
Making Pokemon Games popular in New World

Indra finds himself transported to a parallel world where Pokémon games, a sensation in his previous life, don't exist. Seizing this opportunity, he activates a universal game production system and begins creating “Pokémon Red/Green” at a low cost. The game takes off immediately. Popular streamer Diana dives in, exclaiming over every discovery: “Choose one of three starters? Can I have all of them?” “Wow, this green creature is incredible!” “Pikachu, forever awesome!!” Riding this wave of success, Indra develops sequels like “Pokémon Gold/Silver” and “Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire,” captivating an ever-growing audience. **************************************** **WARNING!** I do NOT own Pokémon or this story. I am just translating it. English isn't my native language, so please correct me if I made any mistakes. Original novel: 开局制作精灵游戏:主播玩疯了 (Don't expect the same story because I made so many changes; it's practically my original novel at this point.) Check out my Patreon for early access to chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day. Show your support by giving power stones, reviews, and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 32 Launch?

Downloads of Pokemon Pikachu are still surging.

3DM, the most authoritative game media in USA, posted the headlines on its official news website as soon as possible:

"The first ten minutes of making in

Game history!"

Pokemon Pikachu, in just ten minutes, achieved a breakthrough of 2 million downloads.

This game has become the fastest game in the history of earth with more than 2 million downloads.

Holder of the previous record.

It belongs to the game developed by the company Storm. At that time, it took them half an hour to achieve a record of 2 million+ downloads on the entire network.


Pokemon Pikachu easily broke this record.

And fiercely shortened the time by a lot!

Soon, the rest of the media also published headlines on their official website:

"The light of games!!"

""Pokemon Pikachu" redefines the concept of games!"

"Another masterpiece of GC, the Pokemon series has reached a new peak!!"

""Pokemon Pikachu" may challenge "Pokemon Red/Green" for the best game of the year?!!"

According to many media:

Pokemon Red/Green has been Lock-On for this year's Game of the Year.

As a result, "Pokemon Pikachu" was born.

Although Pikachu is just a reworked version of the red/green version.

But the game's results are more solid than the red/green version.

Unsurprisingly, Pikachu will win various monthly best game awards in October.

This game will definitely be added to the annual game selection list of various media.

If so. . .

"Pokemon Red/Green"'s place of the year is not stable!

Who would have thought that the explosive game that can shake "Pokemon Red/Green" is still a new work in the Pokemon series! !

"Rational discussion, has Indra become the top game designer team in USA?"

On the Internet, the discussion about GC is extremely hot.

This emerging studio that was born out of nowhere has brought countless surprises to players at home and abroad in just two months.

"Pokemon Red/Green" became famous in the first battle.

The cartoonized "Pokemon Special Edition" set a monthly record for cartoon sales.

The animated "Pokémon" has set the Earth Animation's expectation record and created a new high in the Earth Animation's playback volume!

The sales of peripheral products are hot, and it is hard to find one product on the whole network.

Even if the game console GBA has been replenished many times, the price in the secondary market is still high, and it has always been maintained at several times the original price!

Physical game cartridges are also in short supply.

The value preservation ability of game cassettes and GBA far exceeds that of Saffron! !


"Pokemon Pikachu" is also a record harvester.

The game studio Of GC seems to be the most popular existence nowadays!

"With all due respect, GC games, there is no one that can compete!"

"CA and rubysoft are all crawling for the Lord, now is the era of the GC!!"

"As far as I know, the overseas plan of GC is about to start, and the voices of players on the Internet who want to play "Pokemon" are also very high!!"

On the network, many players who habitually overturn the wall have revealed a piece of exciting news.

The overseas version of "Pokemon Red/Green" will be officially launched soon.

Because the overseas version of Pokemon was made by Indra in a hurry to cut the crooked nuts and leeks.

So he didn't have much fanfare.

Through the revelations of players:

The overseas version involves issues such as exchange rates and overseas taxes.

So the price of the game is much higher than the this version.

In response to this situation, players said: I like to hear it, well done!

"Hahaha, these crooked nuts used to cheat the money of our domestic players, and now it's finally our domestic game's turn to cheat them!"

"The people of the Celestial Dynasty don't cheat the people of the Celestial Dynasty!!"

"For this price GC, I said: Well done!!"

"That's it? That's it? That's it? I suggest that GC increase its efforts. Isn't this price too cheap to sell to the crooked fruit?"

"That's right, that's right, the price should be a little higher, it's not enough now!!"

After seeing the revelations of Players, V Bo was boiling.

The title of the domestic light of the Timberwolves will definitely not be removed for a while.

The most annoying is.

Players on the Internet have no complaints about the pricing of Pokemon.

What can we do then?

Raw meat is cheap, but raw meat can't really bite!

If you want to experience "Pokemon" better, you can only pay more for the translated version.

Looking at the group of thriving crooked leeks on the Internet, Wang Yan also smiled.

Say something.

Cutting crooked leeks is really cool~

With "Pokemon Red/Green" and "Pokemon Pikachu", the cumulative sales exceeded 10 million copies.

Indra successfully used 1 million points to upgrade his game designer level again.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the game designer level to: B level!"

"Host's current available game memory: 800MB!"

"The host needs to consume points to upgrade the next designer level: 10 million points!"

10 million points! !

This is indeed a bit too exaggerated.

You know, 1 million points, you need 100 million income.

How much does it take to get 10 million points?

That's 1 billion!

It seems that it will take a long time to be promoted to A rank, which is higher than B rank.

As for the S-level raised above the A-level. . .

Indra has no idea in this regard for a short time.

Looking at his remaining points, Wang Yan opened the system mall and exchanged for the peripheral products of the Pokemon series.

Now, the first generation of IP value development has reached the final stage.

Games, animations, comics and peripheral figures are almost perfect.

The last step is to complete the IP value development of the system task.

And this last step is the movie that Wang Yan redeemed - "Pokémon: Mewtwo's Counterattack"!

However, the development and release of the film will take time.

Just when he upgraded the designer level and exchanged for the Pokémon movie.

CA is not idle either.

After completing the final test for WeGame and adapting to the host version of "Celebrity Collection".

CA spent money to buy the TOP1 position of V blog hot search, and directly published a blog post:

"The world's first top game console, WeGame, is officially released, and all-platform anchors will be streaming the console version of "The Collection of Cute Pets" simultaneously!"


Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498