
Come out, my Little Senti!

Darkness pressed in, a suffocating weight. But somewhere within that endless void, a flicker of awareness began to stir.

The Immortal, once thought dead, slowly pulled herself back into consciousness.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. Time to wake up. You've been out for a long, long time." A voice, playful and bright, cut through the silence. Yet, it held no source, no direction.

Confusion swirled in her mind. "Who...who am I?" The words emerged as barely a whisper.

"Oh boy, not this again," the voice sighed, a hint of exasperation coloring its tone. "Look, we went through this last time, and luckily your brain seems mostly intact this go-round. Time to sift through the old memories and figure yourself out. We've got a world to fix, remember?"

"Who...who are you?" Her voice trembled, fear mixing with the disorientation.

"I'm your ID," the voice chirped. "I am the primal and truest form of you."

Suddenly, another voice joined the fray, this one distant and measured. "I am your SUPEREGO. Let me assure you, this isn't some case of schizophrenia. We're a part of you."

The cheerful voice – the ID – spoke again. "EGO pops in once you get those memories flowing. We need all three of us to make you whole, so get to work!"

Disbelief and a growing sense of urgency warred within her. This voice, claiming to be a part of her own mind, seemed to hold the key.

Each word pressed her forward, a desperate need to remember rising in her imaginary chest.

"Who am I?" The question echoed in my mind, a desperate appeal in a sea of emptiness.

"Remember," the Id urged, a gentle warmth beneath its words. "You are..."

The memories in my mind are like a tide, pouring into my consciousness...

Fragments of my past swirled and twisted - a lonely girl shivering in the biting wind, a warrior clad in shining armor, her golden sword gleaming, a killer with eyes colder than ice, and the ageless immortal, utterly alone.

The voices in my head, the Id, Superego, and Ego, tangled and overlapped. The Ego crackled with energy, the Id pulsed with a reassuring warmth, and the Superego echoed with an otherworldly calm.

Sorrow and pain pierced through the haze of memory. Each piece of my past, each fractured self, left a fresh ache in my soul.

"They are all you," the Ego declared, its voice ringing with newfound clarity.

"Every single one of them was you," the Superego's voice Follow, stark and detached.

"They're you, a part of you," the Id pressed, its tone insistent, almost pleading. "We can't waste any more time. He'll know soon, sense the change in your brainwaves..."

He? The word hung in the air, heavy with confusion and a flicker of dread. Fragments of who you were began to solidify. Fu Hua, the Red Kite Immortal. A sliver of understanding pierced the fog.

The voices in your head, your fragmented self, continued their relentless explanations.

"Otto Apocalypse," the Id hissed. "Fish through your memories. He's further back in there somewhere."

"Schicksal's Overseer. Your old friend," the Ego spoke, its voice strained. "and the only person who knows you're still alive..."

"...a liar, a murderer..." the Superego declared, its words laced with cold fury.

Id : We'll talk about this later. Take a look and see where you are right now.


Wordlessly, Fu Hua (?) opened her eyes.

It took a moment for her vision to clear, the world swimming into focus around her. Strange, disorienting... she seemed to be underwater, surrounded by a thick, almost slimy fluid. Tiny bubbles drifted upwards, catching the faint light.

"This pod Keeps you alive, for now," the Ego's voice echoed in her mind, a hint of bitterness cutting through its usual composure. "He patched you up…even that wound…"

A flicker of sarcastic 'warmth' from the Superego, unexpected and almost apologetic. "Perhaps there's a shred of guilt left in him."

The Id scoffed, its voice sharp. "More like trying to "imprison" you."

You skimmed through your memories. You're inside an NX-189 unit, the latest treatment pod of Schicksal.

"The most advanced model of its kind, even according to Previous Era standards." the Superego noted, a hint of reluctant admiration in its aloof voice.

Your eyes traced the room beyond the pod's curved glass. Harsh fluorescent lights, a tangle of wires and medical equipment, and the looming shapes of more pods dominated the space.

