
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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316 Chs

magical meteor and Raven Small Island

author note: sorry for not updating yesterday, there was a family event and I was tired, 

at the same time I want to give some information to you guys, there are some nicknames that global players may not be familiar with such as paramecium for kiana, duck or big duck for Bronya, white goose for durandal, mei... I forget whether mei has a nickname or not but just skip it first, in this chapter (actually before too) Raven will have the nickname Dodo.

each nickname is given by the honkai impact cn community for several reasons, Bronya duck is actually because of the problem of pronouncing her name in china similar to duck and has not entered the global at that time, no one spelled it correctly,

bah I lied, the real reason is because the name 'bronya' is too long to type, so just shorten it. because it is similar to the pronunciation of a duck so she is called a duck, just like that.

布洛妮娅 Bù luò nī yà = Bronya

鸭 yā = duck

鸭 鸭 ~

板鸭 Bǎnyā ~ (search it)

pressed salted duck

2 words > 4 words

mah explanation is too long for a stupid nickname, I give this info only because here and then I will use local cn nicknames more often, you know I was browsing in one of the forums and found Raven drawn like a dodo bird made me laugh out loud.


As the first light of dawn began to break, the day following the previous events was upon them.

"Finally, the individuals from the Schicksal Headquarters are nearly all departed," came the relieved voice of Dodo Raven. This seasoned operative had been stationed covertly near St. Freya for an extended period, and the news brought a sense of relief.

The source of this information was Gray Snake, an intelligence officer who had been keeping a close eye on the comings and goings at the headquarters. According to his reports, key figures such as the Bishop of Schicksal, Kallen, and the leadership of the Immortal Blade had all vacated St. Freya's Island.

The situation had returned to its initial state when Dodo first arrived on the island. However, there was now a clear and specific mission in contrast to the ambiguous task he had been given initially.

The mission was a daunting one - an assassination attempt on the Mihoyo boss, Luo Mo. The word 'attempt' caught Dodo's attention. Was the objective to eliminate Luo Mo or merely to scare him? Or perhaps Gray Snake doubted Dodo's ability to carry out the task?

However, for a mercenary like Dodo, overthinking was not part of the job description. The rules were simple: accept the payment and carry out the task. That was the extent of it.

With this in mind, Dodo got into position. She crouched low to the ground, set up her firearm, adjusted the necessary parameters, and aimed it at the path Luo Mo would inevitably take to reach his office each day.

"This location is too close to the academy. I should move a bit further away. If I'm too close to the Valkyrie, escaping could prove difficult," Dodo muttered to herself.

After relocating to a safer distance, Dodo made the final preparations. She slightly deflected the muzzle of her gun, temporarily aiming it at a nearby green belt to avoid raising any suspicion. With everything set, she began her vigil.

Despite all the preparations, Dodo felt a pang of unease. She mentally reviewed her escape route once more, ensuring there were no oversights. Once she was satisfied, she settled in to wait for her target to appear.


Within the hallowed halls of St. Freya's Academy, a scene was unfolding.

Luo Mo and Fu Hua, two prominent figures, were making their way to the company. Their steps were in sync, their conversation flowing easily. Ever since the release of the PV, Fu Hua had taken it upon herself to accompany Luo Mo whenever he ventured out.

"Fu Hua, there's really no need for you to accompany me to the company every day. Surely, no one would attempt an assassination on such a short journey?" Luo Mo expressed his concern to Fu Hua, his face etched with a hint of helplessness.

"Duty calls for it, you can't be unguarded." Fu Hua responded, adjusting her glasses with a slight movement of her hand. The lenses caught the light, reflecting a glint as she spoke in her usual indifferent tone.

Just as they rounded a corner, a faint "snap-" echoed from a distance. Dodo, who had been lying in wait, pulled the trigger decisively. A flash of white light followed, and an object hurtled towards Luo Mo's head at a speed too fast for the naked eye to track.

Fu Hua, sensing the impending danger, reacted instantly. She pulled Luo Mo aside, his body narrowly evading the incoming projectile. A gust of wind brushed past his shoulder, carrying with it a wave of heat.

Behind him, the asphalt pavement bore the brunt of the attack. A hole, a few centimeters in diameter, exploded into existence, scattering fragments of asphalt in all directions.

"What is this?" Luo Mo was taken aback. The bullet had been so swift that he hadn't had time to react. As the reality of the situation dawned on him, a chill ran down his spine. His heartbeat quickened, pounding in his ears like a drum, and a cold sweat broke out on his skin.

