
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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305 Chs

The dubbing project is gradually being completed

"Phew~ It's still true what I said?" Himeko's voice echoed in the room as she finished the dubbing. Her heart was still pounding with the thrill of the performance, her excitement refusing to subside.

In one hand, she held the script tightly, as if it were a tangible connection to the story she had just brought to life. A soft sigh escaped her lips, her face reflecting a hint of melancholy. The episode she had just dubbed had stirred up a whirlwind of memories from her time in the Assault Squad. Those days were fraught with danger and uncertainty, yet they held a special place in her heart. It was during those tumultuous times that she had experienced a sense of belonging, a feeling of being at home.

"Even though Officer Ragnar wasn't buried in the Mission in reality, it was extremely relevant to reality. It's amazing that you've shown all of this," Himeko mused aloud. She was impressed by the authenticity of the storyline and its close alignment with real events.

"But what are you doing all this drama for? There's always a reason for everything, right?" Himeko questioned, curious about the motivation behind creating such a detailed and emotionally charged narrative.

Luo Mo responded with a calm assurance, "Himeko-sensei, apart from the Side-story, the next main storyline also has a large part of you in it. So why don't you wait for the game to come out to get a glimpse of it." His words hinted at an intriguing future storyline that would feature Himeko prominently.

"Also, next, there's still a lesson for me, I'll go back to the academy first!"

Seeing that he was not forthcoming with more information, Himeko decided to retreat for the time being, her mind buzzing with anticipation and curiosity.

Not long after Himeko's departure, two figures, one clad in purple and the other in white, casually strolled into the room. It was Sirin and Cecilia, who had arrived as per their scheduled appointment for the dubbing session.

"Human! I don't know what kind of magic soup you've put in mom's head, but, surprisingly, you won't let me play the game without coming out to do the voice acting!" Sirin exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration. She clung to Cecilia's arm with one hand while pointing accusingly at Luo Mo with the other, her demeanor reminiscent of a petulant little princess.

"Sirin, be polite!" Cecilia admonished gently. However, her words seemed to have little effect on Sirin who continued with her tirade.

"If it weren't for mom's face, why would I come here to dub…" Sirin grumbled under her breath. She then turned to Luo Mo and demanded, "Tell me, what kind of roles do you want us to dub? I can consider that little bit at my discretion…" As she spoke, she gestured expansively, her posture radiating an air of arrogance.

However, her bravado was short-lived as Cecilia swiftly reprimanded her with a light pop. "Oooo~, that hurts, mommy." Sirin whimpered, attempting to pout her way back into Cecilia's good graces.

"Sirin, it's outside, pay attention." Cecilia advised helplessly. She added softly but firmly, "You're not a child anymore."

Cecilia sighed deeply as she voiced out her exhaustion. Raising these two uncaring daughters was proving to be quite a challenge.

"Sirin, you are to play the Honkai Queen, a role that is as real as it gets!" Luo Mo announced, his voice filled with anticipation.

"That line 'This is the moment, the time of judgment☆' is incredibly powerful. And Sirin, you continue to play a significant role in all the major subplots!" He continued, his words carefully chosen to pique Sirin's interest in the dubbing project.

"This is the moment of judgment☆"? The line echoed in Sirin's mind. She found it captivating and thought to herself, "It's so charismatic!"

After a moment of contemplation, Sirin finally conceded. "Then, then this young lady will agree to your dubbing request, seeing as you've given this young lady so much drama." Her words were laced with a hint of playful sarcasm.

With that agreement, they embarked on their dubbing journey…

Throughout the process, there were moments of intense emotion. At one point, Sirin grabbed Luo Mo's collar, her eyes wide and filled with a mix of grief and indignation. She huffed out her words in a stern reprimand.

"What is the origin of that Herrscher of Void who even dared to kill my Cecilia's mom? Damn it, damn it! I will definitely not spare her!" Her words echoed in the room, a testament to her resolve and the depth of her emotions.


Sirin stared at the script in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock as she read the next line. She clutched her head in her hands, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum. The words on the page seemed to blur and swim before her eyes.

"How, how could it be me! I killed mom?" she exclaimed, her voice barely more than a whisper. The words hung heavy in the air, a chilling accusation that sent shivers down her spine.

"Calm down Sirin, it's just a game!" Cecilia quickly intervened, wrapping her arms around the distraught Sirin in an attempt to comfort her. Her voice was soothing, a gentle balm against the harsh reality of the script. "It's all fake in there, it's not real!" she reassured Sirin.