Various monitors flickered, their screens filled with graphs and data you couldn't understand.

the Id whispered. "What are those coffins hiding?"

You shook your head, the motion sending a cascade of bubbles swirling upwards. Nothing seemed to occupy those other pods, just the same murky liquid filling yours.

"This life support pod can only be opened by someone at the terminal." the Superego stated matter-of-factly.

The Id scoffed, a spark of defiance in its voice. "Like your fancy machines are a match for these fists!"

The glass door is very hard and cannot be opened without special instructions, but it is useless under your fist.

You clenched your fist, testing the unfamiliar strength that crackled through your body. A strength your memories couldn't account for.

With a roar, you slammed your fist into the glass. It shattered with a deafening crack, the shockwave sending the liquid within the pod sloshing violently.

Splinters of glass showered you, but you barely felt the sting. Elation surged through you as you pushed the broken remnants of the pod aside and climbed out, dripping yet free.

You stretched, reveling in the simple movement, a luxury so long denied.

Yes, this is what you want, without any restrictions or restrictions...

"My old friend! - You finally woke up. "

A familiar voice came from the side, which was an impression engraved deep in the hearts of the players, Otto,

After many days, it appears again.

[Wow, the dog is here, when will the health bar be turned on? Why don't you die?]

[ In its heyday, the Immortal, the pinnacle of immortality, endures the world, and with my Fu Hua, there will be heaven!]

[Why do I feel that something is wrong with this immortal? Besides, isn't the consciousness of the immortal in Kevin's place?]


Mobius let out a soft laugh. "This is fascinating...what an unusual method of creation."

Compared with previous civilizations, the Herrscher of Sentience in the game is very different in terms of how she was created and the conditions.

The most important thing is - she doesn't know who she is?

"Creating the consciousness of Honkai in... a body without consciousness ? This..."

A hint of excitement crept into her voice as she licked her lips. "This only intensifies my curiosity. I absolutely must get a closer look at this phenomenon."


"Hmm, this Herrscher definitely presents an unusual case. Three distinct personalities? It brings to mind those classic psychological theories." Elysia tapped her chin thoughtfully, a hint of skepticism in her voice and check her phone.

"Don't we call those manifestations the Herrscher of Humanity?"

"True, we all have that inner interplay...id, ego, superego," Vill-V chimed in, the brim of her hat coiling idly between her fingers. "But with her, we might be seeing Honkai consciousness split and amplified. Honestly though, the technicalities don't concern me as much..."

She paused, a glint in her eye. "I'm far more intrigued by the practical implications. Does she function more like a Herrscher or one of those Keys of God?

She has studied psychology for a while, and is a leader in the industry when it comes to multiple personalities, so her words are naturally very weighty.

"Think of it this way," Vill-V began, tapping her temple for emphasis. "If the body's a container – a shackle, like you said – then what matters is the core. The consciousness inside. It's really no different than a Divine Key. Those Keys are so powerful because they let a person channel the power of a core without all that nasty Honkai erosion."

Elysia pouted, a playful frown creasing her brow. "Comparing a girl to a Divine Key, honestly, Vill-V. That's hardly a compliment."

"Ah, relax Elysia," Vill-V chuckled, raising her hands in mock surrender. "It was just a metaphor, no need to get worked up." There was a flicker of mischief in her eyes though, as if her true thoughts were a well-kept secret.

" Well, from what you're saying, Vill-V, do you have experience in talking to three personalities? "

" Who knows? Maybe... they have become one of my personalities. " Vill-V said nonchalantly.

The magician 's top hat was spinning on her fingertips from beginning to end, evenly, not slowly, not hastily, which made Pardo pay attention and wonder when it would fall off.


Fu Hua's eyes snapped towards the sound, her body tensing. That blond man at the door, with his easy smile...she knew him. The memory was sharp as a knife, even if centuries had passed.

Her thoughts whirled, a silent echo of his words – you'd know him even if he turned to ashes.

