
Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

last installment now serializing! just search 'The transmigrated Villainess after her fall' Add to lib and vote!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!! WARNING: MATURE CONTENT CHAPTER EXCERPT -- “Wait, someone might see.” Charlton said, recalling the glass window. “I’m prepared for that.” Serena replied as she bent to open her bag on the floor and then took out a film like looking sticker. “I found this at the market yesterday.” “I must say that I’m ill-prepared for this.” He noted as he furrowed his brows. Serena stood up and gave him the sticker. Then she placed her right hand on the bulge of his pants, directly gripping his erection. “Well, I must say that you’re not. Now, do place the sticker on the window.” — Serena Chen lived a life filled with love and success, while devoid of any hardship. So, when it was time to go, she went peacefully. However, as if fate was playing its game on her, she opened her eyes again only to discover that she has transmigrated as Serena Maxwell, the villainess in the novel "A Cinderella story in Victorian fantasy era" written by her very own granddaughter. Set in a Victorian-esque era, Serena Lilianne Maxwell was the only daughter of the Ducal house of Maxwell. She was rich, beautiful, a little haughty, and the fiancé of the crown prince. Every lady wants to be her, but sadly, the crown prince, Geoffrey, fell in love with Emily Evans, the daughter of an impoverished Baron. Seeing how young and beautiful she was again, her only thought was, since she already lived her past life as a normal decent lady, why not live as a semi-wanton lady of the era to fulfill her fantasies? Thus, she set her sights on her first target, Charlton Daniel, the only son of the duke of Suffox, cousin of the crown prince, and the original novel's second male lead. After some twists and turns, like any other sappy romantic story, the two inevitably fell in love. However, contrary to the novel's original plot, Geoffrey, the crown prince, who Serena was still politically engaged to, fell for her. It would have been less complicated if the engagement was not one ordained by the king, but it was. With this situation, what would Charlton and Serena have to do and what sacrifices must they make, to get to their happily ever after? Join them to find out. -- This novel will have romance, adventure, comedy, friendship, betrayal, politics, drama, smut, and so much more. (This will be a feast for historical drama and music lovers) Just for clarification, the world Serena transmigrated to is a Victorian-esque era so it's not exactly historically accurate. Timelines may be jumbled specially when it comes to some technological advances, but I try to keep them as realistic as possible. BTW, if anyone is curious about the age, this is more historically accurate. People in Victorian era marries on average, 26 for male, and never dropped lower than 22 for female. PS Cover art not mine, just edited by me PSS This is an original story I wrote — I also wish to thank Stephanie who made this MV for our Serena Charlton ship. If anyone’s interested, please just search in youtube: Serena charlton against all odds Or if you are geoffrey serena shipper she also made these MVs: Geoffrey & Serena part(1) Geoffrey & Serena part(2) Geoffrey & Serena part(3) and Geoffrey & Serena part (4) Thank you!!! — Volume 3 will be dark so if you dont like then just stop reading in volume 2.

champilyn · History
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Chapter 30: Studying in the library

Since it's just the 2nd week of classes, the number of students in the library was scarce. Earlier, Serena asked the girls to go ahead despite their insistence of joining her. Getting the hint, they first teased her, and then finally said their goodbyes, telling her to enjoy her time with her boyfriend.

It's Serena's first time going in the library and not finding Charlton there just yet, she decided to look around. The library was located at the east wing's third floor. Upon entering, she first noticed the long tables with benches at the middle of the two-tiered hall containing bookshelves. When she looked upwards, she saw the impressive high ceiling made of glass which made natural light filter through. On the right side of the entrance were two people who she assumed were the receptionist and the librarian. Walking around, she noticed that under the alcoves, there were still rows of bookshelves behind the ones facing the tables. She smiled to herself as she thought 'this is just perfect! My sad life of not having a boyfriend while in school made sure that I never got to try this before. Anyways, thankfully, they haven't invented cctv cameras here yet! Haha!'

After getting familiar with the library, Serena chose to take a sit on one of the tables near the far end from the entrance. 'Sadly, all the chairs are in the middle. Where is he? He's running a little late.'

When Charlton arrived in the library, it was already nearing 5 in the afternoon. He first saw Serena's golden hair, shining under the glow of the setting sun. Her blazer was strewn across the table, making her look more comfortable. She seems to be focusing on doing some research as she had a book open while taking notes at the side. This look of concentration was beautiful on her too.

Serena did not notice Charlton until he sat in front of her.

"you're late." Serena said, not hiding the irritation that she felt.

"I'm sorry, your brother just wouldn't let me go. He kept pestering me about working on the song and just wouldn't let me leave the room. I had to work with him for at least 30 minutes more after homeroom and he even made me promise to work on it tomorrow until he's satisfied. In truth, he even wanted to follow me even when I told him I really had to work on something important. Thankfully, I finally got him off my back. If I didn't run to lose him, I'm afraid he would've followed me here." Charlton explained.

"You're in the same class as him?" Serena asked as she chuckled.

"Yes, he, me and Kylo. So, what are you working on?"

