
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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294 Chs

The True sage king who rules the world

"This can't be a sad story, can it? It doesn't seem like it,"

Elysia was a little suspicious. With the previous story of the [Honkai Kingdoms], which was so enjoyable, Could this story really end in a sad way? Not likely... she hope.

The title, 'The Day You Vanished with the Stars', sounded a little strange. It was kind of sad, but...

"That song was so beautiful," Eden said, pausing for a moment. She smiled softly at Ellie, who was looking at her with curious eyes.

"I loved singing that song. It has so many emotions and feelings inside it."

In the end, he(Luo Mo) didn't reveal anything more about the plot,

After all, Luo Mo had already confessed that it was a knife, so what else could she say?

"Still, it features another Theresa, and I absolutely adore her! That spunky little attitude just gets me every time," Elysia confessed, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

"Uh oh, both Theresa and the other two might be a bit mad when they hear that," Eden chuckled nervously.

Ellie seemed to like joking more, and she didn't know whose fault it was.


" The next part is your story, are you nervous? "

" Is it me? Or are you Kongming? There's no way, they have the same body shape, I can't tell them apart."

Theresa bit the straw in her mouth, the bitter melon juice in the bottle was decreasing little by little, and she glanced sideways at the stars from time to time, curious about what the other person would look like.

Usually, in games, the beginning is a bit confusing. That means Kongming shouldn't be here yet – it's too early to know who she is!

"Nervous?" Kongming shot Theresa a glance.

This Theresa was so different from the one she knew, the one from her world.

Mature, composed, with a strong sense of duty... She'd truly grown up, mentally at least.

"Why would I be embarrassed or nervous? But hey, that reminds me..." Kongming paused for a moment. "There's actually a girl named Theresa where I come from, in the Huang Empire."

Theresa almost spit out her bitter melon juice, her eyes wide with surprise. "Wait, what did you say?"

"Wait a minute, what's going on? These were supposed to be just memories, right?" Theresa's voice shook a little bit, she sounded confused and a tiny bit scared.

The pictures on the screen were changing in ways she didn't think were possible, and it was really surprising her. "Is this really happening after the last Event ended?"

Kongming greeted Luo Mo with a warm smile and a nod as he approached.

Luna shifted to make room for him on the sofa, Luo Mo settled in comfortably, his gaze drawn to the large screen.

It wasn't often he got to watch games here.

Luna on one side, Kongming on the other... the only thing blocking his view was that little white-haired dumpling in the lower left corner of the screen.

etc. Isn't that Lady Theresa whom I respect?


"Please... move out of the way..." The girl was out of breath, holding a feather fan and a white coat close to her. She ran through the alley like she was being chased, her eyes wide with fear.

This wasn't how Kongming usually acted! She never seemed scared. You blinked, confused, as she glanced back over her shoulder, like something was following her.

Suddenly, she grabbed your arm really tight, and it hurt! You were totally surprised.

Only then did you start to notice some strange things...

"But you don't sound like Ms. Kongming at all. You sound like..." A flicker of realization crossed your face. "Theresa...TeRiRi, the national idol of the Huang Empire? Is that you?"

A wave of bitter disappointment washed over the girl's face. "You figured it out...this disguise is a total failure," she muttered. "But the thing is, I'm just a prisoner now."

Before you could even ask what she meant, Theresa's voice turned serious. "You have to run, now!"

Suddenly, you heard three loud whistles. Arrows landed right in front of you, blocking your way! Then, a bunch of people appeared out of nowhere, surrounding you so you couldn't get away.

In the end, Theresa was taken back together with you, and it was left to her Majesty to decide.

While being escorted, you analyzed the reasons and concluded that you were now in the era when the Hero King of the Theocracy, the Pirate King of the Federation, and the Sage King of the Huang Empire were on par with each other.

But still...

the pieces didn't fit.

The history you remembered and everything you knew about Kongming didn't match what was happening right now.

Days passed, and everything felt like a blur.

Finally, the guards came and led you away. They took you to a huge, fancy palace that made you realize whoever was in charge must be really important.

"I've heard this one knows Theresa. Let him go," a cold voice ordered from somewhere high above. You tried your best to see who was speaking, but your head was held down.

Who could tell the guards what to do like that? And who did they call "Your Majesty"?

The guard loosened his bonds and sneered,

"Are you stupid? In this world, who doesn't know..."

"...Her Majesty, the Sage King Kongming! She ended the Three Kingdoms war all by herself and now rules the world!"

You looked up, and the person you saw looked so familiar, yet so different.

The cold moonlight shone down onto a big, fancy throne.

