
Male Princess

Author: _Cherry
Ongoing · 56.9K Views
  • 1 Chs
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What is Male Princess

Read Male Princess novel written by the author _Cherry on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is LGBT+ stories, covering comedy, sliceoflife, bl, princess, kidnap. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Being forced to act like a girl when you really are a guy, isn't always the best thing in life. Especially when you're going to become the ruler of the kingdom soon. Xia is a Princess, well, a 'Male Princess'. Ever since she could remember, she was always forced to act ladylike and participate in tea parties. It was definitely not her thing. All too soon, Xia was getting engaged but she managed to escape when a group of mysterious men had kidnapped her. ━━━━━━━━━━━ An idiotic tale of a guy who's a princess and a person who is stupidly in love with them.

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Rescriptum: The Journey Through Time

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Amor sacro

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


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The story is...AMAZING It is about a male princess that gets kidnapped (not gonna spoil it for you) the story made me laugh and it also made me a little sad cause of some events that occurred. honestly, there is nothing so far that I didn't like about it so I think you are good to go if you wanna read it. 10/10 lol 😀


It’s only at a few chapters and it’s sailing smoothly! I don’t really like slow-burn , so this is a good novel to try out if you want something fast.😻🥰


Honestly I've been here ever since the 7th chapter came out and I really loved it. The author is currently rewriting it and making it way better than it was before. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a good read. :D


The story is exceptionally amazing. So far it updates everyday. Although it is a little fast paced, it's enjoyable and has great humour. Reading it makes you want to stop but continue at the same time. Definitely would recommend this.


It's the most understandable and best book I've read in my life.it has a lot of detail and it's like a webtoon but with no pictures. I love it! 10/10


Very enjoyable, and fun to read, was short tho, though maybe u could make it longer by adding more description, maybe u could describe what the castle looks like? Idk but great work!!!


I loved the book. its so nice to see the twist in the typical princess story narrative . Every chapter left me wondering about the next. It was a very good that is going straight into my collections. good work author.


I am waiting for new chapters to come out, and I find these really interesting and entertaining to read. My favorite chapter has to be 2 or so. I still love all of the chapters thou! 🔹


The title is good! It's simple but quite intriguing. The idea of this story is fresh and interesting. Each chapter is quite short so it's not boring and not tiring to read all chapters. The writing style is simple but fun to read. I definitely recommend this novel to other readers [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


This book is beautifully written. I find myself more interested in the story with every chapter I read. You will NOT be disappointed! I 1000% recommend!


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating