
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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326 Chs

Himeko's Final Words

As for the Void Archive, it didn't seem to have any signs of reigniting, no matter what.

"Then...what will the end be?"

Kevin said softly, a strange glint in his eyes. His words gradually dissipated in the empty hall.

From the sudden appearance of the Herrscher of Sentience and the messages from Raven, he had sensed something.

If the world in the game is real, what is this world we are in now?

Intuition told him that parallel worlds weren't enough to explain everything.

If it were truly parallel, the Herrscher of Sentience shouldn't be here, nor should that ordinary person, Luo Mo.


Elysia's eyes lit up as she looked at the pictures in the manga.

It wasn't the part about Otto and Kallen, although that part did touch her heart. But she liked girls, the kind like Kiana and Mei!

So, her eyes were drawn to the part about Otto's crossdressing.

She had to admit that her original intention of wanting Kevin to say her lines was just a joke.

But now...the Schicksal Bishop had crossdressed, and the World Serpent's Lord wouldn't be out of the question, would he?

That's right, in all areas, especially this one, you have to roll up your sleeves.

It's a pity Mei isn't here...otherwise, this would be a lot more doable...

Elysia's gaze kept glancing towards Kevin, her mind churning with the "grand plan" of the Pink Fairy.

This was definitely a difficult task. Kevin, as the leader of the Flame-Chasers, was somewhat inappropriate, after all, this wasn't a g...game?

Elysia thought of something and her eyes shone brightly. It seemed like she could discuss this with Luo Mo.

Kevin, who had been maintaining a cold expression, suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. When he saw Elysia looking at him, he felt things weren't going well.

He had expected her to gradually unleash her true nature.

But he thought she was just teasing others lately, like Mobius, Luo Mo, Vill-V, and the like. He didn't expect her to suddenly turn her attention to him.

What was the reason?

Kevin thought deeply.

If he didn't eliminate this root cause, he was definitely going to be persecuted soon. He had a deep understanding of this.

He still wasn't good at dealing with this companion of his.

"Otto...Kallen, their story is quite romantic. The light of the candle is so alluring, making him want to chase it at all costs, until the very end, burning himself."

"It reminds me of the meaning of the moth to a flame. Its original symbolism was just like that."

Eden's voice of praise came from the side, a hint of intoxication in her golden eyes, singing sweetly.

She always loved those romantic and tragic stories, and Otto's story, along with the ending she knew, undoubtedly fit her aesthetic.

She and Elysia both loved beautiful things.

But there were slight differences in some important aspects.

"Tsk, for Otto, Kallen was indeed his light...but in the later years, she undoubtedly restricted his desires."

Mobius said helplessly.

It was a pity. She had thought that someone like her would appear in the later centuries, but alas.

Humans, after all, cared too much about human emotions and couldn't pursue infinity.

"I think that without Kallen, he wouldn't have even been interested in pursuing such a long life. It was because of that belief that he could continue for five hundred years."

Elysia denied, shaking her head gently, a faint smile on her face.

"Just like in the World Serpent's Elysian Realms, if you weren't there, I might not have been able to hold on for so long either."

She still longed for the beauty of everyone being together, and she believed in the power of companionship.

This was an emotion only humans could have.

Drawing strength from others, that was a power that belonged only to humans.


"Speaking of which...that mask, I think I've seen it somewhere."

Theresa stroked her chin, her little head nodding in a pretentious way.

Where had she seen it?

She was sure she had seen it, and it definitely wasn't in any respectable place.

"..." Kallen remained silent.

Perhaps because the mask belonged to her, the Phantom Violet's mask was still intact, locked away in a closet, hidden from the world.

It was a symbol of her commemoration of Otto, or perhaps a burial of her former naiveté.

She couldn't help but glance at Theresa twice. When did she get it?

But that wasn't the point now.

Kallen looked at the scene from the past, silent, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.

She was thinking, then she gave up thinking, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Otto conducted human experiments to cure the Black Death for me, and under the coercion of the Bishop, he continued to explore the power of Honkai...no wonder..."

She chuckled wryly, shaking her head, as if she had just understood her former comrade.

"So, that's why I felt...that he was indecisive, willing to fight alongside me for the people, and yet...he did so many wrong things for the old Schicksal."

"His stance has always been the same, he just wants me to have a better life... hehe."

She laughed self-deprecatingly, ignoring everyone's worried expressions.

