
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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309 Chs

Warm? Pleasurable Story?

"...", Kevin stared at the scene before him, remaining silent for a moment. 

He found it hard to gauge what the others were thinking, but his own focus remained firmly on himself and the game at hand.

"Let's put the transaction aside for a second..." Elysia interjected thoughtfully. "Isn't it true that the Void Archive also originates from the pre-civilization?"

"Although the other party said they would exchange it for the puppet that controls Schicksal, shouldn't everything essentially be ours?"

She raised a valid point. Both items stemmed from the pre-civilization era. As the world's savior, it seemed logical that Kevin should rightfully inherit this legacy.

"Ha!" Snake let out a soft laugh. "Finders keepers, wouldn't you say? Plus, do you honestly think Kevin could even access the Void?"

Not everyone had the ability to wield a God Key. Kevin might be able to forcefully dismantle the core and siphon its Honkai energy, but that seemed a bit...well, extreme.

"The Divine Keys and all that... those were meant for the future generation, right?" Vill-V remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of indifference. 

As the brilliant mind behind the half of Divine Keys and Co-Creator of other, she wasn't concerned with ownership. Her true passion lay in watching her creations being used and then outdoing herself with even more impressive inventions.

The rest – the politics, the power struggles – well, those just didn't interest her. It's like the Key of Corruption: she never used her status as the inventor to claim it for herself. (Ah? Isn't the Key of Corruption made by Dr. MEI? Vill-V, MEi being dead doesn't mean you get the copyright) 

If someone was willing to pay the price and proved themselves capable, then it was theirs to wield.


"Lord? " Deep in the dark hall, Gray Snake looked at Kevin, who had not recovered for a long time, and asked tentatively,

"..." Kevin looked at the conversation between 'himself' and Bishop Schicksal,

"..." Kevin's gaze remained fixed on the scene unfolding before him - a conversation between his past self and Bishop Schicksal. The Bishop wanted the door to the Imaginary Tree? Had he bargained away Schicksal itself just to gain access to that realm?

The absurdity of it all washed over Kevin, leaving him feeling disoriented and uncertain. He closed his eyes, grappling with the implications. 

Schicksal lacked information on this mystery man Even the World Serpent didn't know a little information about him, it was like he didn't exist in this world, then what was the game producer implying? Have Otto left any traces in this world? Kevin couldn't say, he doesn't know.

One thing seemed clear: Otto's desire for the Imaginary Tree had led to this deal. 

And now Kallen, of all people, held the position of Schicksal's Bishop...

Who is real? Who is a fake?

He rose to his feet, a frigid determination settling in his eyes. "Very well. For now, we'll press forward with the Stigmata Project as planned."

But before they could delve further into the project, Kevin knew he'd have to make a move. A trip seemed necessary – either to Schicksal's headquarters where answers might lie, or perhaps directly to the source: the MiHoYo company itself.


Inside the bustling MiHoYo headquarters, Su Luo's question hung in the air. "Why did he do that?" she asked, but her problematic boss, Luo Mo, quickly deflected.

"Ah, quite the philosophical inquiry! But for now, let's shift our focus to the next delightfully heartwarming story arc," he quipped.

Su Luo rolled her eyes discreetly, silently scoffing at his response. 

Warmth? Delight? Was he talking about the joy he felt basking in the heated internet comments about his game? She doubted anyone else was quite so touched by that impossible sentiment.

"Ha, don't give me that look! Otto's story deserves a more nuanced approach. We can't just slap 'good' or 'bad' labels on him – that's too simplistic, too predictable."

Luo Mo paused, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Think of it like the game. Even when the protagonist faces tragedy, it's part of a bigger plan. Likewise, though Otto's done some questionable things, Schicksal still works to protect the world."

He wasn't about to reveal all the details just yet. Otto's story arc had barely begun! It was far too early for a full reveal. Besides, where's the fun in spoiling the surprise?

A thought struck him – when the time came, perhaps a celebratory cart of champagne would be in order. As for Otto...well, maybe he'd get half a glass, depending on how the audience felt about him in the end.


The scorching desert sun beat down as the girl trudged onward. 

Echoes of voices swirled in her mind – Durandal's sharp denial, Fu Hua's steadfast guidance, and the warmth of moments shared with Mei.

The path stretched endlessly before her, a bleak and desolate landscape offering no glimmer of hope. Yet, there was no turning back, only the relentless drive to push forward... but towards what end?

A single name throbbed within her, a beacon pulling her onward.


Suddenly, an overwhelming urge washed over her. She yearned to return to the place where her destiny had shifted, where everything started – Nagazora City.

When it came to Kiana, both Schicksal and the World Serpent found themselves in an unusual position. They made a silent, unspoken agreement: to watch, to wait, and to let her carve her own path.

For Schicksal, Kiana was too important a piece to risk falling into enemy hands.

As for the World Serpent, Kiana wasn't a pawn, but a seed. They were curious, even eager, to see how she would blossom over time, and what her unchecked potential might become.


[Here we go again, back to where it all began. I really hope their reunion will bring something sweet this time... please, no more heartbreak!]