As Cecilia spoke, the Honkai energy that had been simmering beneath the surface began to stir. It started as a low rumble, gradually escalating into a full-blown riot. But with Cecilia's calming presence and soothing words, it slowly subsided once more.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the dubbing session came to an end. Sirin emerged from the recording booth, her mind still reeling from the revelations of the script. She felt disoriented, as if she had been spun around and around until she could no longer tell up from down.

Cecilia remained by her side, offering silent support as they left the studio together. She kept one arm wrapped tightly around Sirin, holding her close as they drifted away into the night.

"Are you satisfied now?" Theresa's voice echoed in the room, her tone laced with a hint of gloating. She had arrived unnoticed at some point during the dubbing session and had been observing the proceedings with keen interest.

"You knowingly dragged Sirin into this dubbing session, fully aware of her struggle with irritating amnesia. Cecilia is certainly not going to be pleased about this!" Theresa continued, her words a prediction of the impending storm.

Luo Mo, however, remained unfazed by her accusations. "If Sirin wants to venture out into the world, this is the path she must tread," he responded calmly. "Cecilia must have also seen the necessity of this step, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to bring Sirin here."

He paused for a moment before adding, "It's always better to confront and accept one's actions."

"But Theresa," Luo Mo changed the subject abruptly, "Speaking of which, Bishop Kallen is scheduled to dub an active episode with you tomorrow. Are you feeling nervous?"

Theresa laughed off his question. "That's my grandmother we're talking about. What do I have to be nervous about? Besides, I can't shake off this feeling that something's off about you today," she retorted suspiciously.

Theresa had come with a purpose - to observe Sirin's behavior for any signs of abnormality. She wanted to be prepared to intervene if something went awry.

"It feels like you're constantly staring at Cecilia. Don't forget, Cecilia is a married woman!" Theresa warned Luo Mo.

Luo Mo could only curse under his breath at her accusation. "Damn 'white hair control', messing with my mind." He muttered, blaming the system buff for his current predicament.

However, wasn't there a more suitable subject of interest at this very moment?

Luo Mo's gaze drifted towards Theresa, more specifically, towards the top of her head. There was something inexplicably captivating about it that held his attention firmly in place.

Caught off guard by his intense stare, Theresa instinctively covered the top of her head with both hands. "You, what are you doing?" she demanded, her voice laced with a mix of confusion and exasperation.

Luo Mo let out a sigh, shaking his head as he responded. "Alas, truth be told, I seem to be afflicted by a peculiar condition that compels me to gaze at white hair every day." His voice was filled with a melodramatic sorrow that seemed somewhat out of place.

His gaze returned to Theresa. Even when seated, her silky white hair was clearly visible. It was as if it was positioned at just the right angle to draw him in, captivating his mind and holding it hostage.

"Hey, hey, Theresa!" Luo Mo called out, his voice echoing in the room.

Theresa responded with disbelief. "Where is this disease? What are you babbling about!" She dismissed his claims as nonsensical ramblings.

With that, she made her exit from the company, leaving Luo Mo alone with his thoughts.


(Elysian realm Mini-Series - Elysia wants to go out again (now is part five) )

The scene opened with Aponia, a towering figure of devotion, kneeling in prayer before an idol. Clasped in her hands was a small, pure white cross - a symbol of her faith. Her eyes were gently closed, her expression one of deep reverence. Beneath her white nun's uniform, her voluptuous figure was subtly concealed, adding an air of mystery to her character.

"Ellie, I know what you've come for!" Aponia's voice echoed in the silent room. However, she quickly added, "But unfortunately, I can't get out!"

Elysia, known affectionately as Ellie, responded with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I know! My good Aponia!?" she sulked.

A soft laugh escaped Aponia's lips as she reassured Elysia. "Is that so? Come here and talk to me whenever you like. You are always welcome, Elysia!"

Elysia's mouth puckered at the corners as she retorted, "Doesn't that show some pity for me!?" She sighed deeply before voicing out her confusion. "My good Aponia, why doesn't everyone want me out??"

Aponia responded with a gentle smile. "In the words of Eden, of course, everyone can't let go of sweet Ellie, can they? Ever so sweet Ellie!" Her words were laced with affection and a hint of teasing.

Elysia pouted slightly at this remark. "Doesn't that make me sound like a little girl? But, Aponia," she began before suddenly regaining her cheerful demeanor. With a spring in her step, she announced, "Isn't it impossible to talk while you're praying! I'll be off then, thanks for the comfort!?"

Aponia watched as Elysia bounded away before murmuring softly to herself. "Praying? It was meant to be a prayer for you, Ellie." Her white hands intertwined in a cross as she whispered a heartfelt prayer. "May Elysia never grieve… never again… Never again!"