She slowly stood up and said, "I...need to think about this again. My memories are blurry, even his face, the one I remember most vividly is the one from the game."

She walked slowly towards the outside, the sun was bright, but it was cold as a chasm.

St. Freya naturally had a house for the Bishop, and even if it didn't, it could have one.

Accompanied by Rita and Durandal, the three of them walked out, ready to stay at St. Freya for a while.


The story of the Herrscher of Flamescion has been out for half a day now, and Kiana's popularity has soared.

The revenue this time, if nothing unexpected happens, will still be quite impressive, and the discussion and emotional outpouring from players are huge.

Compared to the sadness of the last lesson back then, there's more of a sense of surprise and emotion now, like a seed that has grown into a giant tree.

Even though Himeko-sensei disappeared into the endless night, Kiana ignited that flame in reality.

The torch of that legacy was not extinguished, but was held high by the next person.

It was praised by thousands.

There has also been a lot of research into the story and characters of the Herrscher of Flamescion, and many details have been dug up by players, even under the promotion of someone.

It has further fueled the emotions of the players.

[The Herrscher of Flamescion's skills...are all about Kiana's companions, tears welling up, just like she said—she's moving forward carrying everyone's feelings]

[Nice touch, Kiana is truly moving forward with everyone's blessings]

[Every skill name is a different one of her companions' armors]


The captain skill—The Journey of the Nameless Ranger (Nameless Knight - Errant's Path), undoubtedly represents Kiana's Sky-Piercing Meteor stage, that initial, most dangerous growth.

The Oath of the Blazing Anthem, Anthem and Oath (Fiery Hymn's Pledge), undoubtedly refers to the long-lost Theresa;

The (Fiery Hymn's Pledge) - Fu Hua, the (Tempered Warrior's Strike) - Mei, the (Blazing Chariot's Trail) - Bronya,

And finally...the (The Blade Supreme, Rekindled)!

The three smaller skill names, Blazing with This Flame, I Am the Gauge, and Eternal Blazing Flame, need no further explanation, their meaning is self-evident.

It's not some obscure allusion, nor some unfathomable riddle. It's these words and sentences, summarizing the companions from St. Freya.

Kiana has engraved this into her abilities, carrying them into the next stage of her life.

[This is the way back for me and everyone!]

[I understand, and I'm deeply moved!]

[The Treasure Seeker is furious, she contributed her gems, but didn't get a place, she's already fainted on Mount Tai Xu]



It was a new day, and everyone, after being moved, wanted to play the updated game. Naturally, they needed to come to the company for voice-over work. This was something Kiana hated the most.

"I have to make the game I want to play myself?" was her original complaint, but every time she said it, she would still obediently come.

"You there? Kiana? Check this out?"

Luo Mo barged into the voice-over studio, then patted the already open door and smiled.

Without bothering to explain further, he played a video for everyone in the studio, or rather...an Easter egg they had missed while rushing through the story.

Luo Mo naturally hadn't forgotten, but he wasn't willing to be the first to point it out.

Now? Now there was no other way, right? The emotional value was about to be calculated.

As for the part about Himeko's consciousness space, many people still had fantasies about it.

They hoped that Himeko would also leave in the end, and they kept talking to her, triggering a final conversation.

[Wuwuwu—Himeko-sensei, MiHoYo actually hid an Easter egg, under that " first disciple of the Elysian Church " ID]

[Although it's a strange name, I don't understand the meaning of the ID at all, but every time, they're the first to reveal some detailed explanations, I always find myself tearing up for no reason]

[Didn't someone speculate that they're a MiHoYo insider? Sadly, they can't change the course of the story...]

[Huh? I left without looking back]

[Although I talked to her three times...but it was hidden so deeply?]


The recorded video played again. In a pure white space,

"Go, Kiana." Himeko said, her eyes filled with expectation.

The door in the distance was open, and her companions were engaged in battle outside.

But you didn't want to leave, and you didn't want to leave her alone here.

So you chose to continue talking, hoping for a miracle.

"Huh??? There's more dialogue here?" Kiana was puzzled, she didn't know about this part.

Luo Mo nodded subtly and looked at Kiana expectantly.

The others also looked over.


"Everyone is waiting for you outside."

Himeko said again in a gentle voice, understanding Kiana's predicament.

But the more she did, the less she wanted to leave.

"I will continue to protect you."

