

He couldn't feel anything. His emotions weren't there anymore, he just wanted to end it all.

And there he was, in the edge of one of the biggest building in the town. He had reached the roof with a lot o effort, there was no elevator in the last four floors and he had to take the stairs. But he couldn't care less.

With his eyes closed and his heart racing, he took one last breath, feeling, for the last time, the air touching his face. And he put a foot in the air, with his eyes open and looking to the sky.

"Wait!" someone screamed, making him flinched in surprise and look back, without noticing that his foot was still in the air. He almost fell, but the stranger was fast and before all his body was in the air, he embraced him and took him to the safety of the floor.

"Please, don't do it..."

Who the hell was this guy?

I've never thought of publishing a story in english. It's truly new for me since my native language is spanish, so I'm really sorry if there's any mistake in the grammar or even in the use of the vocabulary.

Hope you like this story so far!

agneparadisecreators' thoughts