
Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

last installment now serializing! just search 'The transmigrated Villainess after her fall' Add to lib and vote!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!! WARNING: MATURE CONTENT CHAPTER EXCERPT -- “Wait, someone might see.” Charlton said, recalling the glass window. “I’m prepared for that.” Serena replied as she bent to open her bag on the floor and then took out a film like looking sticker. “I found this at the market yesterday.” “I must say that I’m ill-prepared for this.” He noted as he furrowed his brows. Serena stood up and gave him the sticker. Then she placed her right hand on the bulge of his pants, directly gripping his erection. “Well, I must say that you’re not. Now, do place the sticker on the window.” — Serena Chen lived a life filled with love and success, while devoid of any hardship. So, when it was time to go, she went peacefully. However, as if fate was playing its game on her, she opened her eyes again only to discover that she has transmigrated as Serena Maxwell, the villainess in the novel "A Cinderella story in Victorian fantasy era" written by her very own granddaughter. Set in a Victorian-esque era, Serena Lilianne Maxwell was the only daughter of the Ducal house of Maxwell. She was rich, beautiful, a little haughty, and the fiancé of the crown prince. Every lady wants to be her, but sadly, the crown prince, Geoffrey, fell in love with Emily Evans, the daughter of an impoverished Baron. Seeing how young and beautiful she was again, her only thought was, since she already lived her past life as a normal decent lady, why not live as a semi-wanton lady of the era to fulfill her fantasies? Thus, she set her sights on her first target, Charlton Daniel, the only son of the duke of Suffox, cousin of the crown prince, and the original novel's second male lead. After some twists and turns, like any other sappy romantic story, the two inevitably fell in love. However, contrary to the novel's original plot, Geoffrey, the crown prince, who Serena was still politically engaged to, fell for her. It would have been less complicated if the engagement was not one ordained by the king, but it was. With this situation, what would Charlton and Serena have to do and what sacrifices must they make, to get to their happily ever after? Join them to find out. -- This novel will have romance, adventure, comedy, friendship, betrayal, politics, drama, smut, and so much more. (This will be a feast for historical drama and music lovers) Just for clarification, the world Serena transmigrated to is a Victorian-esque era so it's not exactly historically accurate. Timelines may be jumbled specially when it comes to some technological advances, but I try to keep them as realistic as possible. BTW, if anyone is curious about the age, this is more historically accurate. People in Victorian era marries on average, 26 for male, and never dropped lower than 22 for female. PS Cover art not mine, just edited by me PSS This is an original story I wrote — I also wish to thank Stephanie who made this MV for our Serena Charlton ship. If anyone’s interested, please just search in youtube: Serena charlton against all odds Or if you are geoffrey serena shipper she also made these MVs: Geoffrey & Serena part(1) Geoffrey & Serena part(2) Geoffrey & Serena part(3) and Geoffrey & Serena part (4) Thank you!!! — Volume 3 will be dark so if you dont like then just stop reading in volume 2.

champilyn · History
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Chapter 26: Sunday with friends I

Apparently, Serena's choice of not meeting earlier was correct. It was 10 in the morning when Kylo and Leonard knocked on his door. Charlton, not being able to sleep so well the other day was still groggy.

"Hey Charlie, wake up! It's already 10'oclock." Kylo said as he knocked loudly.

"It's still early..." Charlton replied as he got up to open the door.

"You just woke up?" Leonard looked him from top to bottom not liking what he saw, "Move quickly and take a bath. We'll wait for you here and then we can go have brunch. Don't make my sister wait."

Charlton, not wanting to argue with his 'future brother-in-law', just nodded his head. "Alright. You guys wait inside."

The two went inside his room. Leonard sat in front of the dining table while Kylo rummaged through his fridge as Charlton went inside the bathroom.

Unlike Serena's, Charlton's room was simpler and smaller. Since there were more male students in campus, their dormitory has more occupants and having a solo room with its own bathroom was already a luxury. However, that did not mean that the room was lacking. It was a medium sized studio room which had everything he needed.