"Although this is our last meeting, it's not goodbye."

It wasn't a lie, it was a lie that wasn't a lie. She would only watch from the night sky.

"When you cry because you missed the sun, you'll also miss the stars."

She spoke a beautiful poem, like a true teacher,

Once again...trying to dissuade you.

[So, we've already missed Himeko-sensei, right?]

[Is there any way to turn back? I don't want her to leave...]

"One night I burned all my memories, and my dreams became transparent."

"One morning I threw away all my yesterdays, and my steps became light."

Himeko's voice was soft, comforting Kiana's heart.

She wanted her to let go of her worries and take a step forward...

Even if it meant, stepping over her.

Never to meet again.

[I want to click quickly, but it's like when you were a child and heard your teacher's nagging, but the teacher had endless things to tell you]

[But how can I let you go! Himeko-sensei!!]

Kiana's tears had already welled up in her eyes. She clicked through the dialogue again and again, but couldn't help but slow down a bit.

She wanted to end the moment of sadness quickly, but she was afraid of missing Himeko-sensei's teachings.

She rambled on about those little things, as if it would never end.

And the players, who were originally impatient, slowly calmed down, listening carefully to every word of advice, engraving them deep in their hearts.

"What's wrong? Kiana, do you want to hear me say anything else?"

"It's not good to stop in your tracks."

"You guys have to be good, don't cause any more trouble for the Principal."

"But...you guys are past the age of causing trouble, right?"

"The days of classes at St. Freya feel like yesterday...well, for me, it really was yesterday?"

"I never got to wear that red dress, what a shame."

"You guys probably don't have classes anymore."

Himeko-sensei scratched her head awkwardly, a familiar gesture from her time at the academy.

But that was yesterday.

Seeing her student still unwilling to leave, she smiled helplessly.

She talked about many people, comforting Kiana to trust Mei, not to grieve over her departure; she reminisced about the egg noodles Fu Hua made, and now she actually wanted to eat some; she also mentioned taking Theresa's snacks, wondering if she had noticed.

Those little things from daily life seemed so precious as they faded away.

She continued to speak softly,

"Well, I'm not a storybook, Kiana."

"Go forward bravely, Kiana, my heart will always be with you."

"It's normal to feel lost about the future, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Just do what you want to do."

"But no matter how busy you are, eat properly. But for Kiana...that shouldn't be a problem, right?"

[No...she can't, sweet pepper curry...]

[And those people at the Anti-Entropy base, Kiana can't eat on time... huhu]

"Alright, then I'll tell you another story."

Himeko's voice was a little helpless, she looked at her like she was looking at a mischievous student.

It was as if everything was back to how it was before, but it wasn't really.

"I once heard a story, Kiana."

"A mother who died, wrote many letters to her child before she passed away, so that she could receive one on every birthday."

"As a reward for the child's strength, she included enough money to buy candy in each letter."

"As the child grew older, the amount of money for candy in the letters also increased."

"Even after her own passing, she could be a mother who encouraged her child's growth, accompanying them through childhood."

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to leave you guys letters like that."

"The things you've learned from me, the things you've inherited, are the candy I've left you."

"It will grow quietly as you grow, becoming the strength that will make you move forward."

"That is proof that I once existed."

She paused for a moment, then continued with a smile,

"It's also...proof that I will always be with you."

"Kiana, there's nothing more I can teach you."

"Because no matter what difficulties you face, you can overcome them."

"You can make the right choices."

After saying this long speech, she seemed to have made up her mind. No matter how much she continued to talk, nothing else would pop up.

Except for one sentence...

Himeko looked at you gently, no longer speaking.

"Wuu—Himeko...sensei...," Kiana sobbed, looking at the heartbreaking scene in the video.

She hugged Mei, who was beside her, tears staining her clothes.

Kiana was heartbroken, she was in so much pain.

She thought she had recovered, but the boss gave her another unexpected stab in the back, and she was heartbroken.

"Himeko...Sensei...I, I should prepare a...gift."

Bronya glared at Luo Mo fiercely, with a hint of disdain.

[Stop stabbing, stop stabbing, the child is about to cry...why is this part so heartbreaking]

[The ground is full of knives, I'm actually trying to find candy among the knives?]

[Damn it, Teacher's Day is coming soon, why are you showing me this?]

[He wouldn't be doing this on purpose, would he? Is he trying to get a rise out of us?]