
How old is Little Senti this year?

the Herrscher of Sentience was practically vibrating with impatience, and Fu Hua was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement at the thought of seeing her old friends again – Luo Mo had to hold them back a bit.

There were still a few things they needed to take care of first.

Fuxi and Nuwa will not be rescued for a while, at least for two or three days.

This is the result of Fu Hua always taking Fenghuang Down to warm them(soul) up.

On the bright side, there was Little Senti official enrollment to take care of! The Herrscher General were about to expand by one! This was definitely something to celebrate, the principal must be happy.

" Tsk, anyway, unlike Mei, I won't say that I can't do anything. How embarrassing! I can do anything! "

She puffed out her chest proudly (or maybe crossed her arms like a grumpy kitten, depending on how you imagine her). Then, with a final huff, she let go of Fu Hua's sleeve.

" Well, the Herrscher of Sentience is indeed very powerful. It's something that only the Herrscher of Sentience can do. " Fu Hua gave her a small nod.

She meant to be supportive, but unfortunately, her face didn't quite match her words. It was still kind of serious and, well, a bit boring.

" It always feels weird to be praised by you… Forget it, just understand. " The Herrscher of Sentience said nonchalantly.

After speaking, she glanced at the game dialog on the screen and found that not only Lin Zhaoyu, Qin Suyi, but also several other disciples appeared one after another.

She had already guessed the next plot.

After all, She did it.

"Actually, maybe we should skip this part," she said to Fu Hua, her eyes lingering on the screen. "It's kind of a downer, and I wouldn't want to bum you out."

"At that time, their parents were harmed by the Honkai Impact. Old Antiques were kill all their parents. It would have been okay to hide it, but some of the kids even remember it all. It's a recipe for trouble!"

"Alas, the old antique is still too indecisive ~"

The Herrscher of Sentience only glanced at the beginning and knew what the plot was going to be next, and spoke something in her mouth, trying to guide them to skip this chapter.

" Hmm ~, the next part is fine too. After all, this is the first time for a new customer. "

Elysia tilted her head slightly, said with a smile on her lips, and her elf ears moved slightly, very playfully.

" I have no opinion..."

Fu Hua nodded lightly. She didn't want to expose these things in front of so many friends. There is no need to talk about these unpleasant things all the time when friends get together.

" Hey, here, I look very Cool. "

After the Herrscher of Sentience asked for advice, she skipped part of the plot.


In the game, Kiana and Bronya reached the mountaintop house, their doubts stressful at them. With a deep breath, they pushed open the door.

Instead of a welcoming sight, they were met with an unsettling scene.

The room was bathed in an eerie, dark red glow, and the darkness ahead seemed to swallow everything whole. It was like staring into a bottomless pit.

" Oh, it took you so long. I'm tired of waiting. "

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from above, and they also discovered that the ground under their feet was different from what they knew.

As the viewing angle of the game screen widened, in front of her was an extremely huge person, with just a small portal on her arm, and the frightened figures of Kiana and Bronya who had just entered.

There was a bit of laziness in the red eyes, as if he was impatient with waiting.

A strand of red hair adorned it, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. The outfit is flamboyant and charming, giving it a dark feel.


" Looking back at it again, I still look so good. There is domineering in the laziness, and the huge figure is hazy in the dark. Hmm ~ The original artist did a good job! "

The Herrscher of Sentience nodded to herself, clearly pleased with how she was portrayed.

It was not in vain that she had prepared the prefix for so long, but it was a pity that it was still not recognized by Kiana in the end, which inevitably made her a little frustrated.

Forget it, there's no need to fight for that old antique's failed life and name. Now that I think about it, there's nothing good about that name.

So thought the Herrscher of Sentience.

" Thank you ~" said a soft voice, and serious words came from the mouth of a blue-haired girl sitting next to Aponia,

Looking at the confused figure of the Herrscher of Sentience, she said, "Well, Aponia's mother said that when someone praises you, you should thank her promptly. This... mocking young lady. "

Griseo voice was clear and her eyes were pure. She looked at the Herrscher of Sentience with her big, fluttering eyes.

"mocking...? Wait, Griseo, did you draw that?" The Herrscher of Sentience stammered, pointing at herself in disbelief. It seemed the compliment, and the source of it, had caught her completely off guard.

