
Making Pokemon Games popular in New World

Indra finds himself transported to a parallel world where Pokémon games, a sensation in his previous life, don't exist. Seizing this opportunity, he activates a universal game production system and begins creating “Pokémon Red/Green” at a low cost. The game takes off immediately. Popular streamer Diana dives in, exclaiming over every discovery: “Choose one of three starters? Can I have all of them?” “Wow, this green creature is incredible!” “Pikachu, forever awesome!!” Riding this wave of success, Indra develops sequels like “Pokémon Gold/Silver” and “Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire,” captivating an ever-growing audience. **************************************** **WARNING!** I do NOT own Pokémon or this story. I am just translating it. English isn't my native language, so please correct me if I made any mistakes. Original novel: 开局制作精灵游戏:主播玩疯了 (Don't expect the same story because I made so many changes; it's practically my original novel at this point.) Check out my Patreon for early access to chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day. Show your support by giving power stones, reviews, and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13 Marowak

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"We can go on this ship?"

"Shit, I thought this was just for show, but I didn't expect to be able to enter the boat?"

"When I was playing before, I missed the step of rescuing Bill, no wonder the crew didn't let me on board..."

The Players in the live stream suddenly realized.

Indra didn't waste any time. After getting on the ship decisively, he looted + defeated Gary once, and successfully found the captain's room. After triggering the plot, he obtained the TM cut.

After learning cut to Bellsprout who was caught on the road, Indra ended the mission on the ship and returned to Vermilion City.

"The third Gym is the Electric Gym, and we can deal with him with a Pokémon of the Rock or Ground type."

The theme of today's live broadcast, in addition to speed-running games, Indra will also play the concept of "Pokemon" attribute restraint deeply into the hearts of the people.

For all gyms, he has to try to clear the level on the premise of attribute restraint.

"So where can you catch the ground-based Pokémon?"

Manipulating the game characters, Indra entered the Diglett Cave near Vermilion City.

After taking out a few Digletts first, he finally managed to get a LV22 Dugtrio.

"If you can't get Dugtrio, Diglett is actually enough."

After wasting a few Poké Balls and capturing Dugtrio, Indra continued: "However, my luck is obviously better today~"

Mankey once on Route 22, and Pikachu in Viridian Forest is the norm.

This wave of LV22's Dugtrio came out very quickly.

The luck of today's archive is really good enough.

From the other exit of Diglett Cave is the flanking trail of the road between Viridian City and Viridian Forest.

Go down and there is a small house.

Through a conversation with an NPC in a white coat in the house, Indra obtained Secret 005 - Shiny Technique.

"To obtain the Shiny technique, you need to catch more than 10 small Pokémon. If the number of catches is not enough, you must catch enough and come back."

Enter Diglett hole again, leveling Dugtrio levels, and return to Vermilion City.

Due to the restraint of the Dugtrio attributes, the speed of defeating the Electric Gym is fast.

The only thing that took some time was looking for the switch in the Gym that was in the two trash cans.

"Damn it, GC is playing too smooth, doesn't he have to repeat every step?"

"Are you stupid, this game was developed by him, how can not be smooth?"

"Don't look at this diana, you really can't learn it!"

Looking at the chat of the group of fans in indra live stream, Diana directly sent a another superchat of 100$.

"Whether I learn it or not, at least I paid the tuition!"

Diana began to rage on the chat: "What about you? Seeing for free!!"

"Good guy, is diana looking down on us🙀?"

"Don't say it, brother, I'm going to send a supechat, I can't let diana pretend to be boss!"

"No poke, I'm going to send some money too😠😠😠!!"

[Shuiyoumian Tianshi Superchat 100$! ]

[The dragonfly that eats bamboo for the water send 50$! ]

[ Pikachu is not Chukapi send 20$! ]

[. . . . . . ]

This wave of superchat operations by Diana caused superchat in Indra livestream to fly all over the sky.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has soared to 3.4 million, ranking first in the whole paidtube!

"Thank you for the Superchat... Actually, there is no need for you to give so much. Today's livestream is just to respond to some smearing remarks on the Internet."

Indra continued the game while thanking the live room for the superchat.

Leaving Vermilion City, going back to Cerulean City, and use the cut to walk into the rock tunnel.

Used Flash in rock tunnels.

Quickly leave the rock tunnel and enter Aster Town. After fighting Gary in the Pokémon Tower, the entire Pokémon Tower is filled with unrecognizable ghosts.

"It's all unrecognizable ghosts? What's going on here?"

"This is what happened, even game developer have encountered bugs!?"

The entire Pokémon Tower is an unrecognizable ghost, which surprised the players in the entire live broadcast room.

Isn't this a proper bug?

"Even game developers have encountered bugs? Dare to stream live?"

CA Inc.

Alex, who was watching the live broadcast, smiled: "The semi-finished game should be honestly rebuilt, how dare you take it out to cheat money?"

Is it true that everyone who are against Pokémon are from CA.

"This livestream is basically dead, so I won't continue watching it."

Alex was in a much better mood, got up and patted his assistant:

",keep staring, and record all the loopholes in this livestream on paper."

By the end of the live broadcast, these loopholes will be a weapon for CA to increase its efforts.

"Understood, Mr. Alex"

As an assistant, Ray nodded, and after Alex left the room, he returned his attention to the live stream himself.

"BUG? This is not a bug."

Indra patiently watched the floating screen in the live broadcast room: "I'll stress it here again, "Pokemon Red/Green" is a very complete work."

"There is no such saying on the Internet that ''Pokemon' is a semi-finished product, and it is a money-making game."

"The bug you think is not actually a bug, it's just a plot design in the game."

"Like the poisoning incident in the Viridian Forest..."

Having said that, the players in the live broadcast room started their own own chat again.

"Little diana: no, why always me.😭😭"

"GC, why did you mention the story of the first Pikachu in the stream!"

"Don't look at this little girl, I'm afraid your heart won't be able to carry it."

Say something.

Diana didn't break the defense this time.

You know, Indra current livestream is a big hit on paidtube.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that it is the most popular live broadcast on the whole network.

Indra repeatedly mentioned the stalk of the little diana, which is to bring enthusiasm to diana.

This kind of popularity brought by the most popular livestream on the entire network, most people want to have no chance.

You laugh at the little girl who doesn't understand games, and the little girl laughs at you, you don't understand livestream!

"Speaking of Pokémon Tower, this is actually a plot I designed in the game."

Indra pulled the topic back to the Aster Town Pokémon Tower itself:

"In my opinion, a game should not only be fun and interesting, but also have a story worth remembering and be humanistic."

The "Pokemon" series is classic, not only because the game is fun.

It is also because it contains a lot of small plot stories that players can remember and refer to repeatedly.

For example, in the first generation, the ghost in the Pokémon Tower in Aster Town - Marowak.


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