Before that 'death,' it was his hand that betrayed her, the injection that plunged her into darkness. But now… now his voice rang out, promising revenge.

It felt like a twisted joke.

Otto kept rambling, his tone almost pleasant, as if he was reciting lines from a familiar script. "It's only fair, isn't it? You don't owe me, not after I was the one who shot you. That's precisely why I brought you back, fixed those wounds..."

A warning bell clanged inside her head. Don't trust those smooth words, they're poison. Her mind flashed back to that golden pistol, the surprise of the shot ringing out sharp and clear.

"Red Kite Immortal, I didn't lie." His voice had been so calm, almost kind.

Back then, she hadn't felt much pain. The memory of it was agony now.

Suddenly, a new voice cut in, sharp and insistent. It was her voice, but twisted with rage: This is it! That pain...make him feel it too! Just like you did!

But another part of her screamed back, a voice of reason battling against the raw fury: He's the most dangerous man alive! You have to stop him, or who knows how many more will get hurt...

And at the core of it all, her own voice, thick with a grief that wouldn't fade: He ruined Kiana. Your friend. He turned her into something... A Monster.

(ah just back)

Superego: Himeko's death...it's his fault. If he hadn't interfered, if he hadn't pushed your captain so far...she might still be alive.

Self: And he didn't just take Himeko. He stole ■■■ from you, didn't he? He gambled that you'd forgotten, that the years had washed it all away. He was wrong.

The name flickered in her mind, a fading ember refusing to go out. It was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared.

Superego: You have a chance now! You don't have to bear his twisted games anymore. You can change the past, undo the hurt...heal.

Self: But to do that, first you have to—


The three personalities reached an agreement for the first time, Hate blazed through her, a wildfire consuming everything else.

Fu Hua (?) walked towards Otto Apocalypse.

"Wait a minute, old friend... I—— " Otto was unusually in a hurry, even at a loss, and failed to understand the situation immediately.

Fu Hua didn't give him time to process. Her hand shot out, fingers clamping around his cheek with surprising strength. That perfect, perpetually smug smile didn't get a chance to vanish.

"... Gu... oh... that..."

She ignored him.

Her fist slammed into his face, and the impact echoed with a sickening metallic crunch. Soulium or not, it hurt like hell. But the pain was nothing compared to the wave of savage pleasure that washed over her.

Otto thrashed, trying to speak, but the only sounds that escaped his throat were choked, pathetic gasps. It was a desperate struggle, his hands clawing feebly at hers in a futile attempt to break her grip.

Superego: How pathetic ~

Ego: He deserves it.

Id: La ~ Lala ~


In an instant, the players' emotions boiled violently, and the response was fierce

[HOT NEWS: Bishop of Schicksal was crushed by Fu Hua-San!!]

[The crunching soul steel face actually sounds better than the music from the previous two days. Suddenly, I'm starving ]

[666, an ending that I never expected, killing Otto quickly with fists and hands, Too bad he's made of freakin' metal.]

[C'mon, a few more hits and I win the bet!!]

"Oh, Otto..." Kallen sighed, a wry grin tugging at her lips as she watched the screen.

After all the build-up, painting him as the ultimate villain, this was... oddly satisfying.

The rest of the world seemed to agree - the cheers were deafening. Turns out, nothing unites people quite like seeing a universally hated bad guy get punched in the face.

Rita chuckled, a hint of amusement in her voice. "He must hold some kind of record. I don't think I've ever seen a character this despised."

"Do you really think so, Rita?" Kallen asked, a hint of hesitation in her voice. For all his faults, the Otto in her memory... he still fought for humanity, didn't he?

Sure, he used questionable methods – horrible methods, maybe – to get that Black Death cure. But deep down, Kallen couldn't shake the thought... was there really a better way? Was there a choice that wouldn't cause pain?

Everything she'd learned with the Kaslanas, about being a guardian, a hero... suddenly it all felt tangled and confusing.