The blue-haired girl, looking adorable with her hair bouncing as she nodded, chirped, "Yep! Did I do something wrong?"

The Herrscher of Sentience, however, seemed to take a different turn. Her eyes widened in mock horror, and she threw her hands up dramatically. "Hold on a minute! Griseo's out working already at her age? Shouldn't someone, you know, like a responsible grown-up"

– here she shot a some light jab at Aponia –

"be keeping an eye on her? Is this some kind of child labor camp you're running here?" Her voice rose with feigned outrage. 

"How old is she anyway? Does she even understand what's going on? This is outrageous!"

Elysia leaned in and whispered, or so she thought, "Hey, how old is Little Senti supposed to be again?" Unfortunately, her whisper wasn't so quiet, and instead of reaching the Herrscher of Sentience, it landed right in Luo Mo's ears.

Luo Mo, ever the loyal friend (or maybe a little too eager to please), didn't miss a beat.

He puffed out his chest and declared, "One year old! Easy peasy!" It seemed he'd been prepped for this exact question.

That was his conclusion after careful consideration and after collecting many thoughts.

As for letting Griseo go to work… it must be that she herself that wants to see more colors of world, He saw himself as more of a facilitator (which some might call child labor, but hey!).

"Don't believe me?" Luo Mo challenged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Look, after the Herrscher of Sentience was born..." He paused dramatically, then leaned in conspiratorially. "There was this whole other timeline, see, with the Herrscher of Domination – you might not know about it, but it only lasted a few months. So basically, the mighty Herrscher of Sentience..."

But before he could finish his grand revelation, the Herrscher of Sentience herself cut him off. A blush crept across her cheeks, and she sputtered, "Shut up! Shut UP! You the only one year old!"

 She stepped forward and took a piece of fruit and directly blocked Luo Mo's mouth. Then she glanced at the people around her. They were all a group of melon-eating people looking at her.

The Herrscher of Sentience puffed out her cheeks, a mix of anger and panic in her voice. "But I should have the same memories and age as that... old antique!"

Elysia, ever the playful one, tilted her head. "Funny," she said, "because you just called her 'old antique.' Shouldn't you guys be the same age then?"

"Ugh, no! Old antique is just about her personality, you know, all stuffy and stuck in the past," the Herrscher stammered. "Not... wait a minute, you totally got me sidetracked! We were talking about who let Griseo start working?"

The Herrscher of Sentience later realized that she had turned off her ability to sense other people's hearts long ago after coming here.

After all, she was surrounded by veterans and it would be very embarrassing to be discovered.

The Herrscher of Sentience narrowed her eyes, darting a look between Luo Mo and Elysia. A light bulb seemed to flicker on over her head. "Aha! It was you two, wasn't it? Working together to mess with me! No wonder you keep interrupting!"

" It's not me? How could I do something like that ~ " Elysia shifted her gaze slightly. It turns out that Herrscher of Sentience is only 1 year old, so a lot of her behavior is understandable.

Memory is not equal to experience; this is the understanding she has always had.

" Humph ~ You can't say for sure. If you look carefully, you are also an antique. Of course, I don't mean in terms of personality. " The Herrscher of Sentience said, she would like to see how the other party deals with the topic of age.

" Old, old antique..." The corners of Elysia's eyes twitched, and the smile on her face was a bit unbearable. It was almost as if a mischievous villain was whispering inside her head, urging her to retort.

Moreover, the other party also specifically emphasized that it was not just about personality.

" But Elysia always says that she is a young and beautiful 18- year-old girl ~" Luo Mo, who was watching the excitement, didn't think it was a big deal and cheered from the side and add something to fire.

Elysia's smile vanished, replaced by a frown. "Luo Mo..." she rumbled, clenching her fist. Here was her supposed teammate, happily throwing her under the bus!

The Herrscher of Sentience, sensing victory, pressed her advantage. "Eighteen, huh? That's a bit rich, don't you think? More like 50,018 or maybe even 52,018 years old, am I right?" she taunted, relishing the opportunity to poke fun. 

"Lying about your age is a big no-no, wouldn't you agree?"

"Actually, it's rare for me to think that what the Herrscher of Sentience said has some truth to it." Mobius chose to intervene, her eyes becoming more and more happy. She really liked seeing Elysia deflate.

For a time, the pink Elf lady was defeated by an army of her own friend, and the situation was anxious.


"Whoa! what a scary scene! That giant coming out of nowhere totally freaked me out. What was going on?"

Kiana's heart was pounding after that scene. The story really got to her. Whether it was the flashback to that night 500 years ago, or what each of the seven disciples were feeling inside, it was all so gripping.

Book of Fuxi Shu and Cheng Lixue were glued to the screen, totally absorbed in the story. They looked like they were putting themselves in Fu Hua's shoes – their faces kept scrunching up in pain along with her.

Kiana could tell they were really invested but interrupting them felt wrong at that moment.

Still, that giant appearing all of a sudden? That was seriously scary!

"Kiana! You've been pulled deep into some kind of mind trap from the very beginning. Lin Zhaoyu, Qin Suyi... none of it's real. This must be the work of the Herrscher of Sentience!" Cheng Lixue's voice was a little hoarse, but considering herself as a senior, she still spoke for her junior.

" Consciousness ? Herrscher, this world is really interesting and dangerous. "

Kongming looked at the screen in amazement. To her, things she had never seen before in the world were particularly interesting, and she wanted to help Mr. Assassin as soon as possible.

" Conscious control, tusk, fortunately, boss has successfully settled it. "

Kiana exhaled and patted her chest, feeling relieved.

" But that also means that we are missing a layer of training. If the idiot Kiana is also the protagonist in reality..." Bronya expressed her concern.

Although she was tired during this period, she also learned a lot about the anti-entropy side, and with the emergence of the Herrscher of Sentience, the possibility of the game species' encounters appearing in reality is infinitely higher.

" Kevin and Sakura from the previous era... they were defeated by Honkai. "

Mei pursed her lips. In fact, the first thing she thought of was the pink-haired girl, but she didn't know the other person's strength and status, so she didn't say it.

From this point of view, Elysia's recent appearance in front of Mei is quite effective.

" Hmph——, then leave it to me to settle the matter. Who made me the protagonist ? Even the little dwarf can't envy me. "

Kiana smiled at Bronya, which was a bit provocative.


The plot jumps to another place and connects to the scene seen at the beginning.

A bustling street teems with life, but no one notices the lone figure clutching a bright red feather. The figure, a woman, can't help but grin as she admires her masterpiece behind her.

On the floating island of Schicksal's headquarters, fire and black smoke rose and intertwined, and half of Schicksal was turned into ruins.

The feather was found on Otto's body.

" It's just that I feel sorry for these Valkyries now. But who made them choose Otto as their leader ~"

She was silent for a while, with the fireworks and fog rising into the sky behind her, she found a reason for what she had just done.

Taking a deep breath, Fu Hua(?) stretched her arms, trying to ease the tension in her shoulders. Finally, she spoke, her voice hardening with resolve.

"Honestly, if it weren't for Schicksal, and especially Otto, things might not be so bad. The world could be a much more peaceful place," she said, her gaze shifting back to the sky as if searching for answers.


"Okay, I admit it," she mumbled, "I kinda lost control. I mean, sure, I just blew up the cage and a couple buildings, but..." She trailed off, biting her lip. "Ugh, maybe I'm not as good at this as I thought!"

It's like talking to the consciousness in your mind, more like persuading yourself, even though it's a bit lame.

Looking around at the smoldering ruins of half of Schicksal HQ, now choked with smoke and debris from the explosions, she sighed.

"Who can possibly control everything and plan for every tiny detail?" she muttered, trying to convince herself. "Come on, even Dr. Mei makes mistakes, right?" She paused, clenching her fists.

"Sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet," she continued, her voice hardening with a mix of guilt and defiance.

"Even if it means hurting people, sometimes it's necessary for the greater good, for victory..."


Kevin narrowed his eyes at the Herrscher of Sentience, his arms crossed tight. "Look," he said flatly, "it's pretty clear you have some strong feelings about Dr. Mei."

He was sure that the Herrscher of Sentience in front of him had nothing to do with the Herrscher who destroyed mankind, but it was also slightly different from the Herrscher who fought for mankind.

The Herrscher of Sentience cleared her throat awkwardly. "Alright, alright, I get it," she mumbled. "Look, I just think Dr. Mei cares a little too much about people, you know? Maybe a bit too much for her own good." She paused, then added quickly, "Of course, I wouldn't say that out loud! Not after seeing old antique memories."

The Herrscher of Sentience talked about it and said that she is not that stupid in her head

If she insists on speaking ill of Dr. Mei in front of Kevin, then she is just as stupid as those idiots who emphasize that she are not Fu Hua every day(kiana).

Really, a little bit Don't know how to adapt, She decisively shifted the blame to Fu Hua.

"Look," she finally said, puffing out her chest a bit. "The point is, maybe Fu Hua had some strong feelings about Dr. Mei's leadership style. Maybe that's where some of my opinions come from, you know?" She tilted her head back, gazing at the ceiling with a mischievous flash in her eyes.

The Herrscher of Sentience kept bringing up Dr. Mei, almost like she couldn't help herself. It was like a reflex, even though she might not have meant to. (Deep down, a part of her clearly still respected Dr. Mei.)

Kevin noticed this, of course. It made the Herrschers of Sentience arguments a bit confusing. He stared at her, expecting some kind of explanation.

Silence stretched between them. Kevin wanted to retort, but the Herrschers of Sentience words held some truth. Finally, he sighed.

Kevin looked at the Herrscher of Sentience who raised his head, feeling even more helpless in his heart, "I understand Hua. "

The Herrscher perked up at that. "Good," she said, a hint of triumph in her voice. "Then you must understand how Dr. Mei's plan affected her, right?"

So what if you understand her? you never put her opinions first, right?

Like those two guys said. They hope to meet someone who values Fu Hua more than this world. Otherwise, they will end up taking advantage of them no matter how many times they come...

Kevin was speechless. He could abide by Dr. Mei's plan, but he couldn't ask others to abide by it.

Hua has done enough, and others cannot force her.

"... Then you should also understand me, Little Senti ~"

Elysia's somewhat sinister voice sounded in the ears of the Herrscher of Sentience, but there was no smile on her face.

Senti knew, and it was clear from Fu Hua's memory that Elysia was very concerned about her image, weight and age, which were untouchable red lines.

But, so what?

" You didn't mention it first, you can't afford it, right? "

The Herrscher of Sentience said harshly, she had rarely seen Elysia in front of her take action, but she also knew that the opponent's strength in the past was at least not weaker than her current one.

As for the current opponent? You have to fight it to know!

" It's good to know ~, you 're right, I shouldn't make unreasonable troubles about this matter ~" Elysia gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

The increase in weight already made her unhappy, and the age mentioned by the Herrscher of Sentience before made her mood even worse.

Her time in Elysian Realms count as age? NO that… Haha just say that place as perpetual place so she just forever 18 year old girl! (yeah her logic)

Griseo scrunched up her nose, peering intently at the shadow stretching from her skirt. It was actually the outline of Big Bronya's chest, thanks to the projection.

She furrowed her brow, completely lost in thought. This whole "age" thing was a confusing mess.

Sister Elysia wouldn't count it when figuring out how old she was, and Griseo wouldn't either. But then, if someone else tried to calculate her age, suddenly it mattered again! It was like a weird switch flipped on and off depending on who was doing the counting.

I really don't understand.


"Honkai hasn't been eliminated yet, and there won't be many free days in the future. At least for now - let's take it one step at a time. "

In the video, the Herrscher of Sentience stretched her waist and talked about her future plans.


Luo Mo, watching the video, snorted with laughter. He couldn't help himself. This whole "hero saving the world" thing coming from the Herrscher of Sentience was just too funny.

The Herrschers of sentience eyes narrowed on the screen. (Hey! What was so funny?) "What are you laughing at?" she demanded, a hint of fluster creeping into her voice.

Luo Mo, trying to keep a straight face, gave her a mock salute. "Just showing my deepest respect for a valiant warrior on a quest to eradicate Honkai!" he said solemnly.

"..., okay, Elysia, you too, don't laugh, I... didn't know I was a Herrscher at that time! "

" Ahem——, it doesn't matter, Little Senti, it is indeed the Herrschers responsibility to eliminate Honkai! "

"... Damn it, can you stop laughing? It's so embarrassing. "

Next chapter