"Actually, I'm writing an essay for our homework on Economics due tomorrow. But I want to stop now, I can continue working on it later."

"Want me to help you with it? I'm not bad at writing myself."

"No need, I can manage." 'besides, I'm just trying to cross reference if my knowledge about the subject is the same as it is here. I don't want to be spouting some theories not yet discovered during this time as I can't even prove them. Sorry, my mathematical skills in doing derivations and what not is sorely lacking.'

"Okay... so, what should we do now?"

"How about we try and study biology?"

"Oh... which part in particular?" he replied, his perverted mind getting what she was hinting at immediately.

"Well, how about the human anatomy and the process of reproduction?" she lewdly suggested.

"Do you have your reference materials ready?"

"Not yet, let me look for it, I think they're located near the shelves behind me. Care to join me?" Serena asked temptingly.

Charlton's eyes blazed with anticipation. "I'm right behind you."



The two of them stood behind the last row of the bookshelves at the end of the library. The spot was at the corner and was inconspicuous enough.

Serena leaned on the shelf attached to the wall as Charlton hungrily kissed her.

"You do know that someone might see us." Charlton said between their kisses while they catch their breath.

"We just have to be very quiet and alert." Serena said stifling her laughter from the tickling sensation she felt when his hand traced her leg under her skirt.

Charlton detached his mouth from hers as he started trailing her earlobe with his tongue moving down to her neck. He tucked out the blouse from her skirt and crept his left hand in. He pulled the cups of her bras and freed her breast. He fondled them and then tweaked and pulled her nipples which immediately perked up. He couldn't stop himself from suckling them, and when he did, his saliva left moisture to her white blouse making it translucent enough to let him vividly see their pinkness.

Serena couldn't help but tug his hair to pull him up for a kiss. As she did, Charlton continued to fondle her breast as his right hand moved up her legs. When Charlton reached her panties, he stopped for a second and looked at her strangely.

"For easier access." Serena explained. For today, she was wearing a thong.

"Since when did you plan to do this?" Charlton asked, feeling his arousal becoming more prominent if possible.

"Since I first saw you outside the window making your mock salute" Serena answered truthfully.

With that, Charlton had to kiss her again. Then he pushed her panties to the side and started caressing her womanhood. He felt it slick with her juices, so he directly inserted his index and middle finger, which he used when he made that mock salute to Leonard the first time she saw him, inside her wet heat. Pumping it in and out of her as he rubbed her clitoris with his thumb.

Charlton's ministrations drove her mad with ecstasy. Soon, she clamped at his fingers, reaching her first orgasm. When he removed his fingers from inside her, he placed them in his mouth and directly sucked of her juices.

"deliciously divine." He said as he smiled at her.

Serena felt the heat get on her head as she pushed him away a little so she can move to unbuckle his belt, and set his throbbing member free. She stroked his whole length making him groan. When she was about to go down her knees, he stopped her and instead, he turned her around.

"I can't wait any longer." He said huskily and took her from behind in one clean thrust.

Serena was sure that he was even larger now than before, but it helped that she too was dripping wet. His thrusts were measured at first, but quickly became frenzied. It was so intense that she could not stop her moans from escaping. Hearing her voice, Charlton pulled out from inside her then turned her around so that they were facing each other, and he kissed her. This time, with her back leaning on the shelf for support, he lifted her two legs and buried himself inside while he continued kissing her.

When Charlton felt Serena tremble with climax, he knew that he was just about to explode.

"I'm cumming." He said to warn her.

"Not inside" Serena who was still in her right mind just had to say.

Charlton nodded as he mindfully placed her down.

Serena kneeled in front of him, held his shaft and started bobbing her head. Charlton couldn't stop himself from thrusting in and out of her mouth until he reached his release spilling his seeds in her mouth.

Serena gagged on his semen as she could not make herself swallow. It tasted and smelled horrible to her. She can only let it overflow from her mouth, and soil her blouse.

Charlton pulled her up and kissed her forehead.

"don't want to kiss my mouth now?" Serena couldn't help but ask.

Charlton can only laugh.


Thankfully, the library which closes at 7 in the evening was almost empty that day. Charlton and Serena were the last students to exit at quarter to seven in the evening.

Charlton walked with Serena and stopped a few meters away from her dorm before saying their goodbyes.


The next three days were uneventful. Serena became busy with school, and although most of the subjects were easy for her, the papers will not write by themselves. Aside from that, meeting with Charlton privately became difficult as Leonard insisted on finishing the Sheet music for their song so that they can present it to Sir Felix on Friday for evaluation.

Come Friday, Ms. Phelps found a newfound inspiration in teaching the lot of them in swimming, and so, they were only dismissed half an hour before noon. Just enough time for them to take a quick shower and eat lunch.

Charlton and Kylo waited for Serena and her friends outside the swimming club to have lunch together. In this way, there was no problem for Charlton and Serena to spend time together as they were accompanied by their group of friends. Aside from that, these people knew what was between the two of them, so things were not awkward.