The world wasn't black and white, not like in the stories. Sometimes the 'right' thing to protect people...it left you feeling hollow. Kallen learned that lesson the hard way, during her time as Archbishop.

She couldn't bring herself to say Otto had been right. But she couldn't call him entirely wrong anymore either.

"That may be, but... things are rarely simple, right?" Rita paused, carefully choosing her words.

"A single viewpoint, a single story... it's never enough to judge the whole picture. That's why I hesitate to say anything too harsh." She paused, considering. "But yes, it's true there's a reason behind my actions in the game, my... loyalty to him."

Rita's brow furrowed slightly. Sharing a superior's burdens was part of the job description, true, but this conversation felt heavier than usual.

Kallen let out a soft sigh, the weight of it seeming to age her. "Well, the man has done terrible things. It's hard to look past that."

Otto is pure villain from the perspective of the protagonist Kiana, even herself who know him from childhood feels a little disgusted with Otto action in game, let alone someone who doesn't understand Otto at all.


The door creaked open, a sliver of light cutting into the dimness of the dubbing studio. It wasn't just two people who stepped inside...there was Fu Hua, Cheng Lixue, and of course, the Book of Fuxi nestled safely over Fu Hua's shoulder.

They See Several people watched the broadcast together. No one felt sorry for each other. Even Cheng Lixue's brows relaxed.

"This is amazing! It's even better than the time I saw my aunt's comic books get totally ripped to shreds. Woohoo!" Kiana's grin stretched from ear to ear, then she chugged her drink and let out a giant, satisfied burp.

Nothing felt better than this – not even an ice-cold soda on the hottest day of summer.

In fact, she'd done a whole side-by-side comparison in her head, and this feeling definitely came out on top.

" Uh, Kiana, don't say that. The principal is also very concerned about you. "

Mei touched Kiana 's head and told her to be careful if Principal Theresa found out about it later.

"Let me tell you, it's like... remember that time my aunt was supposed to be helping me with homework? Instead, she was slacking off, reading comics, but as soon as my mother came in, she subconsciously tore it up ~"

Kiana didn't care, she only said it after confirming that her aunt was not here.

Otherwise, why do you think she would dare?

" Also, after my mother left, her distressed look was even funnier. "

"Haha—— " Cheng Lixue hid her laughter and fell down. She caught Fu Hua giving her a puzzled look and quickly straightened up. It seemed that the master had taught this part?

"It's just... there's something about Lady Cecilia's daughter that reminds me of the way she acts in the game." Cheng Lixue paused, thinking carefully. "I know from the missions that Cecilia only had one daughter, and according to Schicksal's files, this isn't her. So, either there's another daughter we don't know about, or..."

"Wait, wait – you're Cheng Lixue? Like, the squad leader's apprentice?" Kiana's eyes went wide. "This is so cool! You're the first one I've actually met in person. You're even prettier than in the game!"

Cheng Lixue glanced at Fu Hua before replying, a hint of pride in her voice. "Well, I'd say I'm more like a master in my own right."

Okay, introductions are done, but what about Luo Mo? Well, he was busy tackling something super important... or at least, he was trying to wrap his head around it.

He stared at the screen, his lips pressed together, a confused frown on his face.

See, he'd just finished the side-story and scored a ton of plot crystals. Way more than he expected. His original stash was like 4,521, but now? The crystals for the plot of the main storyline, Sinner's Elegy, have already arrived.

After all, it is the main storyline, and there are foreshadowing's.

Plus the next two chapters about Mei's transformation, those are somewhat... The total is almost 20,000.

He simply drew a normal gacha pool and it was just 20,000.

Ugh, those stamina potions were a bust. And of course, the exclusive pool is about to close.

Luo Mo figured he'd hold off for a couple of days – no sense burning crystals on a lost cause. If things still looked bad when the pool refreshed, he'd just try his luck then.