[Hey, I'm actually from Nagazora City! With half of it blocked off like that, I wonder if the game is mirroring some real-life events...]

[Just imagine them walking through the city, each place triggering those shared memories. That kind of emotional gut-punch is intense.]

[Maybe, just maybe, this trip down memory lane will pave the way for Tuna to safely rejoin the team. Fingers crossed!]

"The place where fate begins... how unexpectedly fitting." A wistful smile touched Mei's lips as scenes flickered through her mind: 

the two of them escaping Nagazora City together, and that very first meeting on the college rooftop, Kiana's hand gripping hers so tightly. 

Since then, that light has become her life's salvation.

"Oh, I just hope my reunion with Mei won't be too...messy," Kiana sighed, a hint of worry in her voice, She wouldn't repeat the same mistakes. 

Luo Mo's words had fooled her once, but that wouldn't happen again. The memory of his sly smile, almost identical to when he'd first introduced her to this 'healing' game, sent a shiver down her spine.

Kiana desperately wanted to believe in him, but that familiar expression triggered an instinctive reaction – a gut feeling that something wasn't right. It was a conditioned response, hardwired in from past betrayals.

She might have forgotten she was just dubbing. There were no visuals or another voice narrating the scene, her own performance could lack context. Even so, deep down, she knew this moment had nothing to do with the kind of "healing" the game promised.

"Bronya, do you think the game will keep following the same path as before?" Rozaliya's usual cheerful smile was gone, replaced by a worried frown. Her little tiger teeth were hidden, a sign of how unsettled she felt.

"All that talk about experiments and quantum stuff was way over our heads."

"But even without understanding the technical details, just being in Kiana's shoes for a bit made everything so heavy," she continued. "Especially when they were forced to separate...it just felt so familiar, you know?"


Meanwhile, on the Anti-Entropy front, Tesla and Mei have spent the last few months relentlessly searching for any sign of Kiana.

Kiana's thoughts are never far from Mei, longing for her presence and strength, For Mei, this feeling is even more intense. 

While Kiana must remain focused on the immediate dangers and challenges she faces, Mei's every waking moment is consumed by the search for Kiana. 

She clings to any scraps of information, desperately hoping to pinpoint her friend's location.

Their last meeting felt fleeting, a bittersweet dream rather than reality. It only intensified Mei's longing for her friend.

——Kiana has changed a lot; she has become so quiet...

Mei couldn't help but wonder: what kind of unthinkable hardships could cause such a dramatic shift? The thought was unbearable, yet it lingered heavily in her mind.

Images flashed before her – Kiana walking alone, bearing the invisible weight of scars and traumas that would break any ordinary person...

For four long months, she journeyed from city to city. Along with dispensing justice, she became a witness to the devastation wrought by the Honkai, to lives cruelly cut short. Did she secretly blame herself for these tragedies, carrying the impossible weight of responsibility all alone?

She felt a dull pain in her heart because she remembered Kiana's answer at that time.

She hugged her from behind, but Kiana turned her eyes toward her.

"I...can't go back, Mei." Kiana's voice was strained, filled with unspoken pain. "I'm sorry, I... I can't let you risk everything for me."

Those words, and the reasons behind them, echoed painfully within Mei mind.

Mei couldn't bear those words, that memory. Regret and worry gnawed at her, and the harder she tried to stop thinking about it, the more Kiana's face would fill her thoughts. It was a bittersweet torment.

More than anything, Mei ached to be by Kiana's side. Even the smallest act of support, a comforting hug or a shared meal together, seemed infinitely precious now.

"Mei, we found a trace of Kiana!" Tesla's hurried voice interrupted her thoughts and stopped her thoughts from getting deeper.


Here's a revised version with a more conversational tone and expanded detail:

"Warm? Joy?" Rozaliya and Liliya echoed in unison, confusion written all over their faces. 

They replayed what Kiana had said, struggling to make sense of it. As far as they could tell, there wasn't a hint of warmth or joy to be found.

"That's all the boss told me! Honestly, I don't get it either," Kiana admitted, a hint of frustration in her voice. "But hey, what if it's one of those 'bitter before sweet' situations? You know, the kind where things get worse before they get better?"

That's right, everything was Luo Mo's fault; she was not infected!

But seeing Rozaliya and Liliya's bewildered expressions...well, she caught herself sharing a knowing smile with Mei.

Was this how Luo Mo felt every day? There was a certain twisted satisfaction in watching others squirm.

Wait, I am the Valkyrie who wants to protect a better world! How can you think about this? Kiana shook her head to get rid of the strange thoughts in her heart.


Mei's journey led her to Nagazora City, following Kiana's fading trail. Every street corner seemed to hold a memory, their shared past echoing with each step. The contrast between those happier days and their current separation painted a bittersweet ache in her heart.

Her focus shifted to hunting down the Herrscher's energy within the city. After a relentless search, a chilling realization struck: the traces she followed led directly to herself.

While making people laugh, it also makes them realize that Mei was once a Herrscher.

As a last resort, Mei tried to find people in the city to ask, but in a city where the Great Honkai had occurred, where would there be traces of so many people?