After taking a quick shower, Charlton went out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist as he forgot to bring his clothes with him.

"Woah! Where did that come from?" Kylo remarked as he approached him.

Charlton looked at him confused. "What?"

"This!" Kylo exclaimed as he pressed the bruise on the spot between his neck and shoulder.

Charlton hissed. He didn't notice that Serena's bite turned into a bruise. He slapped Kylo's hand away.

"Don't touch it!"

Kylo laughed aloud and wiggled his brows. "Good job mate!"

"What's going on?" Leonard asked, placing down the newspaper he's reading after hearing the commotion.

"Nothing" The two answered at the same time.

Leonard just looked at the strangely then went back to reading.

"By the way, you better clean that up." Charlton told Kylo after seeing the used utensils on the table.

"Why? This is your room and I'm a guest!" Kylo, not wanting to wash the dishes said in defense. "you still owe me, and besides, Leonard also used a cup for his coffee! Why don't you tell him to wash it?"

Charlton chose to ignore him as he walked back to the bathroom after collecting the clothes he meticulously prepared for the day.


On the other hand, Charlton was careful enough not to leave any mark on Serena's skin. Thus, for the day, she chose to wear an off-shoulder light blue chiffon dress.

"Wow Serena, where do you get your dresses? Can you give me the contact of your seamstress?"

Serena chuckled "Actually, I just tweak some of my dresses to achieve this look. If you like, I can help you with yours."

"I'll hold you up on that. But right now, we should go. We can't have your darling waiting."

"Alright let's go." Serena said as they exited her room.

Earlier, Milly went to her room to have brunch. She interrogated her on what happened during her date yesterday. So, Serena being a normal woman who wanted to share her overflowing feelings, excitedly told her that she and Charlton are now in a relationship and that they even had lunch in a private room. Of course, she omitted all the R-18 details. She shouldn't soil the ears of a real young maiden.


"By the way, have you seen Geoffrey? He hasn't been joining us as of late." Kylo asked Leonard.

The two of them were standing, while Charlton brought out his Cello as he sat on the chair he placed beside the Piano.

"He's at an orphanage with some of the school's dignitaries."

"What for?"

"He has this outreach program for his project this year. We discussed it yesterday and the student council has already approved it. So, he must be there making arrangements."

"I never knew that he was such a philanthropist. But why the long face?"

"Well, we had some disagreements. Anyway, you know him, when he's got something on his mind, he'll charge at it like a bull at a gate."

Leonard and Kylo continued to discuss as Charlton tuned his Cello.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with his project, so what did you guys disagree about?"

"He wanted to focus on a single orphanage, not only that, he wanted us to go there at least twice a month, giving donations and even going as far as playing teacher to the orphans. Now, as I told him, the project sounds promising, but there's no need to just focus on a single orphanage. We can opt to choose several so that the cause will be more widespread. And although it may seem less personal, it will have greater publicity. Besides, focusing on one will cause resentment and discontent."

"Hmm... well, both of you have valid points. Though if it makes you feel better, I can honestly say that I lean towards your opinion more. So, what did he say about it?"

"That what I suggested only looks good on the surface."

"Ouch. Anyway, when will you guys start with it?"

"If things get finalized today, then maybe we'll go there next week to become acquainted with the place."

"So, will that be a year-long thing?"

"That's the plan. Though we'll know the final details next week. If you have nothing better to do, feel free to join us."

"I'll pass. I'm not a fan of children." Kylo said laughingly.

"How about you Charlton? Want to come join us?"

Charlton who was also listening to their conversation looked up from his Cello. He did not fail to note the part where Leonard and Geoffrey will be heading to an orphanage on Sundays.

"I'll consider it. Just tell me when, then I'll see my schedule." he replied with a smile. Not that he has any plan to join them, he just needs to know when, because for him, that translates to more time with Serena.
