
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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313 Chs

Operation Ends

At this time, The Schicksal army had arrived.

Everywhere outside, the slightly charred ground was covered with thick smoke, the flames of war were spreading, the internal circuits of the damaged Mecha were exposed, and the Valkyries were fighting in the distance.

The radicals Anti-Entropy forces had been caught off guard by the Schicksal invasion. They had no chance to mount a proper defense or evacuate their personnel.

And because the top leader, Cocolia, has not moved here, Only a handful of high-ranking officials had managed to escape, leaving the rest of the Anti-Entropy radicals to be captured or killed by the Schicksal troops.

"Rita, are you okay?"

Durandal, wearing Valkyrie armor and carrying a knight's spear, opened the door and walked quickly, asking worriedly.

her, She also didn't expect that Rita would go directly to the enemy's base camp on a reconnaissance mission.

Although she also believed in Rita's strength, rushing here directly was still not appropriate!

"I'm fine, Lord Durandal; where are the others?" Rita looked behind her in confusion.

Durandal shook her head, looked at Rita carefully, and found that there was no injury. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "They are behind; I am here to help you first!"

"I will report the process of this mission... to the bishop. No matter what, the result is a complete victory, and Cocolia has been captured."

After Rita finished speaking, she pointed at the ground, where there were signs of the fight. There were some dead bodies, marks, and holes.

Cocolia was there too… but she was not free. She was wrapped up in ropes, like a present. She looked very funny.

Cocolia turned her head, not wanting to see the maid in front of her again. She regretted surrendering to Rita, thinking it was the worst decision of her life.

Rita had sprayed some perfume in the air. It smelled like oranges, but Cocolia hated it. It made her sick. She couldn't smell anything else, not even the blood that was dripping from her legs.

who can untie the knot on her back as opposed to the knot on her leg?


On the way back,

Rita took the time to report the war situation to Bishop Kallen, who was concerned about the matter.

Schicksal had achieved a decisive victory, and the Anti-Entropy rebels had been crushed beyond repair.

Rita recounted the specific events of the battle, but Kallen noticed that she was hesitating at some points. She looked at her with curiosity and concern.

"... Rita?"

"Forgive me, Mr. Bishop. I have disappointed you with my performance." Rita lowered her head in shame.

She did not conceal anything from Kallen. She told him how Fu Hua had helped her, and how she had almost been defeated by the enemy.

"The last two times you... forget it," Kallen shook her head and stopped asking any more questions.

For Rita, who always had a 100% mission completion rate, these two missions were not ideal, and she was always on the verge of making mistakes.

Then he asked the key question, "Did you get the Serenity gem back?"

Rita was a little embarrassed. For a maid who pursued perfection, this was obviously a stain in her life, and she didn't know how to explain it.

But he still replied, "Yes, the gems are brought back. Do you need me to take them back to Schicksal headquarters immediately?"

"No, that's not necessary. You can leave it to Luo Mo." Kallen said casually.

Rita's face showed surprise, but she didn't argue, "As you wish, lord Bishop."

Then he bowed slightly, with an uncertain look in his eyes.

She sighed. Today was another day of failure. Fortunately, she finally saw the worried expression of Lady Durandal, which gave her the last touch of comfort!


Bronya approached the room where Cocolia was held captive. She wanted to say goodbye to her mother, who had raised her and given her a home. She whispered, "Matushka, I promise I will find Seele and bring her back."

"I know you will, my dear. You are the only one I can trust." Cocolia looked pale and weary after being captured by the enemy. Her eyes were sad, but she still spoke with determination:

"Please, look after the other children in the orphanage. They are innocent. They only followed my orders."

"And what about the anti-entropy radicals?"

Cocolia replied calmly, "They are adults. They must face the consequences of their actions, just like me."

"Matushka, are you sorry for saving me? If it wasn't for you, I would have died in the snow…" Bronya felt a surge of guilt and lowered her head, asking the question that had been haunting her.

"Bronya, listen to me. I will never regret saving you that day. You are my daughter, and I love you."

She said, with a mix of encouragement and relief in her eyes, something that Bronya could not fully comprehend: "You are my pride!"

