
Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

last installment now serializing! just search 'The transmigrated Villainess after her fall' Add to lib and vote!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!! WARNING: MATURE CONTENT CHAPTER EXCERPT -- “Wait, someone might see.” Charlton said, recalling the glass window. “I’m prepared for that.” Serena replied as she bent to open her bag on the floor and then took out a film like looking sticker. “I found this at the market yesterday.” “I must say that I’m ill-prepared for this.” He noted as he furrowed his brows. Serena stood up and gave him the sticker. Then she placed her right hand on the bulge of his pants, directly gripping his erection. “Well, I must say that you’re not. Now, do place the sticker on the window.” — Serena Chen lived a life filled with love and success, while devoid of any hardship. So, when it was time to go, she went peacefully. However, as if fate was playing its game on her, she opened her eyes again only to discover that she has transmigrated as Serena Maxwell, the villainess in the novel "A Cinderella story in Victorian fantasy era" written by her very own granddaughter. Set in a Victorian-esque era, Serena Lilianne Maxwell was the only daughter of the Ducal house of Maxwell. She was rich, beautiful, a little haughty, and the fiancé of the crown prince. Every lady wants to be her, but sadly, the crown prince, Geoffrey, fell in love with Emily Evans, the daughter of an impoverished Baron. Seeing how young and beautiful she was again, her only thought was, since she already lived her past life as a normal decent lady, why not live as a semi-wanton lady of the era to fulfill her fantasies? Thus, she set her sights on her first target, Charlton Daniel, the only son of the duke of Suffox, cousin of the crown prince, and the original novel's second male lead. After some twists and turns, like any other sappy romantic story, the two inevitably fell in love. However, contrary to the novel's original plot, Geoffrey, the crown prince, who Serena was still politically engaged to, fell for her. It would have been less complicated if the engagement was not one ordained by the king, but it was. With this situation, what would Charlton and Serena have to do and what sacrifices must they make, to get to their happily ever after? Join them to find out. -- This novel will have romance, adventure, comedy, friendship, betrayal, politics, drama, smut, and so much more. (This will be a feast for historical drama and music lovers) Just for clarification, the world Serena transmigrated to is a Victorian-esque era so it's not exactly historically accurate. Timelines may be jumbled specially when it comes to some technological advances, but I try to keep them as realistic as possible. BTW, if anyone is curious about the age, this is more historically accurate. People in Victorian era marries on average, 26 for male, and never dropped lower than 22 for female. PS Cover art not mine, just edited by me PSS This is an original story I wrote — I also wish to thank Stephanie who made this MV for our Serena Charlton ship. If anyone’s interested, please just search in youtube: Serena charlton against all odds Or if you are geoffrey serena shipper she also made these MVs: Geoffrey & Serena part(1) Geoffrey & Serena part(2) Geoffrey & Serena part(3) and Geoffrey & Serena part (4) Thank you!!! — Volume 3 will be dark so if you dont like then just stop reading in volume 2.

champilyn · History
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Chapter 34: Lunch with her parents I

When Leonard informed Charlton of the invitation for lunch from the duke and duchess, he was already about to ride his carriage to meet with his friends who just arrived from Alighieri. However, since they were his beloved's parents, he took it upon himself to change his schedule to accommodate them no matter how abrupt. Kylo already went ahead of him and so, he asked his coachman to go ahead and inform them that something important came up.

"No need to change your plans, even Geoffrey politely declined my mother's invitation."

"I must insist. We have been friends for a long time, and I have not even had the chance to meet your parents."

"I haven't met yours either if that makes you feel any better."

"Please wait for a while, I need to change my clothes. I'll ride with you in your carriage."

"What's wrong with what you're wearing? Anyway, make it quick. My parents are waiting for me to ride with them, but I'll tell the page to inform them that they should go ahead as you're riding with me."


Charlton walked back to his room. Originally, he was simply wearing a more casual morning coat and vest as his only plan for the day was getting together with friends. Thankfully, he has a more formal full-dress suit prepared. He was supposed to wear it for the wedding but decided otherwise.

Last Saturday, he asked Serena if she already had a gown for the occasion. Apparently, his girlfriend was planning to wear a light blue gown which she imagined will shimmer under the lights. He smiled at her, recalling the necklace that was still in his room, thinking of giving it to her by then. At the same time, he thought about how it will not match with his cream dress coat trimmed with gold. But how can he even think of ruining her desire to wear whatever color she chooses? Thus, he had to bow his head and borrow money from Kylo to get a new dress suit tailored.

"Don't you think you're overdressed for the occasion?" Leonard asked as he raised his brow.

"Not really, I wanted to make a good impression." Charlton replied as he helped himself into Leonard's carriage. As he sat down, it dawned to him what will be happening after a few minutes. He felt a lump on his throat as he tried to swallow, and his palms started to sweat. "do you think they will like me?"

"Why should they not? If I didn't know any better, I'll say you're meeting your lover's parents for the first time. And just so you know, I don't swing that way."