Before he could even process what was happening, Fu Hua, who was standing next to him, sprang into action.

Meanwhile, the raven, having taken her shot, turned on her heel and fled. Her movements were swift and fluid, reminiscent of a wisp of smoke disappearing from the scene of a crime.

Fu Hua's gaze followed the retreating figure cloaked in black, who was on the verge of disappearing into the dense foliage of the jungle. A frown creased her forehead. Such speed was not characteristic of an ordinary person!

After a moment's hesitation, she decided to pursue this Valkyrie-like assassin. Silently, she recited Phoenix Down in her mind, a mantra that would aid her in the chase.

She deliberately controlled her power output, reducing it to a level that would only mildly disrupt the opponent's mental state. As anticipated, the raven in front of her began to move erratically, her actions lacking the precision they had shown earlier.

Realizing her predicament, the raven halted, choosing to conserve her energy for the impending confrontation. She prepared to counterattack as her pursuer approached.

However, once the two engaged in combat, the raven found herself at a disadvantage. She was unable to land a single hit, while her opponent's fists found their mark with alarming frequency.

The raven was beginning to feel desperate. Even without the interference in her brain, she realized that she was no match for her adversary. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow.


"Dodo Raven?" Luo Mo queried, his gaze fixed on the captive before him. Dodo Raven, however, chose to ignore him, maintaining a facade of resigned surrender.

"Natasha Cioara?"

At the mention of this name, Dodo's demeanor changed. She turned to look at Luo Mo, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Hmm…" Luo Mo mused, a thoughtful expression on his face. Could it be that the World Serpent had dispatched Dodo so swiftly to carry out an assassination attempt on him?

He recalled the shot that had grazed his skin earlier. He had been caught off guard, and if not for Fu Hua's intervention, he might not have escaped unscathed. The incident had left a deep impression on him.

However, the arrival of a cadre from the World Serpent could potentially fill a gap in his plan. Despite the temptations offered by Schicksal, the World Serpent had remained unmoved, and his attempts to infiltrate their base had been unsuccessful. Now, he finally had a potential breakthrough.

Luo Mo decided to test the waters by introducing a seemingly unrelated topic. He turned to Fu Hua and said, "I heard about a meteorite that fell in Europe recently. It struck an island that had just been renovated. The local government investigated and found that, fortunately, no one had moved in yet."

"The impact caused the island to sink into the ocean, along with all the buildings on it. Fu Hua, am I remembering this correctly?"

"… There was such an incident." Fu Hua nodded in confirmation, although she appeared somewhat perplexed.

She had seen the report as well. It was a significant event. The fact that a meteorite had managed to strike an isolated island in such a vast ocean was peculiar. Even more so was the fact that the impact hadn't affected the residents living along the coast.

It appeared they were interrogating an outsider, didn't it? But what was the purpose of this line of questioning?

Suddenly, the captive Dodo Raven began to struggle violently. Her movements were even more frantic than during their earlier confrontation, but they were futile against the Immortal's expert takedown.

Dodo Raven glared at Luo Mo, her eyes glowing red and seemingly on the verge of tears. Even her usually sleek feathers, now visible from beneath her cloak due to her struggles, seemed ruffled and disheveled.

Upon seeing Luo Mo's amused glance, she gritted her teeth, snorted dismissively, and turned her head away.

"What does that island have to do with me!" Dodo exclaimed, her voice tinged with sadness.

"I didn't say it had anything to do with you," Luo Mo responded calmly, "I was just reminiscing about this amusing incident."

Dodo turned her head sharply, choosing to remain silent. Yes, it was her island. She had been renovating it, preparing to move in with her children when it had sunk. The loss had hit Dodo hard. She had been accepting quests non-stop, even daring to venture into this dangerous eastern region.

Although the quest had been forced upon her by Gray Snake, she had no choice but to accept it. But she hadn't expected things to move so quickly. Her dreams, her life's savings, all had been obliterated by a meteorite from the sky.

Her island had sunk, taking her dreams along with it. She would have to sleep outdoors with her children again.

 Oooooooooh, why did this happen! How could there be such a magical meteorite? She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out!

Overwhelmed by her misfortune, Dodo couldn't comprehend why such a calamity had befallen her. Tears welled up in her eyes again, but she quickly brushed them away. The island was gone, but she could earn again. If she were gone, who would take care of her children?

Then Luo Mo's words echoed in her ears, "Dodo, you wouldn't want Sora to be left without anyone to care for those children, would you?"