A girl sits on it uninhibitedly, with her legs crossed and her left leg resting on it.

her face was cold, her eyes seemed cold and lifeless,

She just stared down at the steps and didn't say a word.


"Sage King? You? Rule the whole world?" Your voice got louder as you got more excited and surprised.


Theresa covered her mouth and glanced at kongming standing with a fan in surprise.

The identity of the other party is surprisingly good. It doesn't sound like the description of just a wealthy family.

Luo Mo must have noticed her guest had arrived, but this was her home! She couldn't just get up and leave her seat, could she?

They were all good friends, so little things like this didn't really matter.

"I can't remember that ever happening," Kongming said, ignoring Theresa's surprised look. She shook her feather fan and frowned at Luo Mo. "Did this really happen?"

"Just keep watching the story," Luo Mo answered quietly. "You'll understand everything. But remember – what you see might not be exactly the same as what you remember."

" Yeah, I remembered it." Kongming said, taking a sideways glance at Luna, who was moving secretly and getting closer and closer to Luo Mo.

After pondering for a moment, she still pretended not to see it.

Now is not the time to attack.

It was clear that Mr. Assassin didn't even remember her at all!


" This kongming is very different from Theresa. There is no such cute look as Theresa. " Kallen said with a raised eyebrow.

"But Rita, shouldn't you, as her self-proclaimed number one fan, be fiercely protecting Theresa?"

Rita sighed at Kallen's joke. "How can anyone guess what happens in these strange world bubbles? But, I think something might have stopped me from doing my job to protect her." Rita's face looked a little sad.

"You're right, the world is so big and amazing!" Kallen said, sounding excited. "If we let Theresa loose, maybe she could take over the world."

She wanted to say something like this, which would reassure her a lot.

But Rita smiled and said, speaking for Theresa, " That doesn't look like Lady Theresa. "

Kallen curled her lips and smiled, " That's true. "


And the next development seems to be more than a little bit unexpected.

On the stage stood someone who looked exactly like Theresa, but she sounded mean and cold.

" Theresa... it turns out you pretended to be me. Why didn't me know you had such interest? "

Logically speaking, she should be sneering at this moment,

But now the so-called sage king has no fluctuation at all.

"Mr. Kongming! It's you!" You let out a big sigh.

Then, you quickly told Kongming everything that happened in your memory just a little while ago.

Going back... Obsession... Error... Formation diagram, and what Kongming said when she said goodbye, and how Kongming said she wanted to live a quiet life after she wasn't in charge anymore.

You talked and talked until the guard yelled at you to stop.

"You're as calm as ever, Captain. That makes me a little interested...But it's absolutely true that I'm the Sage King," the girl on the throne said.

She seemed to remember you, but her eyes didn't sparkle like they used to. Now, she just looked cold and uncaring.

Those eyes were like black holes, swallowing up everything with light.

It's not scary, but what's scary is seeing it on the face of someone you know.

Theresa stood by and defended you with difficulty, begging Kongming not to hurt you.

Kongming agreed, but the price was... " Come here, change Lady Theresa's clothes! "

Her maids came out carrying beautiful costumes that Theresa used to wear when she was a performer.

Kongming's voice was cold as she said her plan – she wanted Theresa to be like a little bird in a cage, singing in the palace all day and night.

Theresa's face suddenly turned pale, and She yelled loudly that she didn't want to sing for Kongming, she wanted to sing for Rita and lots of other people!

"Today is a special holiday. Since you're called the 'Star Girl', you can sing a song to the stars(gazer) to help with the next show." Kongming's voice was cold.

After hearing this, Theresa seemed to have given up struggling and stood aside dejectedly.

Theresa, the sage king who was once the most powerful person among human beings, now seems to have had her soul removed.

As for the captain, Kongming asked him to watch the next show with her.

She said it would be a very 'interesting' show.


"That Kongming person doesn't seem very nice! Did we mess up last time?" Kiana whispered in class, although school was not over, she was playing game in class,

But it's not a crime if you don't get caught!

She always finished her homework early, but today's math problems were really hard, so she decided to play instead.

Teacher Himeko says the basic classes at St. Freya Academy are too easy. The girls don't really need to become experts in any one subject. They just need to understand the main ideas.

All the tricky and difficult stuff seems to come from their own boss, Luo Mo.

He said that he wanted them to experience his own pain, which made Kiana really angry.

She didn't expect that her boss was still there in the school, always adding difficulties to her already unfortunate life.

"Well, there should be a reversal later. " Mei whispered,

"It's okay, Mei. If you ask, just say that we are testing the results of our actual tasks so that we can make revisions. " Kiana kindly comforted Mei next to her.