Bronya was silent, walked out of the door, and looked at the bright night sky.

She felt a moment of doubt and reached for her phone,

Metal gears solid: I have secured the Serenity gem. When will the matter of Seele be resolved?

I am a good boss: Now that the gem issue has been resolved, wait for news from me tomorrow.

Metal gears solid: Is there anything else I should do?

I'm a good boss: Take a good rest and be in good shape tomorrow.

Metal gears solid: What about Cocolia?

I'm a Good Boss: Schicksal decides to hand her over to Anti-Entropy, and she will be dealt with internally by Anti-Entropy.

Bronya knew what that meant and stopped worrying about Cocolia.

She inhaled deeply, with an unusual expression of anxiety on her face. She tightened and loosened her grip several times, and her palms were sweaty.

Seele... Bronya, I'm coming to see you soon!


Luo Mo and Bronya were in the room, watching the latest news on the screen. Luo Mo sighed and closed his eyes briefly.

He had to decide what to do with Cocolia.

She was different from Sirin, who was a child with a fragmented mind and a manipulated will. She was an adult who knew what she was doing and had to face the consequences.

The easiest option was to hand her over to Anti-Entropy, as it happened in the original timeline, but that was just a cowardly way of avoiding the problem, a bargain between the powerful elites.

He was well aware that Cocolia would not receive the justice she deserved like any other person who committed such crimes, even if she had to sacrifice something that most people could not afford.

In this world, Cocolia did not use the chip to forcefully control Bronya, so she did not fall out with her mother.

Even though Bronya took the initiative to attack her mother, she just wanted to protect her to the greatest extent.

Luo Mo shook his head. In this Honkai world, he has not found a better way out yet.

Good and evil... should not be judged by oneself.

In the world, people are not divided into good and evil; they only have different opposing positions.

Only distinguishing between good and bad is too absolute, and it loses fairness. Good and bad, good and evil, are all relative.

Absolute black and white no longer exist; there are more gray areas of varying degrees.

He exhaled and started to get ready for the next day's mission. He had already informed Kallen about the details.

Luo Mo had convinced her that this was the only way to stop Honkai.

he was telling the truth, but not at all.

Kallen, I didn't lie

"Human, what are you thinking about?" Luna asked, looking up at him after she came out of the shower. Luo Mo was drawn to the scent of the shower gel on her skin and felt an urge to hold her close.

"I'm thinking... human beings are such contradictory creatures."

Luo Mo said something inexplicably and rubbed Luna's white hair, which felt silky and smooth.



"Anna, is there any female employee with white hair here?" Otto asked casually, as he leaned back on the sofa in the staff lounge and took a bite of his cake. He looked at the woman with chestnut hair who was sitting across from him, sipping her coffee.

"Huh? Um, the only person with white hair that I can think of was a voice actor who visited the workplace a few times, but I haven't seen her lately. I think it's because the recording room was moved to the central building near the academy." Anna frowned, trying to remember if there was anyone else with white hair in the company.

"Director, white hair is very uncommon in this world(don't include the 3 Schicksal families), why are you asking about someone with white hair?" Anna asked curiously, 

"Haha, it's nothing really. I just have this feeling that I keep seeing a white-haired woman in the hallway and some place, but I can never catch a glimpse of her face or get close to her. She seems to be very good at avoiding me, don't you think? Have you ever noticed her, Anna?" Otto chuckled and questioned Anna again, hoping to get some clues.


Anna looked at Otto with a puzzled expression, "A white-haired woman in the hallway? I've never seen anything like that here, director. Maybe you're working too hard and seeing things that aren't there. If you want, I can help you make a sick report so you can take some time off and rest." Anna said with concern, and reached out her hand to touch Otto's forehead, checking if he had a fever.

"Ha ha.. Anna, you're too kind to me, but maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just imagining things and hallucinating. I'll take your advice and get some rest." Otto said, as he gently pushed Anna's hand away from his forehead.

After all, maybe I'm hallucinating because of work and overthinking.

Maybe I'm just obsessed with someone and seeing her everywhere.

Maybe resting will make me feel better.


There's also no way that Bishop-sama is too hungover to walk around here.

no way