
Make you mine forever

Isla Jones is a very hardworking women. she graduated from the most prestigious university of her country. she wants to work for Lee group and be a professional women who could support herself. she is hardworking, intelligence, kind hearted, has helping nature, but speaks very less due to which she has nearly no friends. Daniel Lee , who has just taken over Lee group from his father is a very formidable person. famous worldwide , he is workoholic and very intelligent. The one who are his enemies are never spared and shown mercy. He has a big family but he is close to no one . what will happen when Daniel will meet this distinguished lady called Isla? . will his frozen heart ever melt ? how both of them will fight against difficulties to live with each other. ALERT ( MATURE CONTENT) AS THE STORY GOES ON THERE WILL BE SOME EXPLICIT SCENES. SO BE ALERT. Enjoy reading and please support me. I am new to writing so I need your support and your reviews to improve myself. thank you...and lots and lots of love......

feathers_11042002 · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 46. Shopping Mall........

Grace, Isla and Julie entered The Luxury Mall followed by six bodyguards.

This mall is one of the most elite mall made for elite people who have money to throw for luxury and leisure.

The three women looked so gracefull and formidable that all the people present in the mall stopped whatever they were doing and turned around to watch their walk.

Grace was recognized by the staff present in the mall. And the manager specially came down from her office to escort them and show them around the mall. As the matriarch of the Lee Family, Grace was respected by all. The staff and the manager were showing there bestest of best services to them.

"Aunt let's go to that store. I heard a new seasons collection is launched recently." Julie said.

" Yes ma'am. This luxury brand, even though is new in the market, has really good collection. The designer is very particular about texture and elegance in the work. The material launched each season is natural and soothing for skin. And the designs are very unique of each one of them. " The manager explained.

Inside the store.

As the three women entered the store, all the bodyguards stood outside the door to guard the store except for Alex, who followed them in.

"Isla what do you think of this dress for you. I think this color will look really good on you. " Grace said picking up a sunny yellow woolen dress for her.

"Mom, I already have a lot at home which I still have not worn. It's not required."

"But this is really good. I think you should buy this." Grace said insisting her.

"Okay. I will buy it." she smiled and took it to the changing room to check.

Meanwhile, Julie was looking at a dress intently. It was a beautiful powder pink dress with puffed sleeves and a side slit.

"Can I have this dress? " She said to the staff.

"Sure madam."The staff immediately arranged it for her.

Grace was sitting in a couch and reading a fashion magazine. She selected some of them and buyed them for Isla and herself. After shopping for like an hour in the store the three women left.

"The store had really good collection."Julie said as she was satisfied with her shopping.

"Yes I agree." Grace said.

While the typically two rich shopaholic ladies were chatting about clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry they buyed, Isla was staring at a men's clothing store , Brioni. She really wanted to buy something for Daniel.

Grace saw this. She was so happy that there was now someone who would take care of her son. She placed her hand on isla's shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She then patted her back and asked her to go ahead with a candid smile on her face. Meanwhile, Isla was blushing hard. But still she went ahead into the store followed by Alex and Ryan, her bodyguards.

"Ma'am, how may I help you? " one sales lady came ahead and asked Isla. Looking at the two professional bodyguards, dressed entirely in black, she knew that the lady was some important person. And she didn't want to offend her.

"I want to buy something special for my husband as gift." Isla replied politely while checking out a black shirt.

Since Daniel had many black and white shirts in his wardrobe she wanted to gift him something else.

She knew that Danial generally wears dark shade or pure white shirts. So if she wanted to buy something of his choice she will have to find something in this range.

Suddenly her eyes caught an olive green shirt. It was dark and looked really elegant. Isla could easily imagine how Daniel would look in that shirt.

She walked towards the mannequin and touched the fabric. Of course it was very soft as the brand was world renowned.

"Ma'am your choice is really nice. This peace is Limited Edition." The sales woman smiled.

"Can you pack this for me. " Isla told her the size which earlier Grace whispered in her ear.

later she also buyed a pair of cuff links.

When she came out of the store She asked Alex " Alex, Can you show me the way to mother and Julie?"

"Sure Madam." She replied.

"Please don't call me that. Call me Isla." Isla was embarrassed by the way they always called her madam in front of everybody. She was unused to this feeling.

"We cannot do so madam." Said Alex bowing politely at her.

Isla was the wife of Daniel. And Daniel was somebody they all respected alot. Moreover, now that they both were their employers, this was Courtesy.

Alex was a very fair and beautiful woman. She had long legs, beautiful blue eyes, black hair which were cut short and slender body with strong muscles.

If she was not a bodyguard she would have been a model with such an amazing features.

'She is so beautiful.' Isla thought.

While walking towards the spa saloon area Isla again said. "Why don't we become friends. You are like an elder sister to me. And you too Mr. Ryan. Why do you always have to look so intimidating?"

"Madam, it is our duty to protect you. We cannot loose our focus in doing This job. Boss has entrusted you to us and specifically instructed to guard you with our lives. And slightest mistake will be unforgivable." Ryan said in one stretch which made Isla to shut her mouth.

She knew that Danial's life was always at risk as he had many enemies. But was it really necessary to give so much security to her? After all, who knew her? There marriage wasn't even public yet. Why was her security so tight?

Isla was taking Danial's enemies lightly. She didn't knew how bad it could be to take them lightly. After all, bigger the person, bigger are the enemies.

Grace and Julie were having body massage in a spa. "Isla is really a nice girl. Don't you think she is way too innocent for the Lee Family, Aunt?" Julie said.

They both were lying in the massage bed and chatting about all kinds of things.

"Yes, you are right. She is way too innocent. But thats what grounds Daniel. Her innocence. I can see in his eyes. He loves her a lot. And I know that he will protect her. she is young right now. But she will grow strong with him. " Grace said with a smile on her lips.

"Yes, you are right aunt. They really look good together." Julie said while laying down in the bed again with a smile.

"I just want them to have a baby as soon as possible. It will make their relationship strong as well and also bring them closure to each other. " Grace said.

"But they just got married. Don't you think they should enjoy themselves , aunt? " Julie said.

"What enjoy? You youngsters know nothing. They can enjoy their lives even after having children. And moreover it is nice to have a baby while you are young. As you grow old it will be tough to get pregnant. You are a gynecologist. you should know Julie." Grace said rolling her eyes.

"Aunt she is just 21. Why so hurry? She still has a lot of time." Julie said while laughing. She could not believe that Grace would use this excuse to fulfill her desire to have a grandchild.

"But I am also getting old. And your uncle too. They should have a baby while we are alive." Grace said dramatically.

"What are you saying aunt? How are you old. You look too young to be called old." Julie said seriously.

"Stop flattering me." Grace was really happy

from inside that Julie thought that she still looked young.

"But if you want, I can check on her and prescribe some multivitamins and syrups that will make her body healthy to consive a baby. I saw she is a little underweight to have a baby right now."Julie said.

"Yes, please. I will bring her to you other day." Grace said enthusiastically.

Julie nodded her head and they both giggled.