"What ever made you think so? Anyway, do your parents have quirks or anything that they might find unpleasing?" Charlton asked, ignoring Leonard's insinuation.

"Why the questions? They won't ask me to stop being friends with you just because you apparently swing that way." Leonard said as he chuckled.

"Ugh, stop that, I'm not kidding. I really hope that they will like me."

"Fine, even though I don't understand why you're worked up to please them, my advice is just be yourself. My parents are good people. I doubt they will dislike you unless you do or did something that will offend them."

Charlton nodded his head as he thought, 'does engaging in premarital sex with your sister count? I do have pure intentions to marry her though.'


"Will you please stop that? I did warn you that the crown prince might decline your invitation. This is too short of a notice." Duke Simoun said as he turned to face his wife when Serena excused herself and went to the comfort room.

"Why can he not come? Charles' son is joining us, but he cannot? I can already imagine what kind of character he has. Truly undeserving of my darling. I can't believe that you engaged our daughter to that… that imbecile!" Celine angrily exclaimed.

"Celine, you haven't even met the boy yet. Perhaps, he already has prior important appointment. Not everyone can just drop their hat and come to your beckoning."

"But we are the parents of his intended. Remember? When you were wooing me, you did try to do everything just to please my parents. Can we still rescind our daughter's engagement?"

Simoun sighed, "You must understand our position. If our family had any other choice, I would not have proposed this. This is the best way to protect our child in the future. Aside from that, you know that despite how high our title is, we are just but ants under the crown's thumb. In making her become the queen, she would have to bow to no one. Our daughter will become the most respected woman in our kingdom."

"I understand that, but… do you think I'm being too greedy? I just want everything for her you know. In the future, without love in their marriage, she will never be happy."

"How can anyone not love her?" Duke Simoun said in retort. "Hush now, our daughter is walking back."


Upon their arrival at the restaurant, Serena excused herself and went to the comfort room to do a once over in the mirror. She did not expect that Charlton will be joining them for lunch. Although they just saw each other yesterday, she can't stop the excitement brewing within her. She knew that he should be meeting his friends today, but with just one invite from her parents, he dropped everything.

During these three weeks that she and Charlton were engaging in their affair, she could not help but have her feelings grow. Her heart was not made of stone and she can honestly feel that what he has for her was truly genuine. Thus, since he was treating her with such adoration, devotion, and sincerity, she can't help but return everything in kind.

One time, she even thought about the repercussions of their actions in the future. As he told her that exile tops as their punishment, she imagined herself becoming a musician and earning lots of money from that career. Travelling around this world and perhaps someday composing her very own music doesn't seem that bad, provided that they have heaps of gold to live on.

This does not mean that she is 100% ready to do that though. There is a difference between entertaining the thought of and actually doing it. She still needs more time to know Charlton. She is not a real young maiden who believes that everyone can just live with love and attraction. In her previous life, it took her 5 years to get to know her boyfriend and him her, before they decided to tie the knot. Even after that, she discovered that there is more to him that she didn't know. The difference when you're just spending time with each other in comparison to living together for the rest of your lives are worlds apart.

After fixing her hair, she was satisfied with her look and joined her parents.


"Father, Mother, Serena, I apologize for the tardiness." Leonard stated as he stood at the edge of the round table beside his mother.

"No worries my dear." Celine said as she stood up to kiss his cheeks. Then she faced Charlton who was standing beside him. "And you must be his good friend, thank you for taking care of my son these years."

"No ma'am, I did not do much, it is Leonard who I must thank for being such a good friend to me." Charlton denied modestly.

Celine laughed, already liking the boy. Looking at him, he is undeniably his father's son, the only difference was that his eyes were gentler, and he even looked better. "Perhaps Leonard, you should make an introduction between your parents and this charming friend of yours."

Simoun could not stop rolling his eyes as he stood. His wife quickly forgot her anger and was instantly charmed by the boy who looked like the incarnation of her first love during his heyday.

Leonard nodded. "Mother, Father, this is Charlton Daniel, a good friend of mine since we first met at Alighieri when I was seven. Charlton, these are my parents, Duke Simoun and Duchess Celine Maxwell."

"It is a great honor to meet the both of you, Sir, Madam." Charlton said. He shook the Duke's hand first, then kissed the Duchess who was wearing a glove at the back of her palm.

The duchess could not stop herself from blushing. "It is a pleasure to meet you too. By the way, have you met my daughter Serena?"

Serena who was observing everything from the sideline quickly stopped her grin from showing too much. She clearly saw her mother blushing like a schoolgirl. She totally understands her though. Charlton with his hair sleeked back while wearing a cream-colored full-dress suit will have that effect on all the girls. Even she, herself, who already has him as her boyfriend, was not immune to his charms.

She stood up to curtsy and greeted Charlton formally with a smile. "Lord Daniel, thank you for accepting my mother's invite. It is a pleasure to have you join us for lunch."

Charlton finally turned to face Serena. He swears that she is becoming more and more beautiful each time he sees her. Losing some of his composure, he replied with "Serena, it is my honor to be here."

The Duke frowned and looked at him somewhat strangely.