"Haha, idiot Kiana has so many crooked ideas. Can you explain it to Teacher Himeko then? " Bronya leaned over and spoke.

"Go, go, you're too obvious, little dwarf. " Kiana stretched out her hand to push Bronya's head away.

Well, someone is jumping to conclusions! Shouldn't you watch the whole story before you decide?

In the end, a bunch of them (almost everyone!) secretly watched the game during their Self-study Class.


"Me? A little bird in a cage? Sing?" Theresa pointed at herself, her big blue eyes wide with surprise.

When did she lose so much power at the academy? Did she really let people treat her this way? Where was her dignity?

She remembered how she used to be an important leader at the school, someone everyone admired. But now, things were getting worse and worse.

It's okay to become an idol, at least a national idol, but what does it mean to be tied up in a palace?

So, she stared angrily at Kongming, secretly searching for an answer.

Kongming chuckled and lowered his body slightly to apologize, " I don't remember such a thing happening. I'm also very curious. "

"But remember, this is just a game. We shouldn't let it change how we feel about each other in the real world, right?"

"Huh, let's see what happens next. Also, let me tell you, I'm not good at singing. "

Theresa snorted, but the following sentence was more like there was no silver in this place, and when she said it, it became even more unbelievable.

"Oh? Isn't that silly 'Foolish Everywhere' song making everyone laugh?" Kongming teased, pretending not to know who made it.

Theresa pointed at her, shaking her finger in anger, but Luo Mo just smiled and said nothing.

He was secretly thinking that he was doing exactly what a good Theresa fan should be doing!


And the 'interesting' show mentioned by Kongming,

As soon as Captain saw the people, he was surprised. The two people kidnapped in the audience were the "Pirate King" of Jormungandr(pirate federation) and the "Hero King" of Schicksal.

In the past, two extremely heroic and powerful figures became prisoners, which made people realize the value of the sage king's unification of the world.

To them, Kongming seems even more indifferent;

Kongming seemed so cold and uncaring toward them...but she was still kind to the Captain and Theresa. Why was that? The captain couldn't help but smile a bit sadly.

"The last time I saw you guys was in those old ruins. I never thought we'd meet again like this," Kongming said in a cold voice that sounded like she was blaming them for something.

"Do you regret anything? If you knew this would happen, you might have said yes to me back then."

It's not clear what Kongming means by 'regret.' Did something happen that made these two powerful leaders end up here?

But neither the Hero King nor the Pirate King looked like they were giving in to her words.

Kongming also knew this, so he immediately arranged a program to use the sharpest spear against the strongest shield.

She wanted to see what would happen.

The two of them, each holding on to one of them, risked their lives and started fighting, only one of them would survive.

The Pirate King is in the form of Himeko, and the Hero King is in the form of Fu Hua.

between the two begins.

Theresa was playing music and dancing nearby, watching the kongming, and even commented on the battles and gave rewards from time to time.

It all seemed very exciting, but also a little scary!

Kongming murmured, " I just want to know if the two of you who were on the sidelines at that time, watching our country fighting to the death, had the same mood as I do now. "

But it doesn't matter anymore, because it already happened.

And in the audience, no matter who wins or falls.

Both will die.

"Destiny might not always be fair, but death is," Kongming said

She ignored the fight between the two and dealt a blow to the winner.

"Now you will all die together."


[??? What's happening? Why did Himeko Died again right away? Do you always have to sacrifice a Himeko to win? ]

[Watching from the side, fighting...it sounds like the Huang Empire got hurt too.]

[This kind of story is...not very nice for girls ♪ But it's okay, it's not so bad that I would cry ♪]

[Has it already defaulted to a knife? Okay, there should be nothing wrong with the beginning of the chapter. Even the Main Story is sugar first and then knife. Let's go straight to the knife this time]

" Eh ~ Hi.., Teacher Himeko ? "

According to Murphy's Law, when you are afraid of something, it will happen.

And just like she thought – she was caught playing a game in class! Kiana felt like she might cry.

She did lots of things she shouldn't, like eating snacks, falling asleep, and even staring at Mei...but this was the first time she'd been caught playing a game.

"So... what are you going to say?" Ms. Himeko held up Kiana's phone and smiled. "You weren't really testing anything, were you?"

" Teacher Himeko, I just really wanted to know what happens next in the story..." Kiana held her hands behind her back and swayed a little, trying to act cute like a kitten. "I promise I won't do it again!"

"Oh, Kiana. School will be over in half an hour, can't you wait until then?" Ms. Himeko poked Kiana's forehead gently and smiled.

" I'm just curious... it feels like there is Mei crawling in my heart ~"

"Ugh, luckily you're not in my language class," Ms. Himeko said, shaking her head.