That Raven Idol stigmata set was seriously underwhelming...

were put together to ensure that they could surpass 10,000 crystals and that Kongming would have a chance to come out.

he just didn't expect her to come out before that...

[Congratulations to the host Side-Story - Gemini Invasion, the day you vanished with the stars, and the Honkai Kingdom have been completed, and 2,902,583 emotional points have been obtained]

[The host's position is "Screenwriter", and the direct impact of emotional value is 80% ]

[The main game ratings are as follows :]

[Drama rating: 90] [Dubbing score: 87] [Music score: 94]

Not bad! But what really mattered was the final crystal count...

[The crystal value obtained from this main Story is 20976]

Okay, let's talk about those scores. Almost breaking 95 points? That's awesome! And the dubbing was fantastic too. With that extra 20% bonus, it's no wonder the crystal haul was so huge.

But thinking about the knife(to player, yea to make they cry) in the subsequent Side-Story plot, there seemed to be not many, and Luo Mo couldn't help but sigh.

But no matter what, this time is definitely a bumper harvest!

[The number of crystals currently held is 45497]

Luo Mo was grinning from ear to ear. His crystal hoard was looking healthier than ever, which meant one thing - his chances of pulling those hard-to-get Stigmata finally went up! In the back of his mind, he gave a silent thanks to all the players out there for contributing their tears...

However, the reason why he can't watch the game now is not this...

Instead, a phone call

Okay, phone calls themselves weren't crazy. But whoever was on the other end...well, let's just say even a call from a ghost wouldn't be this surprising. Talk about bizarre.

Then the system chimed in, and that's when things got really weird.

[Warning, Warning]

[... Host, there is a call coming, do you want to answer it?] Even the system's usual monotone voice had picked up a curious edge.

"Answer? Hold on a sec..." Luo Mo blinked at the screen, then narrowed his eyes at the system notification. "Since when do you have a phone?"

Is this system function a bit strange? Why does this shitty system have a phone function? Who do you want to talk to?

Is it possible... that you also want to commit telecom fraud?

But feeling curious, Luo Mo silently agreed.

[OK, connected]

"Hey, old antique, leave me alone! Seriously, I'm not listening, I'm too busy..." Luo Mo's voice trailed off as another voice popped into his head, cutting him off.

"Hey! Even if you waved all the power in the world in my face, I wouldn't want to talk to you. Dragging me in here without asking?" The new voice was sharp, with a hint of childish defiance.

"Hmm...Little Senti?" Luo Mo tried the name aloud. The way this...person? was acting sounded familiar, and who else would be unlucky enough to get mixed up in some weird situation like this?

"Wait, what? Who even are you? How did we switch? Where's the old antique?" The voice was filled with confusion now.

"Old antique's safe with me, buddy," Luo Mo replied, a smirk forming on his face. "If you want her back, hand over that core and play nice."

"You're kidding me, right? Like the old antique would fall for your tricks..." The voice trailed off, replaced by a frustrated growl. "Hold on! Why can't I pinpoint where you are? Ugh, this is driving me crazy! I just want to get my hands on you..."

" We are not in the same world, why did you come here? " Luo Mo said speechlessly, But listening to the crackling sound over there, you knew that the other party didn't hear what he said at all.

"Wait, different worlds? Perfect! That means the old antique can't hunt me down! I'm out of here!" Suddenly, the other voice sounded almost pleased.

[Please note that someone is trying to hack into the system]

[Would you like to expel them?]

"What's going on? It's really not the same world. Who is that? What can you do?"

The voice on the other side seemed a little anxious. She was stuck. In a chaotic white mist, she could not see anything except this invisible thread.

[Tip: Expelled characters will not be able to go back to their original world, instead they will be sent to a random world; Due to the character's unique status, it is judged that they can be accepted to this world.]

"Random world?" Luo Mo scoffed. "Is my system glitching or did this... Herrscher of Sentience seriously lose her marbles?" He paused, fighting the urge to pinch himself. Was he dreaming? this is getting weird.

