
A Foolish Mistake

Her silver chain held to her chest, her long black hair tangled, but, she still looked beautiful. As I left, her wrinkled hand-stretched to reach me, but, I was already gone, I held no tears, but, my heart was as sorrowful as ever.

I had no right to cry.

I had no right to love her.

I had no right to miss her.

I had no right to see her.

I held my rusted dagger, close to my heart as I ran into the forest. I would find her, the witch, I would find her... and kill her, for all that's it's worth... Even, if I died doing it.

But, the fortune-teller's words still held to my heart, "Alast, you have arrived in front of me, the greatest fool of them all, you shall doom your own fate, leave before your sins follow the innocent!"

I bit my tongue and ran deeper into the forest, and I'll not return until I prove myself a man!

Sorry for the short chapter, I hoped you guys enjoyed the story, though!


EidenSenseicreators' thoughts