Feeling increasingly desperate, her attention was suddenly drawn to a young girl named Sora, trapped and terrified by a nearby Honkai beast.

Carefully, Mei worked to gain Sora's trust. Once the girl felt safe, Mei learned of a place called "the Nest," a sanctuary established by survivors who chose to stay after the Honkai disaster.


[Mei's got her strategy down! Winning hearts and minds, one delicious meal at a time.]

[Was it originally solved this way? Reality is amazing! ]

[Okay, I nearly forgot Mei herself was a Herrscher. Lately, her Herrscher of Thunder powers seem to manifest mostly in the kitchen...and those bonus side stories.]

"Wow, teacher, did you see that? We're in the game!" Sora exclaimed; her eyes wide with amazement as she glanced at the raven. 

Of course, someone as powerful as her teacher would be in the game but seeing herself included felt incredible.

"Hm, this might not be such a good situation, Sora." Raven watched the unfolding story intently, a crease forming between her brows. 

She hadn't anticipated Mei developing a connection with Sora and the other children. It was a potential complication.

Raven found herself struggling to reconcile her prior image of Mei with what she was witnessing. The stories Gray Snake had told about Mei's actions in ARC City, combined with her bravery in rescuing Sora, painted a very different picture. 

The elegant, highborn lady now seemed unexpectedly resourceful and kind – it was quite a surprising contrast.

"Sora, remember, don't ever accept food from strangers. It could be dangerous," Raven cautioned.

"Man, I wish we could meet this Mei lady in real life," a young boy named Lyle piped up from behind Sora.

"Lyle, stop thinking about those dangerous things."

"Lyle, stop thinking about such things!" Raven interjected sternly. Compared to the extremely well-behaved Sora, Lyle was full of mischief. He had a habit of wandering into risky situations and a strange fascination with her guns, leaving Raven with a constant sense of worry.

"Speaking of guns, Lyle," Raven sighed, "I've told you a hundred times to leave those alone!"

"So, you're seriously hoping for some beautiful, amazing sharpshooter to show up and be your own personal marksmanship coach? Like a picture-perfect idol or something?"

"Come on, think about it! If something like that video happened, I'd be ready to step in and help the lady in charge," Lyle insisted, wiping down his gun with a cocky grin.

Raven rolled her eyes. "The real question is whether anyone like that exists outside of your imagination," she muttered, rubbing her temples and deciding to ignore him.


And in the video,

images of Chiba Academy flashed across the screen, bringing Mei a bittersweet wave of nostalgia. 

Despite all the difficulties she faced at that wealthy school, a place that seemed designed for a girl like her to fail, it had irrevocably changed the course of her life.

Yes, her enrollment had marked a devastating loss: family, friends, possessions, dreams for the future seemingly erased in one fell swoop. 

Yet, those very things, those precious connections she thought gone forever, had slowly started to return. And through it all, the steadfast presence of a certain white-haired girl had given Mei a sense of belonging she never thought she'd find again.

Her journey would certainly bring new faces and bonds to cherish, but she'd never forget, nor could she afford to, the simple truth: it was one particular girl who set everything in motion. 

The one who'd taken her hand and refused to let go.

As Mei narated this, a soft smile touched her lips. 

Just the thought of that girl had a remarkable power – a beacon of light capable of chasing away the darkness that had lingered within her for months.


"So, Mei...this girl, she's really that important to you?" Raiden Ryoma paused from his work at the ME Club in Nagazora City.

Despite the chaos in the areas still under Schicksal's control, he was doing everything he could to help rebuild. It was his small way of atoning for his daughter's past Sin. 

Seeing the suppressed pain Mei carried, a constant threat of tears in her eyes, his heart ached with guilt.

"I failed you, Mei," he thought with a pang of regret. "All this time, and I had no idea what you were enduring." A flash of anger crossed his face, and his fist slammed down on the workbench.


He replayed the events he'd learned about: the bullying Mei had faced at Chiba Academy, the relentless gossip, and Cocolia's wicked manipulations. It boiled his blood. 

But the Honkai disaster had swept away many of the answers, and Cocolia's connection to Mei's friend, Bronya, further complicated everything. Revenge, however justified, seemed out of his reach.

"You raised a good daughter, Cocolia...but you'll never see her outside that prison cell," he muttered grimly. "But then there's this Kiana Kaslana girl...part of one of those powerful Schicksal families? Or was it two?"

Raiden Ryoma sighed. It was frustrating; he clearly couldn't provide the kind of help his daughter truly needed when it came to matters of the heart.

He had witnessed it firsthand: the trials they'd faced together, the heartbreaking moment Mei had chosen to stay at St. Freya when they were forced to part ways. As unthinkable as it once seemed, he had come to accept the undeniable bond between the two girls.

It wasn't something he, an absent father, could fully understand, and he was still adjusting. All he could do now was support Mei and try to offer her some happiness. 

He didn't want to admit it, but that girl, Kiana, seemed to hold a more important place in Mei's heart than even her own father...

All he wanted was to offer Mei some small measure of recompense for the years of pain she had endured.