Okay, okay, maybe he'd gotten a little carried away celebrating his crystal haul. But who'd have thought someone would try to crash the party through the internet? Or whatever the heck was happening here.

[Confirmed random world expulsion?]

"Whoa, hold on a second!" The other voice suddenly sounded panicked, any sign of fight gone. "Don't send me anywhere! I promise, I won't try to beat you up anymore, okay?"

Luo Mo sighed. "Look, I'm as confused as you are," he admitted, "But...well, just go with it."

[Required for acceptance: 10,000 crystals to replace the Herrscher in this world, and another 5,000 crystals]

[If not replaced, the opponent will not be able to exert the power of the Herrscher of Sentience]

Luo Mo almost did a victory dance...until he saw the price tag.

Okay, so Fu Hua hadn't actually started making her fancy new body with mobius, Small mercies. That would have been a disaster with a capital D.

"Alright, alright," he grumbled to the system, "Let's do the swap."

Another chunk of his crystal hoard vanished, and, weirdly enough, he could feel something shift. Like now, there was this extra...thing inside his system, ready to be unleashed. Problem was, once he let it loose, there was no going back.

[The number of crystals currently held is 30497]

alas my crystals

"Boss! Boss! Hey, are you even listening to me?" Kiana poked Luo Mo's arm, getting more and more annoyed. He'd been spacing out forever, and she was dying to know what was up.

"Hang on, sorry about that," Luo Mo said, flashing an apologetic smile at Fu Hua, who was starting to look confused. "Hey, wanna see a magic trick? Just a small one."

" Again? Isn't it too early this time? " Kiana was alert, no matter how much she said she would know after experiencing the same thing for the third time!

"So...who's joining us this time?" Mei asked, she little curious.

" Fu Hua ~ Speaking of which... are you good at education? Or, are you good at coaxing people? " Luo Mo's question was a bit strange, but Fu Hua still shook her head.

Luo Mo gave Fu Hua a big, encouraging thumbs up. "Keep up the good work!" She looked utterly puzzled for a second, and he couldn't help but smile internally.

"There's an Old Antique in your world? Also, who wants to be coaxed by her!? Who are you referring to?" The voice was a little angry.

"Come on out, Little Senti!" Luo Mo ignored the question, randomly tossing a nearby ball into the air like it was a Pokeball.

"Don't you dare call me that!" The Herrscher of Sentience appeared in a flash of light, spinning around to give Luo Mo a furious glare.

Kiana and Mei tensed instantly, their eyes locking onto the newcomers. Even Bronya and Seele exchanged wary glances.

Meanwhile, Fu Hua narrowed her eyes, studying the familiar faces from the game with sharp focus. Cheng Lixue couldn't help but shift her gaze between Fu Hua and her double...or was it something more?

At this time, what appeared on the game screen was exactly the scene where Durandal heard the alarm and rushed over, and Otto's body fell to the ground weakly.

The corners of his mouth were no longer as gentle as before, his eyes were lifeless, the corners of his mouth were bleeding and he lay limp on the ground.

The head is tilted to the left, and if you look carefully, you can see that there are marks of fists on the cheeks.

"Ooh, this part! Looks familiar." The Herrscher of Sentience smirked the moment the scene flickered back on. "I love seeing this, I really do. Let's hit replay, I say!"

As she turned to watch, the memory was etched sharp and clear in her mind. She puffed out her chest, a cocky smile spreading across her face. "Ah, that was my grand entrance! One punch and the big, bad bishop was down for the count!"

Luo Mo sighed, barely hiding a smile. "Sure, we can replay it if you want." He clicked the screen, the action replaying on sign.

"Hmph, this doesn't do justice to the real thing," The Herrscher of Sentience said with a dismissive wave, then gave Luo Mo a playful pat on the shoulder.

"But that's pretty good! I'm very optimistic about you!"


Edit: Thank you RVN_RZGRZ for suggestions and corrections to this chapter.

Next chapter