



Stella arrives home after five years ,she still at the airport admiring the beauty she had missed all those years,'Can't believe have missed all this for this past years' Stella thinks aloud ,she still lost in thoughts when someone taps her on the shoulder.."Miss shall we please The taxi guy asks her,"Ooh yeah we should sorry about that l was really lost in thoughts what abeauty "Stella explains has they head to the car,Meanwhile in car Stella continues to stare outside, the cab driver discovers how happy she is,"Miss you must really be happy to come back home?"

"Yes sir am really delighted to be here" she replys happily, the drive continues with the silence from both sides

Within one hour Stella arrives home she picks everything and head to the house an old woman comes to her trying to run but her legs can't really agree to that ,Stella hurrys to her and hugs her " Ooh my God my pretty grandma have missed you"

"Miss you more my world"Her grandma replys happily.They head in the house though not that big but for Stella that was more than enough since her happiness came from that little hole she called home.

Her grandma held her hands tightly and started shedding tears,"Wish they were here to see how successful you've become"Stella wiped away the tears from her face and kissed her cheeks,"Trust me grandma they are really happy" After that they talked for hours reminding themselves how everything used to be it was so fun for both of them.

One week on Stella helped her grandma with her small business she was managing, Stella came from a very poor background her grandma had to sell almost everything to see her through school ,so for her that one person who is her grandmother was what she had and nothing else.

It was on Friday when Stella decided to go see his childhood friend called Magga,she prepared and byed her grandmother, she took a cab and left to her friend's house,Magga came from a very rich background but that never stopped her from loving Stella even though she knew they had nothing,that made Stella to love her more like a sister.Stella arrived at Stella,she pressed the door bell to her surprise the gate man was kind of new,she greeted him

"Good afternoon sir" From the look of things the guy did not like her at all

"Yes who are you??"He asked rudely

"My name is Stella Andrew, Margaret's friend "Stella explained but to her surprise the guy laughed ironically

"Have seen Madams friends many of them but you don't look like you can be her friend you're too low for her liking"Stella was so touched with that statement, she took her phone and dialled Magga's phone number, it connected immediately

"Hey Magga am at your gate and from the look of things your security man seems ...."Before Stella could finish Magga disconnected within 2 minutes all Stella heard was a sharp slap landing on the man cheek,"You motherfucker how dare you lock my friend outside the next time you try this nonsense l will have your head for supper"Stella never liked how Magga treated people she was upset and walked out on them.Magga started following her,"Bestie am sorry but l just saved you ass girl" Magga continued apologising but Stella kept walking.

"Bestie l no longer use that room wait let me show you"Stella was really mad her and kept walking

"Okay fine l know am a bad person but do you know Kennedy ditched me today...that son of a nobody dumped me with a mere text" Magga said in tears ,Stella turned around and ran to her,she hugged her and kissed her hairs,"Am really sorry l didn't know that Bestie "They walked to the room in silence, sat on the bed quietly,Magga was still crying in disappointment, "Let's go to our favourite spot"Stella broke the silence, "It's okay let me freshen up the we go" Magga prepared she applied light makeup wore a simple dress and they left.

They arrived at Villa vin bar and Margaret started drinking to the fullest but Stella took a cold juice and watched over Magga, She started dancing at the bar as she drunk much more,Stella looked on.

Everything was going fine until someone approached Magga and started touching her waist that act made Stella angry she went to her and pulled the man away..the man tried going back to Magga but Stella raised her hand to slap him before she could slap him he started crying like a small boy"Ple..ase..Miss...don't slap...Me" the guy said politely .'Who's this guy? Stella asked herself.

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