed the Alpha into his office, afterwards.

"So what were you about to tell me?" he asked.

Just as I was about to open my eyes, I saw something and immediately a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Its of no use. They are already here."